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Last active March 12, 2024 00:28
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My useful aliases.
# Easy editing and sourcing of .bashrc
alias vbrc='vim ~/.bashrc ; source ~/.bashrc'
# Quick git commands
alias gs='git status'
alias gd='git diff';
alias gl='git log';
alias glol='git log --oneline'
alias gdno='git diff --name-only;'
alias gad='git add .'
alias ga='git commit --amend;'
alias gane='git commit --amend --no-edit;'
alias gb='git branch'
# Quick Basic Commands
alias p='pwd';
alias l='ls';
alias sl='ls';
alias ltr='ls -ltr';
alias la='ls -la';
alias ltra='ls -ltra';
# Tmux
alias tmx='tmux'
alias tls='tmux ls'
alias tl='tmux ls'
alias ta='tmux attach -t '
# Find
alias fn='find . -name '
# Grep
alias g='grep -rn'
alias gi='grep -rni'
# Vim
alias v='vim'
# Find
f() {
find . -name "*$1*"
# Aliases from @a3y3
stty stop ^J # use ctrl+j to stop terminal output, enabling you to use forward search using ctrl+s
function cecho () {
# zsh:
print -P "%F{green}$1%f";
# If you're using bash: echo -en '\E[0;32m';
# TODO check which shell is being used and use the approprite command
echo -en $1;
tput sgr0;
# use cl for cd then ls
function cl () {
cd $args && cecho $(pwd) && ls -ACFv --group-directories-first
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