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Last active April 12, 2016 01:10
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Squib sample: images
require 'squib'
require 'squib/sample_helpers' 1000, height: 3000) do
draw_graph_paper width, height
sample "This a PNG.\nNo scaling is done by default." do |x, y|
png file: 'angler-fish.png', x: x, y: y
sample 'PNGs can be upscaled, but they will emit an antialias warning (unless you turn it off in the config.yml)' do |x,y|
png file: 'angler-fish.png', x: x, y: y, width: 150, height: 150
sample 'SVGs can be loaded from a file (left) or from straight XML (right). They can also be scaled to any size.' do |x,y|
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100
svg data:'robot-golem.svg'), width: 100, height: 100,
x: x + 200, y: y
sample 'PNG and SVG can be auto-scaled by one side and setting the other to :scale' do |x,y|
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x, y: y, width: 50, height: :scale
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x + 50, y: y, width: :scale, height: 50
png file: 'angler-fish.png', x: x + 200, y: y, width: 50, height: :scale
png file: 'angler-fish.png', x: x + 250, y: y, width: :scale, height: 50
sample 'PNGs can be cropped. To work from sprite sheets, you can set crop coordinates to PNG images. Rounded corners supported too.' do |x,y|
png file: 'sprites.png', x: x - 50, y: y - 50 # entire sprite sheet
rect x: x - 50, y: y - 50, width: 100, height: 100, # draw the crop line
radius: 15, dash: '3 3', stroke_color: 'red', stroke_width: 3
text str: '➜', font: 'Sans Bold 36', x: x + 150, y: y - 35
png file: 'sprites.png', x: x + 200, y: y - 50, # just the robot golem image
crop_x: 0, crop_y: 0, crop_corner_radius: 15,
crop_width: 100, crop_height: 100
png file: 'sprites.png', x: x - 50, y: y + 50 # entire sprite sheet again
rect x: x + 14, y: y + 50, width: 65, height: 65, # highlight the crop
radius: 25, dash: '3 3', stroke_color: 'red', stroke_width: 3
text str: '➜', font: 'Sans Bold 36', x: x + 150, y: y + 50
png file: 'sprites.png', x: x + 225, y: y + 50, # just the drakkar ship image, rotated
crop_x: 64, crop_y: 0, crop_corner_x_radius: 25, crop_corner_y_radius: 25,
crop_width: 64, crop_height: 64, angle: Math::PI / 6
sample 'SVGs can be cropped too.' do |x,y|
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100,
crop_x: 40, crop_y: 0, crop_width: 50, crop_height: 50
sample 'Images can be flipped about their center.' do |x,y|
png file: 'angler-fish.png', x: x, y: y, flip_vertical: true, flip_horizontal: true
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x + 200, y: y, width: 100, height: 100,
flip_horizontal: true
sample 'SVG can be limited to rendering to a single object if the SVG ID is set. If you look in this SVG file, the black backdrop has ID #backdrop.' do |x,y|
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', id: 'backdrop', x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100
sample "The SVG force_id option allows use of an ID only when specified, and render nothing if empty. Useful for multiple icons in one SVG file.\nThis should show nothing." do |x,y|
svg file: 'robot-golem.svg', x: x, y: y,
force_id: true, id: '' # <-- the important parts
sample 'NOTE! If you render a single object in an SVG, its placement is still relative to the SVG document.' do |x,y|
svg file: 'offset.svg', x: x, y: y
rect x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, dash: '3 1', stroke_color: 'red', stroke_width: 3
svg file: 'offset.svg', id: 'thing', x: x + 200, y: y, width: 100, height: 100
rect x: x + 200, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, dash: '3 1', stroke_color: 'red', stroke_width: 3
sample 'PNGs can be blended onto each other with 15 different blending operators. Alpha transparency supported too. See' do |x,y|
png file: 'ball.png', x: x, y: y
png file: 'grit.png', x: x + 20, y: y + 20, blend: :color_burn, alpha: 0.75
sample 'Rotation is around the upper-left corner of the image. Unit is radians.' do |x,y|
rect x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, stroke_width: 3, dash: '3 3', stroke_color: :red
png x: x, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, angle: Math::PI / 4, file: 'angler-fish.png'
rect x: x + 250, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, stroke_width: 3, dash: '3 3', stroke_color: :red
svg x: x + 250, y: y, width: 100, height: 100, file: 'robot-golem.svg',
angle: Math::PI / 2 - 0.2
sample 'SVGs and PNGs can be used as masks for colors instead of being directly rendered.' do |x,y|
svg mask: '#00ff00', file: 'glass-heart.svg', x: x - 50, y: y - 50, width: 200, height: 200
svg mask: '(0,0)(500,0) #eee@0.0 #111@1.0', file: 'glass-heart.svg', x: x + 150, y: y - 50, width: 200, height: 200
sample 'PNG masks are based on the alpha channel. Gradient coordinates are relative to the card.' do |x,y|
png file: 'with-alpha.png', x: x - 50, y: y
png file: 'with-alpha.png', mask: :magenta, x: x + 50, y: y
mask = "(#{x+150+75}, #{y+75}, 0)(#{x+150+75}, #{y+75}, 100) #f00@0.0 #000@1.0"
png file: 'with-alpha.png', mask: mask, x: x + 150, y: y, width: 150, height: :scale
save_png prefix: '_images_', dir: '.'
