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Last active March 9, 2016 02:33
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  • Save andypetrella/451263d8dc92e25d8341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andypetrella/451263d8dc92e25d8341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Super basic qplot implementation on Scala collection, using R backend as renderer... in 74 lines :-)
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"source" : "> Warning:\n>\n> You'll need `R` install locally, \n> you'll also need `ggplot2` \n> * ```install.packages(\"ggplot2\")```\n> * or on ubuntu, ```apt-get install r-cran-ggplot2```.\n>"
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"source" : "import scala.language.postfixOps\nimport SamplerImplicits._\ndef qplot[C:ToPoints:Sampler](\n c:C, \n x:String=\"\", y:String=\"\", \n geom:List[String]=Nil, fill:String=\"\", \n method:String=\"\", formula:String=\"\", color:String=\"\",\n main:String=\"\", xlab:String=\"\", ylab:String=\"\",\n width:String=\"150px\", height:String=\"150px\"\n) = {\n val toPoints = implicitly[ToPoints[C]]\n val points = toPoints(c, toPoints.count(c).toInt)\n val ps = { case (h, i) =>\n h →\n }\n val cols = { case (h, vs) =>\n val arr = => toJson(v).toString)\n s\"\"\"\n $h <- c(${arr.mkString(\",\")})\n \"\"\"\n }.mkString(\"\\n\")\n val r = s\"\"\"\n $cols\n\n df <- data.frame(${\",\")})\n \"\"\"\n import sys.process._\n \n val scriptFile =\"r-script\", \".R\")\n val img =\"r-plot\", \".png\")\n \n def addString(param:String, s:String) = s match {\n case \"\" => \"\"\n case x => s\"\"\", $param = \"$s\" \"\"\"\n }\n \n def addField(param:String, s:String) = s match {\n case \"\" => \"\"\n case x => s\"\"\", $param = $s \"\"\"\n }\n \n val plot = s\"\"\"\n library(ggplot2) \n\n\n q <- qplot(data=df\n ${addField(\"x\", x)}\n ${addField(\"y\", y)}\n ,geom=c(${ => \"\\\"\"+x+\"\\\"\").mkString(\",\")}) \n ${addField(\"fill\", fill)}, \n alpha=I(.5), \n main=\"$main\", xlab=\"$xlab\", ylab=\"$ylab\"\n ${addString(\"method\", method)}\n ${addField(\"formula\", formula)}\n ${addField(\"color\", color)}\n )\n ggsave(\"${img.getAbsolutePath}\", plot=q)\n\n \"\"\"\n val script = s\"\"\"\n $r\n\n $plot\n \"\"\"\n val w = new\n w.write(script)\n w.close()\n \n Process(s\"Rscript ${scriptFile.getAbsolutePath}\") !!\n \n val i = widgets.img(\"png\", width, height)\n i.file(img)\n i\n}",
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"source" : "case class Car(model:String, mpg:Double, cyl:String, disp:Double, hp:Double, drat:Double, wt:Double, qsec:Double, vs:Double, am:String, gear:String, carb:Double)",
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"source" : "qplot(cars, x=\"mpg\", geom=List(\"density\"), fill=\"gear\", main=\"Distribution of Gas Milage\", xlab=\"Miles Per Gallon\", ylab=\"Density\")",
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