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Last active October 28, 2020 07:05
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Markdium-Laravel 8 - Integrate Jetstream + Socialite in 30 mins
$providers = [
'google' => [
'bgColor' => '#ec462f',
'icon' => 'fab fa-google',
'facebook' => [
'bgColor' => '#1877f2',
'icon' => 'fab fa-facebook-f',
'linkedin' => [
'bgColor' => '#2969b1',
'icon' => 'fab fa-linkedin-in',
'twitter' => [
'bgColor' => '#41aaf1',
'icon' => 'fab fa-twitter',
@foreach($providers as $provider => $params)
class="block py-3 px-4 mb-5/2 rounded-sm text-white text-center font-bold hover:no-underline hover:opacity-75"
href="{{ route('social.login', ['provider' => $provider]) }}"
style="background-color: {{ $params['bgColor'] }}; min-height: 48px;"
<i class="float-left inline-block h-5 {{ $params['icon'] }}"></i>
Login with {{ ucwords($provider) }}
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