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Created September 15, 2011 09:56
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Scrape serial port for text data and publish on MQTT
#simple app to read string from serial port
#and publish via MQTT
#uses the Python MQTT client from the Mosquitto project
#Andy Piper
import serial
import mosquitto
import os
serialdev = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
broker = ""
port = 1883
#MQTT callbacks
def on_connect(rc):
if rc == 0:
#rc 0 successful connect
print "Connected"
raise Exception
def on_publish(val):
print "Published ", val
#called on exit
#close serial, disconnect MQTT
def cleanup():
print "Ending and cleaning up"
print "Connecting... ", serialdev
#connect to serial port
ser = serial.Serial(serialdev, 9600, timeout=20)
print "Failed to connect serial"
#unable to continue with no serial input
raise SystemExit
#create an mqtt client
mypid = os.getpid()
client_uniq = "arduino_pub_"+str(mypid)
mqttc = mosquitto.Mosquitto(client_uniq)
#attach MQTT callbacks
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_publish = on_publish
#connect to broker
mqttc.connect(broker, port, 60, True)
#remain connected to broker
#read data from serial and publish
while mqttc.loop() == 0:
line = ser.readline()
#split line as it contains V,temp
list = line.split(",")
#second list element is temp
temp = list[1].rstrip()
mqttc.publish("arduino/temp", temp)
# handle list index error (i.e. assume no data received)
except (IndexError):
print "No data received within serial timeout period"
# handle app closure
except (KeyboardInterrupt):
print "Interrupt received"
except (RuntimeError):
print "uh-oh! time to die"
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26labs commented Dec 14, 2015

antexx22 - on_connect is a callback for a mqtt client. So it is event and its only argument is the mqtt client for whicjh the callback will be raised. Its likely you are trying to get the topic and payload in the same line of code. If you are subscribing then you need a callback for subscribe:
mqtt.message = on_message

and then that of course means that somewhere previously in your code you should have function on_message to handle each message found when you subscribe such as:

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic+" "+str(msg.payload))

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