require 'squib' 825, height: 1125, cards: 1, config: 'load_images_config.yml') do
background color: '#0b7c8e'
rect x: 38, y: 38, width: 750, height: 1050, x_radius: 38, y_radius: 38
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 620, y: 75 # no scaling is done by default
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 620, y: 218
# Can be scaled if width and height are set
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 50, y: 50, width: 250, height: 250
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 305, y: 50, width: 250, height: 250
# ...but PNGs will warn if it's an upscale, unless you disable them in config.yml
# Can be scaled using just width or height, if one of them is set to :scale
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 200, y: 350, width: 35, height: :scale
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 200, y: 390, width: :scale, height: 35
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 240, y: 350, width: 35, height: :scale
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 240, y: 390, width: :scale, height: 35
# You can also crop the loaded images, so you can work from a sprite sheet
png file: 'sprites.png', x: 300, y: 350 # entire sprite sheet
png file: 'sprites.png', x: 300, y: 425, # just the robot golem image
crop_x: 0, crop_y: 0, crop_corner_radius: 10,
crop_width: 64, crop_height: 64
png file: 'sprites.png', x: 400, y: 425, # just the drakkar ship image
crop_x: 64, crop_y: 0, crop_corner_x_radius: 25, crop_corner_y_radius: 25,
crop_width: 64, crop_height: 64
png file: 'sprites.png', x: 500, y: 415, # just the drakkar ship image, rotated
crop_x: 64, crop_y: 0, crop_corner_x_radius: 25, crop_corner_y_radius: 25,
crop_width: 64, crop_height: 64, angle: Math::PI / 6
# Cropping also works on SVGs too
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 300, y: 500, width: 64, height: 64,
crop_x: 32, crop_y: 32, crop_width: 32, crop_height:32
# We can flip our images too
png file: 'sprites.png', x: 300, y: 535, flip_vertical: true, flip_horizontal: true
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 300, y: 615, width: 64, height: 64,
flip_vertical: true, flip_horizontal: true
# We can also limit our rendering to a single object, if the SVG ID is set
svg file: 'spanner.svg', id: '#backdrop', x: 50, y: 350, width: 75, height: 75
# Squib prepends a #-sign if one is not specified
svg file: 'spanner.svg', id: 'backdrop', x: 50, y: 450, width: 125, height: 125
# We can also load SVGs as a string of XML
svg data:'spanner.svg'), x: 50, y: 600, width: 75, height: 75
# The svg data field works nicely with modifying the SVG XML on-the-fly.
# To run this one, do `gem install game_icons` and uncomment the following
# require 'game_icons'
# svg data: GameIcons.get('angler-fish').recolor(fg: '#ccc', bg: '#333').string,
# x: 150, y: 600, width: 75, height: 75
# More examples at
# (or `gem install game_icons`) to get & manipulate art from
# Nokogiri (already included in Squib) is also great for XML manipulation.
# WARNING! If you choose to use the SVG ID, the x-y coordinates are still
# relative to the SVG page. See this example in an SVG editor
svg file: 'offset.svg', id: 'thing', x: 0, y: 0, width: 600, height: 600
# Over 15 different blending operators are supported.
# See
# Alpha transparency too
png file: 'ball.png', x: 50, y: 700
png file: 'grit.png', x: 70, y: 750, blend: :color_burn, alpha: 0.75
# Images can be rotated around their upper-left corner
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 300, y: 700, angle: 0.0 # default (no rotate)
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 300, y: 800, angle: Math::PI / 4
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 300, y: 900, angle: Math::PI / 2 - 0.1
# Images can also be used as masks instead of being directly painted.
# This is particularly useful for switching directly over to black-and-white for printing
# Or, if you want the same image to be used but with different colors/gradients
svg mask: '#00ff00',
file: 'glass-heart.svg',
x: 500, y: 600, width: 200, height: 200
svg mask: '(0,0)(0,500) #ccc@0.0 #333@1.0',
file: 'glass-heart.svg',
x: 500, y: 800, width: 200, height: 200
# Masks are based on the alpha channel, so this is just a magenta square
png mask: :magenta, file: 'shiny-purse.png',
x: 650, y: 950
# Note that this method does nothing, even though it would normally fill up
# the card. force_id: true looks to the id field to be non-empty to render.
# This is useful if you have multiple different icons in one SVG file,
# but sometimes want to use none.
# e.g. id: [:attack, :defend, nil]
svg file: 'spanner.svg', width: :deck, height: :deck,
force_id: true, id: '' # <-- the important part
save prefix: 'load_images_', format: :png
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