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Created January 8, 2015 21:50
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A more developed DTO handling that fails because .NET serialization can cast any null object to something.
// Learn more about F# at
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open Suave
open Suave.Json
open Suave.Types
open Suave.Types.Methods
open Suave.Utils
open Suave.Http
open Suave.Http.Authentication
open Suave.Http.Writers
open Suave.Http.Applicatives
open Suave.Http.Successful
open Suave.Http.RequestErrors
open Suave.Web
open System
open System.Net.Http
open System.Text
open System.Runtime.Serialization
type HelloResponse =
{ [<field:DataMember(Name = "Greeting")>]
Greeting : string }
type PlusRequest =
{ [<field:DataMember(Name = "A")>]
A : int
[<field:DataMember(Name = "B")>]
B : int }
type BeepRequest =
{ [<field:DataMember(Name = "Boing")>]
Boing : string }
/// Checks whether header is present in the context c.
let hasHeader (hdr : string) (hdrValue : string) (c : HttpContext) =
async.Return <| match c.request.headers %% hdr.ToLower() with
| Some v when v = hdrValue.ToLower() -> Some c
| _ -> None
/// Converts an object to JSON and passes it to a HTTP response such as OK, anything
/// that accepts a string.
let asJson (status : string -> WebPart) dto : WebPart =
set_header "Content-Type" "application/json" >>= status (ASCII.to_string' <| to_json dto)
/// Combinator for checking whether the request body JSON is of the type 'a.
let is<'a> =
hasHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" >>= fun c ->
async.Return <| try
// try to cast, if it fails, catch the exception and return None
from_json<'a> c.request.raw_form |> ignore
Some c
with :? InvalidCastException -> None
/// Tries to deserialize the DTO from JSON, returns None if it fails.
let parseDTO<'a> ctx =
let obj = from_json<'a> ctx.request.raw_form
Some obj
with :? InvalidCastException -> None
/// Reads a JSON blob that is expected to be of type 'a, a function that operates on 'a;
/// deserializes the JSON to an instance of 'a, and passes that instance to the function.
let withDTO<'a> (builder : 'a -> WebPart) : WebPart =
hasHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" >>= fun ctx ->
let dto = parseDTO<'a> ctx
match dto with
| Some d -> builder d ctx
| _ -> fail
let greeter p = asJson OK { Greeting = sprintf "Hello %d!" (p.A + p.B) }
let bip b = asJson OK { Greeting = sprintf "You boinged: %s" b.Boing }
let isPlusRequest = is<PlusRequest>
let app =
choose [ POST >>= url "/blah" >>= withDTO<PlusRequest> greeter <|> withDTO<BeepRequest> bip
authenticate_basic (fun (u, p) -> u = "perkele" && p = "helvetti")
POST >>= url "/ding" >>= asJson OK { Greeting = "Hello protected user!" }
NOT_FOUND "Not found" ]
let main argv =
web_server default_config app
0 // return an integer exit code
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