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Created July 31, 2020 20:22
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#lang racket
(require datalog)
(define (make-echo-hash)
; ref-proc
(lambda (hash key)
(printf "<ref> ~a\n" key)
(lambda (hash key val) (printf "<ref-found> ~a: ~a\n" key val))))
(lambda (hash key val)
(printf "<set> ~s: ~a\n" key val)
(values key val))
; remove-proc
(lambda (hash key)
(printf "<remove> ~a\n" key)
; key-proc
(lambda (hash key)
(printf "<key> ~a\n" key)
; clear-proc
(lambda (hash)
(printf "<clear>\n")
(hash-clear! hash))
; equal-key-proc
(lambda (hash key)
(printf "<equal-key> ~a\n" key)
(define family (make-echo-hash))
(datalog family
(! (male bill))
(! (male buster))
(! (male mike))
(! (male paul))
(! (male simon))
(! (male sam))
(! (female dee))
(! (female kath))
(! (female caroline))
(! (female sophy))
(! (parent bill caroline))
(! (parent dee caroline))
(! (parent buster mike))
(! (parent kath mike))
(! (parent mike paul))
(! (parent caroline paul))
(! (parent mike simon))
(! (parent caroline simon))
(! (parent simon sam))
(! (parent sophy sam))
(! (spouse simon sophy))
(! (spouse bill dee))
(! (spouse buster kath))
(! (:- (father X Y)
(parent X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (mother X Y)
(parent X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (grandparent X Z)
(parent Y Z)
(parent X Y)))
(! (:- (grandfather X Y)
(grandparent X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (grandmother X Y)
(grandparent X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (child X Y)
(parent Y X)))
(! (:- (son X Y)
(child X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (daughter X Y)
(child X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (sibling X Y)
(parent Z X)
(parent Z Y)
(!= X Y)))
(! (:- (brother X Y)
(sibling X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (sister X Y)
(sibling X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (married X Y)
(spouse X Y)))
(! (:- (married X Y)
(spouse Y X)))
(! (:- (husband X Y)
(married X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (wife X Y)
(married X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (ommer X Y)
(parent Z Y)
(sibling X Z))); 'blood'
(! (:- (ommer X Y)
(parent Z Y)
(sibling S Z)
(married S X))); 'by marriage'
(! (:- (uncle X Y)
(ommer X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (aunt X Y)
(ommer X Y)
(female X)))
(! (:- (nibling X Y)
(ommer Y X)))
(! (:- (nephew X Y)
(nibling X Y)
(male X)))
(! (:- (niece X Y)
(nibling X Y)
(female X)))
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anentropic commented Jul 31, 2020

The code above loads and runs fine (the current impersonator is stupid, I just wanted to see it working before implementing something different). I have been running it in DrRacket 7.7 3m.

The error comes when I make a 'query' against the theory in the repl panel:

> (datalog family (? (nephew X paul)))
<ref> nephew/2
<equal-key> nephew/2
<equal-key> nephew/2
<ref-found> nephew/2: (#s(clause (unsaved-editor 134 5 2683 60) #s(literal (unsaved-editor 134 9 2687 12) nephew (#s(variable (unsaved-editor 134 17 2695 1) X) #s(variable (unsaved-editor 134 19 2697 1) Y))) (#s(literal (unsaved-editor 135 10 2710 13) nibling (#s(variable (unsaved-editor 135 19 2719 1) X) #s(variable (unsaved-editor 135 21 2721 1) Y))) #s(literal (unsaved-editor 136 10 2734 8) male (#s(variable (unsaved-editor 136 16 2740 1) X))))))
. . ../../Applications/Racket v7.7/share/pkgs/datalog/stx.rkt:55:10: for-each: contract violation
  expected: list?
  given: #<void>

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