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Last active January 17, 2018 01:47
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Save anestan/c95517f167bac8b47da0314bb21d630a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
datatable ajax laravel
// Untuk Index SPK using Ajax
public function allSpk(Request $request)
$columns = array(
0 => 'start_date',
1 => 'end_date',
2 => 'spkclosed_date',
3 => 'spk_no',
4 => 'spk_status',
5 => 'customer',
6 => 'co_number',
7 => 'tr_process',
8 => 'tr_status',
9 => 'fg_name',
10 => 'fg_qty',
11 => 'created_at',
12 => 'id',
$totalData = Spk::count();
$totalFiltered = $totalData;
$limit = $request->input('length');
$start = $request->input('start');
$order = $columns[$request->input('order.0.column')];
$dir = $request->input('order.0.dir');
$spks = Spk::offset($start)
else {
$search = $request->input('search.value');
$spks = Spk::whereHas('finishgood', function($q) use ($search) {
$s = "%" . $search . "%";
$q->where('fg_name', 'LIKE', $s);
->orWhereHas('customer', function($q) use ($search) {
$s = "%" . $search . "%";
$q->where('customer_name', 'LIKE', $s); // in this scope, `$q` refers to the MediaProfile object, not the User.
->orWhere('co_number', 'LIKE',"%{$search}%")
$totalFiltered = Spk::whereHas('finishgood', function($q) use ($search) {
$s = "%" . $search . "%";
$q->where('fg_name', 'LIKE', $s);
->orWhereHas('customer', function($q) use ($search) {
$s = "%" . $search . "%";
$q->where('customer_name', 'LIKE', $s); // in this scope, `$q` refers to the MediaProfile object, not the User.
->orWhere('co_number', 'LIKE',"%{$search}%")
$data = array();
foreach ($spks as $spk)
$nestedData['start_date'] = $spk->formattedStartDate();
$nestedData['end_date'] = $spk->formattedEndDate();
$nestedData['spkclosed_date'] = $spk->formattedSpkclosedDate();
$nestedData['spk_no'] = $spk->spk_no;
if (isset($spk)) {
$arr_spk_status = [];
if ( $spk->spk_status == 0 ) {
$arr_spk_status[0] = 'Open';
$arr_spk_status[1] = 'info';
} else if ( $spk->spk_status == 1 ) {
$arr_spk_status[0] = 'In Process';
$arr_spk_status[1] = 'warning';
} else {
$arr_spk_status[0] = 'Closed';
$arr_spk_status[1] = 'danger';
} else {
$arr_spk_status[0] = '';
$arr_spk_status[1] = '';
$nestedData['spk_status'] = '<span class="label label-'. $arr_spk_status[1] .'">'. $arr_spk_status[0] .'</span>';
$nestedData['customer'] = $spk->customer->customer_name;
$nestedData['co_number'] = $spk->co_number;
if (isset($spk)) {
if( $spk->transition->count() > 0 ) {
$op_id = $spk->transition->last()->current_operation_id;
$op_name = \App\Operation::find($op_id)->operation_name;
$op_status = $spk->transition->last()->status;
$arr_op_status = [];
if ( $op_status == 0 ) {
$arr_op_status[0] = 'Open';
$arr_op_status[1] = 'info';
} else if ( $op_status == 1 ) {
$arr_op_status[0] = 'In Process';
$arr_op_status[1] = 'warning';
} else {
$arr_op_status[0] = 'Closed';
$arr_op_status[1] = 'danger';
} else {
$op_name = '';
$arr_op_status[0] = '';
$arr_op_status[1] = '';
} else {
$op_name = '';
$arr_op_status[0] = '';
$arr_op_status[1] = '';
$nestedData['tr_process'] = $op_name;
$nestedData['tr_status'] = '<span class="label label-'. $arr_op_status[1] .'">'. $arr_op_status[0] .'</span>';
$nestedData['fg_name'] = $spk->finishgood->fg_name;
$nestedData['fg_qty'] = $spk->spkUnit->where('type', 'pcs_qty')->first()->qty;
$show = route('',$spk->id);
$edit = route('spk.edit',$spk->id);
$btn = 'btndelete_' . $spk->id;
$id = $spk->id;
$delete = route('spk.get.destroy', $spk->id);
// $nestedData['options'] = "&emsp;<a href='{$show}' title='SHOW' ><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></span></a>
// &emsp;<a href='{$edit}' title='EDIT' ><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span></a>
// &emsp;<a href='{$delete}' title='DELETE' onclick='return confirm('Are you sure?')''><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span></a>";
$nestedData['options'] = "&emsp;<a href='{$show}' title='SHOW' ><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></span></a>";
$data[] = $nestedData;
$json_data = array(
"draw" => intval($request->input('draw')),
"recordsTotal" => intval($totalData),
"recordsFiltered" => intval($totalFiltered),
"data" => $data
echo json_encode($json_data);
Copy link

anestan commented Jan 17, 2018

ini untuk js nya

        $(document).ready(function () {

	            "processing": true,
	            "serverSide": true,
	            // "searching": false,
	                     "url": "{{ url('allspk') }}",
	                     "dataType": "json",
	                     "type": "POST",
	                     "data":{ _token: "{{csrf_token()}}"}
	            "columns": [
	                { "data": "start_date" },
	                { "data": "end_date" },
	                { "data": "spkclosed_date" },
	                { "data": "spk_no" },
	                { "data": "spk_status" },
	                { "data": "customer", "orderable": false },
	                { "data": "co_number" },
	                { "data": "tr_process" , "orderable": false },
	                { "data": "tr_status" , "orderable": false },
	                { "data": "fg_name" , "orderable": false },
	                { "data": "fg_qty", "sClass": "text-right" , "orderable": false },
	                { "data": "options" , "orderable": false },
	            dom: "Blfrtip",
				buttons: [
					extend: "copy",
					className: "btn-sm hidden-print"
					extend: "csv",
					className: "btn-sm hidden-print"
					extend: "excel",
					className: "btn-sm hidden-print"
					extend: "print",
					className: "btn-sm hidden-print"
				responsive: true,
				destroy: true,


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