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Created June 7, 2014 12:36
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Initialization for symmetric NMF using Eigendecomposition based on NNDSVD technique by Boutsidis & Gallopoulos (still experimental as the math may not be correct)
function [W] = NNDEIG(A,k,flag);
% This function implements the NNDSVD algorithm described in [1] for
% initialization of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithms
% for symmetric NMF so uses Eigendecomposition
% [W] = nndeig(A,k,flag);
% ------------
% A : the input nonnegative n x n matrix A
% k : the rank of the computed factors W
% flag : indicates the variant of the NNDSVD Algorithm
% flag = 0 --> NNDEIG
% flag = 1 --> NNDEIGa
% flag = 2 --> NNDEIGar
% -------------
% W : nonnegative n x k matrix
% References:
% [1] C. Boutsidis and E. Gallopoulos, SVD-based initialization: A head
% start for nonnegative matrix factorization, Pattern Recognition,
% Elsevier
% This original NNDSVD code was kindly provided by the authors for research porpuses.
% - Efstratios Gallopoulos (
% - Christos Boutsidis (
%----------------------check the input matrix------------------------------
if numel(find(A<0)) > 0
error('The input matrix contains negative elements !')
%size of the input matrix
[n,m] = size(A);
%the matrices of the factorization
W = zeros(n,k);
% 1st SVD --> partial SVD rank-k to the input matrix A.
%[U,S,V] = svds(A,k);
[U,S] = eigs(A) % original [V,D] changed to [U,S]
%choose the first singular triplet to be nonnegative
W(:,1) = sqrt(S(1,1)) * abs(U(:,1) );
% 2nd SVD for the other factors (see table 1 in our paper)
for i=2:k
uu = U(:,i);
%vv = V(:,i);
uup = pos(uu); uun = neg(uu) ;
%vvp = pos(vv); vvn = neg(vv);
n_uup = norm(uup);
%n_vvp = norm(vvp) ;
n_uun = norm(uun) ;
%n_vvn = norm(vvn) ;
%termp = n_uup*n_vvp; termn = n_uun*n_vvn;
termp = n_uup*n_uup;
% not sure what to do here
%if (termp >= termn)
% W(:,i) = sqrt(S(i,i)*termp)*uup/n_uup;
% H(i,:) = sqrt(S(i,i)*termp)*vvp'/n_vvp;
% W(:,i) = sqrt(S(i,i)*termn)*uun/n_uun;
% H(i,:) = sqrt(S(i,i)*termn)*vvn'/n_vvn;
W(:,i) = sqrt(S(i,i)*termp)*uup/n_uup;
%actually these numbers are zeros
% NNDSVDa: fill in the zero elements with the average
if flag==1
ind1 = find(W==0) ;
%ind2 = find(H==0) ;
average = mean(A(:)) ;
W( ind1 ) = average ;
%H( ind2 ) = average ;
% NNDSVDar: fill in the zero elements with random values in the space [0:average/100]
elseif flag==2
ind1 = find(W==0) ;
%ind2 = find(H==0) ;
n1 = numel(ind1);
%n2 = numel(ind2);
average = mean(A(:)) ;
W( ind1 ) = (average*rand(n1,1)./100) ;
%H( ind2 ) = (average*rand(n2,1)./100) ;
%end of the nndsvd function
%This function sets to zero the negative elements of a matrix
function [Ap] = pos(A)
Ap = (A>=0).*A;
%This functions sets to zero the positive elements of a matrix and takes
%the absolute value of the negative elements
function [Am] = neg(A);
Am = (A<0).*(-A);
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KaziKabir commented Jul 24, 2020

It seems it can't find W matrix if k > 6. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

I am getting the following error for k > 6.

Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 6).

Error in NNDEIG (line 59)
uu = U(:,i);

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