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Last active March 25, 2018 13:39
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no war on russia motion

Even before this horrendous chemical attack in Salisbury, this Government has been following a dangerous and aggressive line of rhetoric and action that will inevitably escalate conflict between the UK and Russia. In the context of the Syrian War, where Britain and Russia are supporting opposing sides in a proxy war[1], the majority of the casualties of this escalation will likely be Syrian.

This Constituency Labour Party believes that the line taken by the Labour Leadership, to require evidence of Russian involvement before taking action is correct but we must go further. Escalating conflict MUST be ruled out, regardless of the origin of the attack. The Government and Labour must not fight fire with fire, it must stop and choose a path that leads to peace rather than one that taken to it's conclusion, will end in war[2].

This Constituency Labour Party therefore calls on the Prime Minister, Theresa May, for restraint and de-escalation in words and actions towards Russia, and must stop military drills and exercises intended to intimidate[3][4].

[1] Section 63.

[2] "Russia says U.S. plans to strike Damascus, pledges military response"

[3] "British troops arrive in Estonia to deter Russian aggression in one of biggest deployments to region in decades "

[4] Artic Navy Exercises

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This was the presentation of the motion.


Without a doubt the chemical attack in Salisbury is a human tragedy.

What this motion is calling for, is that this is our lowest ebb and not the beginning of a new round of cold war.

A war with Russia, even a cold one may seem "impossible" yet we are already in a proxy war in Syria. Britain funds supposed "moderate" rebels against the Syrian Government. Britain bombs their faction while they bomb ours.

To not link this attack, Theresa May's war diplomacy in Europe and the war in Syria is to say political events happen in a vacuum. Without a doubt the Tories are using this incident as an opportunity to escalate hostility against Russia.

British Governments have been willing to engage in disastrous military adventures, including under our own watch. As a Party, we should use our experience make sure we don't sleep walk into another catastrophe.

“United we succeed against Russia”

"As a European democracy, the UK will stand shoulder to shoulder with the EU and with NATO to face these threats together."

“During the Cold War there were rules. Now I am not optimistic for the peaceful future of the world”. - Bulgarian Premier

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