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Created September 16, 2015 22:07
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A subapp/subsystem from the admin spa.
//Controller and how it handles any route
var Router = require('../routers/base_router.js');
var LoginView = require('../views/admin_login.js');
var ContentView = require('../views/admin_content.js');
var HeadView = require('../views/admin_header.js');
module.exports = Marionette.Object.extend({
rootview: null,
initialize: function(options){
this.router = new Router({controller:this});
this.rootview = options.rootview;
testing: function(){
console.log("testing in admin app");
//"layouts").command("change:view","content",ContentView, {path: "notification"});
home: function(){
//not instantiated
* show login box
this.rootview.showViews({header: HeadView, content: LoginView, footer: null});
welcome: function(){
console.log("Welcome to the account.");
//"layouts").command("change:view","content",ContentView, {});
* What i would like to show for a logged in admin
this.rootview.showViews({header: HeadView, content: {view: ContentView, path: null}, footer: null});
users: function(){
this.rootview.showViews({header: HeadView, content: {view: ContentView, path: "users"}, footer: null});
//rootivew and its showview function which just renders any vew it is given
showViews: function(options){
if(options.header) this.getRegion("header").show(new options.header());
if(options.content) this.getRegion("content").show(new options.content.view({path:options.content.path}));
if(options.footer) this.getRegion("footer").show(new options.footer());
//content vew, a layout view that is a view child of the rootview
// It can also handle rendering of a different views in main_content region so we must pass
// path parameter from the rootview and it uses that to decide wich subview to render in the updateRegion function
var NavView = require('./admin_nav.js');
var NotifView = require('./notif_view.js');
var UserMgt = require('./user_mgt.js');
var UserDump = require('./users_dump.js');
module.exports = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
path: null,
initialize: function(options){
this.notif_view = new NotifView();
this.nav_view = new NavView();
this.user_mgt_view = new UserMgt({
model: new Backbone.Model({name:"Bunmi"}),
collection: new Backbone.Collection(UserDump)
if(options.path) this.path=options.path;
this.on('show_subview', this.updateContent, this);
template: require('../../templates/admin/admin_content.hbs'),
main_content: '.admin_contentbox_main',
nav_content: '.admin_contentbox_nav'
onAttach: function(){
if(this.path !==null) this.trigger("show_subview", this.path);
//based on arg, updates the main_content region
//with appropriate view
//possibility of memory leak manually clean up view
updateContent: function(arg){
this.getRegion("main_content").show(new NotifView());
}else if(arg ==="users"){
this.getRegion("main_content").show(new UserMgt({
model: new Backbone.Model({name:"Bunmi"}),
collection: new Backbone.Collection(UserDump)
//finally a little implementation of a static paginator view
//Basically it is a composite view that shows users 5 at a time
//The bad part of it is that it uses an array to cache all the itemviews
// the first time the page renders
var R = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: require('../../templates/admin/user_record.hbs'),
tagName: "tr"
module.exports = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
startIndex : 0,
endIndex : 0,
maxPage: 5,
initStage : true,
itemViewCache: null,
initialize: function(){
this.itemViewCache = [];
template: require('../../templates/admin/user_mgt.hbs'),
childView: R,
childViewContainer: 'tbody',
ui : {
page : ".admin_users_paginator_button",
filters: ".admin_users_filter_item"
events: {
'click' : "_paginate",
'click @ui.filters' : "_filterAll"
_filterAll: function(e){
var target = $(;
//get data-attrib
var arg = target.attr("data-attrib");
//clear content area
for(var count=this.startIndex;count<=this.endIndex;count++){
//filter by usesr_state attribute
if((arg!=="all") && (this.collection.models[count].has("user_state"))){
if(arg === this.collection.models[count].get("user_state")){
else if(arg==="all"){
_paginate: function(evt){
var button = $(;
//prevent rendering if the limits are reached
renderAgain: function(name){
if((this.startIndex==0 && name==="prev") || (this.endIndex==this.collection.length-1 && name==="next")){
//remove any content from view
//assumes that next is clickable
// endIndex < n-1
if(name === "next"){
//set startIndex
this.startIndex = this.endIndex+1;
var tempEndIndex = this.endIndex + this.maxPage;
//console.log("calculate tempEndIndex "+tempEndIndex);
if(tempEndIndex <= this.collection.length-1) this.endIndex=tempEndIndex;
else this.endIndex = this.collection.length-1;
else if(name === "prev"){
this.endIndex = this.startIndex-1;
var tempStartIndex = this.startIndex - this.maxPage;
if(tempStartIndex >= 0) this.startIndex = tempStartIndex;
else this.startIndex = 0;
//console.log(this.startIndex+" "+this.endIndex);
for(var count = this.startIndex;count <= this.endIndex;count++){
//do some post redering due to value of indices
//like disabling the clicking of the links in certain cases
attachHtml: function(cv,iv, index){
console.log("showing user content "+ this.itemViewCache.length);
//last item has just been cached
if(this.collection.length-1 == index){
this.initStage = false;
//limits the content to no greater that maxPage/page
if(this.initStage && index>=this.maxPage){
//set last index
if(this.initStage) this.endIndex = index;
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