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Last active October 22, 2021 10:34
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The steps I took to configure a new mac

#Mac Setup

These are the steps I go to setup a new macbook.

  1. Install homebrew

    Packages to install: ack android-sdk bash bash-completion brew-rmtree calc colordiff cowsay docker fish git git-lfs go gradle hh htop mongodb node python python3 ruby tree unrar zsh zsh-completions fzf ngrok ctags tmux neovim

  2. Install programs

    Fiddler, Fantastical 2, Hyper Term, Visual Studio, Near Lock, Duet Display, Kaleidoscope, Sublime, Sketch, Silicio, Antnotes, Skyfont, Hyperdock, Hyperswitch, Send Anywhere, Synergy, Paste, Airmail, Pocket, Spotify, Webstorm, Amphetamine, F.lux, Postman, Slack, Dash, AppCleaner, XCode, Android Studio, iTerm, Chrome, Firefox Developer Edition, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, IntelliJ Idea, Atom, Messenger, Discord, MacDown, Google Photos Backup, Google Play Music Manager, Android File Transfer, Visual Studio Code, Transmission, Skype, VLC

  3. Sync dotfiles, sublime packages, and jetbrain settings

    This is my config for my dotfiles and sublime packages. These are synced across devices with git.

    Use settings-repository to sync across jetbrain IDEs.

  4. Kill mouse accel

  5. Install Neovim
    pip install neovim

  6. Set up SSH

  7. Configure desktop switch shortcut

    System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Mission Control -> Switch to Desktop #

  8. For mechanical keyboards System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Modifier Keys to change windows and alt key position

  9. Remove the option "Ask to join wifi"

  10. Download oh-my-zsh and configure iterm to use brew zsh. Then download Meslo font and use the agnoster theme.

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