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Last active September 10, 2018 17:31
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Typescript declaration for jsrsasign
// An initial attempt at a Typescript declaration file for
// If someone manages to get this to work, please let me know (
declare module jsrsasign {
export interface RSAPublicKey
n_hex: string;
e_hex: string;
export class RSAKey
setPublic(n: string, e: string): void;
encrypt(text: string): string;
encrypt_b64(text: string): string;
setPrivate(n: string, e: string, d: string): void;
setPrivateEx(n: string, e: string, d: string, p: string, q: string, dp: string, dq: string, c: string): void;
generate(b: number, e: string): string;
decrypt(ctext: string): {};
b64_decrypt(ctext: string): string;
getPublic(): RSAPublicKey;
export type AllowedSigningAlg = 'HS256' | 'HS384' | 'HS512' | 'RS256' | 'RS384' | 'RS512' |
'ES256' | 'ES384' | 'ES512' | 'PS256' | 'PS384' | 'PS512' | 'none';
export namespace KJUR
export namespace jws {
export namespace JWS {
function readSafeJSONString(token: string): any;
function verifyJWT(token: string, key: string, data: Object): boolean;
function parse(jwt:any): {};
function verify(jwt: string, key: string, alg: AllowedSigningAlg[]): boolean;
export namespace crypto
* Signature class which is very similar to class
* @name KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @class Signature class which is very similar to class
* @param {Array} params parameters for constructor
* @property {String} state Current state of this signature object whether 'SIGN', 'VERIFY' or null
* @description
* <br/>
* As for params of constructor's argument, it can be specify following attributes:
* <ul>
* <li>alg - signature algorithm name (ex. {MD5,SHA1,SHA224,SHA256,SHA384,SHA512,RIPEMD160}with{RSA,ECDSA,DSA})</li>
* <li>provider - currently 'cryptojs/jsrsa' only</li>
* </ul>
* This Signature class supports following signature algorithm and provider names:
* <ul>
* <li>MD5withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withRSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>MD5withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withECDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>MD5withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA384withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA512withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>RIPEMD160withRSAandMGF1 - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA1withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA224withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* <li>SHA256withDSA - cryptojs/jsrsa</li>
* </ul>
* Here are supported elliptic cryptographic curve names and their aliases for ECDSA:
* <ul>
* <li>secp256k1</li>
* <li>secp256r1, NIST P-256, P-256, prime256v1</li>
* <li>secp384r1, NIST P-384, P-384</li>
* </ul>
* NOTE1: DSA signing algorithm is also supported since crypto 1.1.5.
* <h4>EXAMPLES</h4>
* @example
* // RSA signature generation
* var sig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA1withRSA"});
* sig.init(prvKeyPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var hSigVal = sig.sign();
* // DSA signature validation
* var sig2 = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({"alg": "SHA1withDSA"});
* sig2.init(certPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var isValid = sig2.verify(hSigVal);
* // ECDSA signing
* var sig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({'alg':'SHA1withECDSA'});
* sig.init(prvKeyPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var sigValueHex = sig.sign();
* // ECDSA verifying
* var sig2 = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({'alg':'SHA1withECDSA'});
* sig.init(certPEM);
* sig.updateString('aaa');
* var isValid = sig.verify(sigValueHex);
export class Signature
constructor(param: { alg: string; prov: string });
* Initialize this object for signing or verifying depends on key
* @name init
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {Object} key specifying public or private key as plain/encrypted PKCS#5/8 PEM file, certificate PEM or {@link RSAKey}, {@link KJUR.crypto.DSA} or {@link KJUR.crypto.ECDSA} object
* @param {String} pass (OPTION) passcode for encrypted private key
* @since crypto 1.1.3
* @description
* This method is very useful initialize method for Signature class since
* you just specify key then this method will automatically initialize it
* using {@link KEYUTIL.getKey} method.
