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Last active February 28, 2022 07:52
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위키독스 md를 docx로 (위키독스에서 책을 다운로드하면 개별 md 파일에 문서 제목이 사라지므로, 임의의 마크업과 제목을 추가해서 하나로 합친다)
# 1. rename mds to be ordered (use a tool like Advanced Renamer)
# 2. run this file to merge mds to one md
# 3. run pandoc to convert md to docx with my filter (
# 4. in word, find ?#n headers and apply appropriate styles
# standalone preprocessor for md files from wikidocs
import os
Path = "./"
filelist = os.listdir(Path)
with open('./', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
for fname in filelist:
if fname.endswith(".md"):
with open(Path + fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
num = fname[0:fname.find(' ')]
depth = num.count('.') + 1
outfile.write('\n\n?#' + str(depth) + ' ' + fname.replace('.md', '') + '\n\n')
for line in f:
# use like this:
# pandoc --filter C:/Users/FOR/AppData/Local/Pandoc/ --reference-doc=C:/Users/FOR/Dropbox/@@@@제이펍/@원고_템플릿_캐시/reference.docx -o mydoc.docx
import panflute as pf
def prepare(doc):
def action(elem, doc):
if type(elem) == pf.Header:
if elem.level < 6:
elem.level += 1
return [] # Delete headers already in level 6
def main(doc=None):
return pf.run_filter(action, prepare, finalize, doc)
def finalize(doc):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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