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Created January 8, 2023 10:04
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*** OpenTTD Crash Report ***
Crash at: 2023-01-08 09:48:18 (UTC)
In game date: 2001-03-14 (38)
Crash reason:
Signal: Abort trap: 6 (6)
Message: Assertion failed at line 750 of /Users/runner/work/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/src/widget_type.h: this->count <= this->cap ? (position == 0) : (position + this->cap <= this->count)
OpenTTD version:
Version: 20230106-master-g29af0f8c7b (0)
NewGRF ver: 1e006d64
Bits: 64
Endian: little
Dedicated: no
Build date: Jan 6 2023 19:14:39
[00] openttd 0x0000000104abd26c (CrashLog::FillCrashLog(char*, char const*) const + 364)
[01] openttd 0x0000000104980c4c (CrashLogOSX::MakeCrashLog() + 100)
[02] openttd 0x0000000104980b3c (HandleCrash(int) + 276)
[03] libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00000001a86434a4 (_sigtramp + 56)
[04] libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x87540001a862bee0 (pthread_kill + -8695324980545584864)
[05] libsystem_c.dylib 0x837f0001a8566340 (abort + -8971451932698738520)
[06] openttd 0x0d21000104c25c98 (ShowInfoF(char const*, ...) + 946037396724514816)
[07] openttd 0x00000001047415e4 (AISettingsWindow::AISettingsWindow(WindowDesc*, Owner) + 0)
[08] openttd 0x0000000104a6cb50 (ReplaceVehicleWindow::GenerateLists() + 440)
[09] openttd 0x0000000104a6a864 (ReplaceVehicleWindow::OnPaint() + 56)
[10] openttd 0x0000000104deea74 (DrawOverlappedWindowForAll(int, int, int, int) + 272)
[11] openttd 0x0000000104b14450 (RedrawScreenRect(int, int, int, int) + 340)
[12] openttd 0x0000000104b145f0 (DrawDirtyBlocks() + 320)
[13] openttd 0x0000000104df4cb4 (UpdateWindows() + 2656)
[14] openttd 0x0000000104a526dc (VideoDriver::Tick() + 556)
[15] openttd 0x0000000104a41a5c (VideoDriver_Cocoa::MainLoopReal() + 80)
[16] openttd 0x0000000104a43dbc (-[OTTDMain launchGameEngine:] + 96)
[17] CoreFoundation 0x00000001a86ed468 (__CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 28)
[18] CoreFoundation 0x580e0001a8791bb8 (___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 6345008925011607604)
[19] CoreFoundation 0xc3698001a8791b24 (_CFXRegistrationPost + -4365817626270629432)
[20] CoreFoundation 0x2d0b8001a86bc0f8 (_CFXNotificationPost + 3245828693938930396)
[21] Foundation 0x24670001a9581c28 (-[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 2623065307966603360)
[22] CoreFoundation 0x127d8001a86ed468 (__CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 1332361802259890204)
[23] CoreFoundation 0x03280001a8791bb8 (___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 227431781182210100)
[24] CoreFoundation 0xe5190001a8791b24 (_CFXRegistrationPost + -1938518164606287416)
[25] CoreFoundation 0x59258001a86bc0f8 (_CFXNotificationPost + 6423681181002236636)
[26] Foundation 0xba4a8001a9581c28 (-[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + -5023061696890011552)
[27] AppKit 0x07518001ab26728c (-[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 527343368867414356)
[28] AppKit 0x2c158001ab266fa4 (-[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 3176585849668108524)
[29] AppKit 0x3b000001ab2649c8 (-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 4251398048237748812)
[30] AppKit 0xfb1b8001ab2645a8 (-[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + -352547408330095860)
[31] Foundation 0x3b0b8001a95ae7d8 (-[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 4254635010469921116)
[32] Foundation 0x99098001a95ae610 (_NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + -7419258173627826080)
[33] AE 0xab4f8001aee9eab8 (_AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + -6102518232575362300)
[34] AE 0x4a740001aee9e410 (_AppleEventsCheckInAppWithBlock + 5364913056105116764)
[35] AE 0x5f158001aee974a8 (aeProcessAppleEvent + 6851523145602433512)
[36] HIToolbox 0x970b8001b134b95c (AEProcessAppleEvent + -7562810411750260668)
[37] AppKit 0xe5400001ab25e8f4 (_DPSNextEvent + -1927540640514570444)
[38] AppKit 0x80418001ab25ce14 (-[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + -9204935425880226512)
[39] AppKit 0x250b8001ab24efe0 (-[NSApplication run] + 2669367941635506772)
[40] openttd 0x8b6e000104c2787c (openttd_main(int, char**) + -8399776254999390236)
[41] openttd 0x0000000104986130 (main + 280)