* As for 'key', following argument type are supported:
* <h5>signing</h5>
* <ul>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 encrypted RSA/ECDSA private key concluding "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#5 encrypted RSA/DSA private key concluding "BEGIN RSA/DSA PRIVATE KEY" and ",ENCRYPTED"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 plain RSA/ECDSA private key concluding "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#5 plain RSA/DSA private key concluding "BEGIN RSA/DSA PRIVATE KEY" without ",ENCRYPTED"</li>
* <li>RSAKey object of private key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.ECDSA object of private key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.DSA object of private key</li>
* </ul>
* <h5>verification</h5>
* <ul>
* <li>PEM formatted PKCS#8 RSA/EC/DSA public key concluding "BEGIN PUBLIC KEY"</li>
* <li>PEM formatted X.509 certificate with RSA/EC/DSA public key concluding
* <li>RSAKey object of public key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.ECDSA object of public key</li>
* <li>KJUR.crypto.DSA object of public key</li>
* </ul>
* @example
* sig.init(sCertPEM)
init(key: string, pass: string): void;
* Initialize this object for verifying with a public key
* @name initVerifyByPublicKey
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {Object} param RSAKey object of public key or associative array for ECDSA
* @since 1.0.2
* @deprecated from crypto 1.1.5. please use init() method instead.
* @description
* Public key information will be provided as 'param' parameter and the value will be
* following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link RSAKey} object for RSA verification</li>
* <li>associative array for ECDSA verification
* (ex. <code>{'ecpubhex': '041f..', 'eccurvename': 'secp256r1'}</code>)
* </li>
* </ul>
* @example
* sig.initVerifyByPublicKey(rsaPrvKey)
initVerifyByPublicKey(rsaPubKey: RSAKey): void;
* Initialize this object for verifying with a certficate
* @name initVerifyByCertificatePEM
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} certPEM PEM formatted string of certificate
* @since 1.0.2
* @deprecated from crypto 1.1.5. please use init() method instead.
* @description
* @example
* sig.initVerifyByCertificatePEM(certPEM)
initVerifyByCertificatePEM(certPEM: string): void;
* Initialize this object for signing
* @name initSign
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {Object} param RSAKey object of public key or associative array for ECDSA
* @deprecated from crypto 1.1.5. please use init() method instead.
* @description
* Private key information will be provided as 'param' parameter and the value will be
* following:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link RSAKey} object for RSA signing</li>
* <li>associative array for ECDSA signing
* (ex. <code>{'ecprvhex': '1d3f..', 'eccurvename': 'secp256r1'}</code>)</li>
* </ul>
* @example
* sig.initSign(prvKey)
initSign(prvKey: RSAKey): void;
* Updates the data to be signed or verified by a string
* @name updateString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} str string to use for the update
* @description
* @example
* sig.updateString('aaa')
updateString(str: string): void;
* Updates the data to be signed or verified by a hexadecimal string
* @name updateHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to use for the update
* @description
* @example
* sig.updateHex('1f2f3f')
updateHex(hex: string): void;
* Returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name sign
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @return the signature bytes as a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.sign()
sign(): string;
* performs final update on the sign using string, then returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name signString
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} str string to final update
* @return the signature bytes of a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.signString('aaa')
signString(str: string): string;
* performs final update on the sign using hexadecimal string, then returns the signature bytes of all data updates as a hexadecimal string
* @name signHex
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} hex hexadecimal string to final update
* @return the signature bytes of a hexadecimal string
* @description
* @example
* var hSigValue = sig.signHex('1fdc33')
signHex(hex: string): string;
* verifies the passed-in signature.
* @name verify
* @memberOf KJUR.crypto.Signature
* @function
* @param {String} str string to final update
* @return {Boolean} true if the signature was verified, otherwise false
* @description
* @example
* var isValid = sig.verify('1fbcefdca4823a7(snip)')
verify(hSigVal: string): boolean;
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