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Created November 20, 2013 20:51
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page manager & panels
<andypost> sdboyer, please, point me to last your post about page manager or panels, should I looks for princes code?
<sdboyer> andypost: in a d8 context?
<andypost> sdboyer, yep
<sdboyer> andypost: princess is the place to look, but i haven't touched it directly since dedicating myself to assets work several months ago
<sdboyer> andypost: last thing is the generalized vision i posted on g.d.o...sec
<sdboyer> andypost:
<Druplicon> => Blocks & Layouts (SCOTCH) Post-Feature Freeze Overview => 9 comments, 1 IRC mention
<andypost> sdboyer, there's about displays, probably this could be simply wrapped here
<Druplicon> => Abstract 'component type' specific code out of EntityDisplay [#1875974] => 21 comments, 19 IRC mentions
<sdboyer> andypost: getting things into core is obviously not feasible now, but we can still mostly do things in contrib
<sdboyer> andypost: entity displays and displays are completely differen things
* fubhy ( зашел на канал #drupal-wscci
<sdboyer> and should remain as such
<andypost> sdboyer, sure, so I'm trying to get big pic of that
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<sdboyer> andypost: i have a meeting in 5 minutes, so i'll have to fill you in more later, but
<andypost> sdboyer, thanx, I'm reading
<sdboyer> generally speaking, we continue to be blocked by the presence of globals that are not encapsulated within a page object
* Xano ушел (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
* Xano_ теперь известен как Xano
<sdboyer> starts bringing things together a *bit* there, but we still have a ton of globals. no coincidence, it's originally built from SCOTCH fundamentals
<Druplicon> => Normalize Controller/View-listener behavior with a Page object [#2068471] => 157 comments, 39 IRC mentions
<andypost> sdboyer, yes, that issue I'm diggin yesterday
<sdboyer> is one way that would be sorta scotch-like to do things
<Druplicon> => Explore addressable block rendering [#2028749] => 9 comments, 9 IRC mentions
<sdboyer> katbailey is working on some code for that
<sdboyer> once assets gets back in, my focus will shift back to actually making the core of scotch work
<sdboyer> the displays, etc.
* amateescu|afk теперь известен как amateescu
<sdboyer> which can hopefully form the basis for a shared contrib ecosystem of well-structured pages
<andypost> awesome news ;)
<sdboyer> i guess :)
<sdboyer> but we'll continue to be sorta screwed as long as these stupid globals persist
<sdboyer> eh...maybe i should give katbailey a break and just scrap together some pseudocode for that issue
<sdboyer> well, less pseudocode
<sdboyer> i've been thinking about for soooo long
<sdboyer> and my brain could use a bit of a change of pace
<katbailey> sdboyer: between your comments and Crell's I've a pretty good idea of what's needed
<sdboyer> katbailey: ok
<sdboyer> katbailey: i won't consider doing anything for a week at least, then :)
<sdboyer> if i don't see something on there by late next week, i may wander back to it
<sdboyer> but i'd tooootally trade doing it for you learning the assets patch and helping on that! :P
<katbailey> sdboyer: if I haven't produced anything by next week, I don't deserve to have this issue assigned to me anymore ;)
<sdboyer> katbailey: lol
<sdboyer> fair nuff
<andypost> sdboyer, where I can read about trouble with globals?
* jsacksick ушел (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
<sdboyer> andypost: i'm not sure we have a consolidated writeup about the problem with ALL of them
<sdboyer> andypost: but things like, say,
<Druplicon> => [META] Remove drupal_add_css() [#2073819] => 9 comments, 1 IRC mention
<andypost> katbailey, what issue sam talks about you?
<katbailey> andypost: addressable blocks
<sdboyer> basically any of these global add() things that store some static data which gets retrieved later by therendering process
<sdboyer> they need to die
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