[42] ??? 0x000000010701908c
[43] ??? 0xcf45000000000000
Operating system:
Name: Mac OS X
Release: 12.6.2
Machine: ARM64E
Min Ver: 101300
Max Ver: 120000
Compiler: GCC 4.2.1 "Apple LLVM 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)"
Blitter: 40bpp-anim
Graphics set: original_windows (0)
Language: /Users/andy2/Documents/OpenTTD/OpenTTD
Music driver: cocoa
Music set: original_windows (1)
Network: no
Sound driver: cocoa
Sound set: original_windows (0)
Video driver: cocoa-opengl (Apple M1 Pro, 4.1 Metal - 76.3)
Small: sprite
Medium: sprite
Large: sprite
Mono: sprite
AI Configuration (local: 0) (current: 0):
0: Human
LZMA: 5.2.5
LZO: 2.10
PNG: 1.6.39
Zlib: 1.2.13
---- gamelog start ----
Tick 0: new game started
Revision text changed to m7a1863129152e, savegame version 302, modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x1d006d64
New game mode: 1 landscape: 0
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 43415000, checksum FBAE0C1ACFDA5AE8B95B4DA230A395FE, filename: opengfx_airports-0.5.0/ogfx-airports.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 9787EAFE, checksum 04ACD20A006E345283D6464678AFFA8B, filename: road_hog-1.4.1/road-hog.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 44440A80, checksum 2F7F4BC7FBAD4544CA241DFE6D5A6F39, filename: av9.8-0.97/av9point8.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID FBFB9905, checksum F747797A14AAA646402DC4E16DE5E82C, filename: longer_girder__steel_bridge.1/longergirdersteelbridge.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 55535333, checksum 7648EE94EC567D8931F691AAA5BCF912, filename: unsinkable-sam.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 43485054, checksum F09180381B487C911D5EAF5DFF4FDDF2, filename: chips_station_set_2-2.0.0/chips.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 54540301, checksum F7CDD4F730E4F3EE87100CE42E5070AE, filename: itl_houses-2.1/itl_houses.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID F1250008, checksum 4074582BC6EA914AFE4B67ADA5C8E3E0, filename: firs.grf (md5sum matches)
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum 6CE80A04BCF595A3B2665DDDBDAC905B, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 649170: settings changed
Setting changed: vehicle.never_expire_vehicles : 0 -> 1
Tick 650954: settings changed
Setting changed: vehicle.never_expire_vehicles : 1 -> 0
Tick 839782: game loaded
Revision text changed to m918b2cb3ee741, savegame version 302, modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x1d006d64
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum DD20C84C470783D7451F2ACF578F52EE, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 1405035: game loaded
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum 5A2EA59526A0CB05D3ABA364B8E8AD71, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 1763002: game loaded
Revision text changed to m91ca088065522, savegame version 302, modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x1e006d64
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum A7B71D4AA1D183DA0B33A7BF51ACE161, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 1763002: game loaded
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum 2B0E8FA58402CD774EE127FDBF252C4F, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 1763002: GRF config changed
GRF parameter changed: GRF ID 4341121F, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 1854550: GRF config changed
Added NewGRF: GRF ID 41501202, checksum 56783E29F5723ADF67D8029C47C66083, filename: heqs.grf (md5sum matches)
Tick 2066976: game loaded
Revision text changed to g29af0f8c7b91f, savegame version 302, not modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x1e006d64
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum 0F9F94AD066501F161217CC34A1BC459, filename: iron_horse_2-2.21.0/iron-horse.grf (matches GRFID only)
Tick 2075770: GRF config changed
GRF parameter changed: GRF ID 41501202, filename: heqs.grf (md5sum matches)
Tick 2190644: game loaded
Compatible NewGRF loaded: GRF ID 4341121F, checksum 6364F12E72B6055A9D2CF4BC04B162B4, filename: iron-horse.grf (md5sum matches)
---- gamelog end ----
Recent news messages:
(2001-03-10) StringID: 699, Type: 11, Ref1: 2, 1565, Ref2: 0, 4294967295
*** End of OpenTTD Crash Report ***
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