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Last active April 12, 2016 00:42
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  • Save andymeneely/7b4a3acd0e758aedf87ba549e2025a11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Squib samples
# To configure for using SVG as our backend, we need to set this option
# This will create a series of SVG files that get updated with Squib command
backend: svg
# They are auto-saved with this background
prefix: backend_vectors_
require 'squib'
# Our SVGs are auto-saved after each step using the configuration parameters 2, config: '_backend-config.yml') do
# These are all supported by the SVG backend
background color: :gray
text str: 'Hello, world!', y: 500, width: 825, font: 'Sans bold 72', align: :center
rect x: 38, y: 38, width: 750, height: 1050, x_radius: 38, y_radius: 38
circle x: 100, y: 400, radius: 25
triangle x1: 100, y1: 425, x2: 125, y2: 475, x3: 75, y3: 475
line x1: 100, y1: 620, x2: 720, y2: 620, stroke_width: 15.0
svg file: 'spanner.svg', x: 100, y: 75
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 250, y: 75 # raster can still be used too
png file: 'shiny-purse.png', x: 250, y: 250, mask: :red # still renders as raster
# We can still rasterize whenever we want
save_png prefix: 'backend_'
# And our PDFs will be vectorized .
save_pdf file: 'backend_vectorized.pdf', gap: 5
# This one is a known issue. Masking an SVG onto an SVG backend is still buggy.
# svg file: 'glass-heart.svg', x: 100, y: 200, width: 100, height: 100, mask: :sangria
# This one is, unfortunately, not possible with svg back ends
# Cairo lacks a perspective transform (currently), so we have to
# use a striping method, which assumes raster. Fortunately, Cairo
# has perspective transforms on its roadmap,
# so perhaps this can be done someday with all vectors.
# showcase file: 'showcase.png', fill_color: 'white'
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