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Created July 16, 2020 05:18
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autoinstall data files
instance-id: iid-local01
hostname: cloudimg
# This file is for demonstration purposes only. Using this file to for automatic installations
# not recommended. For help creating a proper file, visit
geoip: true
preserve_sources_list: false
- arches: [amd64, i386]
- arches: [default]
identity: {hostname: autoinstall-test-device, password: hunter2,
realname: Edward A, username: anedward01}
keyboard: {layout: us, variant: ''}
locale: en_US
# Network interface configuration. Interface name device-specific. Requires modification.
# Network is nested twice per new autoinstall layout.
enp4s0: {dhcp4: true}
version: 2
# SSH configuration along with keys go here.
allow-pw: true
authorized-keys: []
install-server: true
# Storage configuration. This can be edited manually, but not recommended. Using
# a pre-configured file is the best solution to avoid potential errors.
- {ptable: gpt, path: /dev/sda,
wipe: superblock, preserve: false, name: '', grub_device: false, type: disk,
id: disk-sda}
- {device: disk-sda, size: 536870912, wipe: superblock, flag: boot, number: 1,
preserve: false, grub_device: true, type: partition, id: partition-0}
- {fstype: fat32, volume: partition-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: format-0}
- {device: disk-sda, size: 1073741824, wipe: superblock, flag: '', number: 2,
preserve: false, type: partition, id: partition-1}
- {fstype: ext4, volume: partition-1, preserve: false, type: format, id: format-1}
- {device: disk-sda, size: 62410194944, wipe: superblock, flag: '', number: 3,
preserve: false, type: partition, id: partition-2}
- {volume: partition-2, key: hunter2, preserve: false, type: dm_crypt,
id: dm_crypt-0}
- name: ubuntu-vg
devices: [dm_crypt-0]
preserve: false
type: lvm_volgroup
id: lvm_volgroup-0
- {name: ubuntu-lv, volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0, size: 31195136000B, preserve: false,
type: lvm_partition, id: lvm_partition-0}
- {fstype: ext4, volume: lvm_partition-0, preserve: false, type: format, id: format-2}
- {device: format-2, path: /, type: mount, id: mount-2}
- {device: format-1, path: /boot, type: mount, id: mount-1}
- {device: format-0, path: /boot/efi, type: mount, id: mount-0}
version: 1
# Post-install packages to download and include. These are used to install TPM2KeyUnlock
# and can be replaced or removed entirely.
- autoconf-archive
- m4
- libgcrypt20-dev
- libjson-c-dev
- uuid-dev
- libcmocka0
- libcmocka-dev
- build-essential
- git
- pkg-config
- gcc
- g++
- m4
- libtool
- automake
- autoconf
- libdbus-glib-1-dev
- libssl-dev
- cmake
- libssl-dev
- libcurl4-gnutls-dev
- doxygen
- efitools
- tpm2-abrmd
- tpm2-tools
# Commands to run post-install. The new OS installation is located at /target.
# This installs TPM2KeyUnlock on TPM2-compatible systems. Different commands can be added.
# All chroot commands are included in one line. Running chroot followed by another command
# does not work as the system turns to user input instead of continuing late-commands.
- mount -t proc proc /target/proc
- mount -o bind /dev /target/dev
- chroot /target /bin/bash -c "cd /usr/local/src; git clone; cd tpm2keyunlock; chmod +x setup; ./setup"
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