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Anonymous: a proof-of-unique-human system

Anonymous is a coordination game for global proof-of-unique-human, through monthly pseudonym events that last 15 minutes, where every single person on Earth is randomly paired together with another person, 1-on-1, to verify that the other is a human being, in a pseudo-anonymous context. The proof-of-unique-human is that you are with the same person for the whole event. The proof-of-unique-human is untraceable from month to month, much like cash. True anonymity.

When you register for Anonymous, you use register(). You need a “registrationToken” that you got if you were verified in the last event. You can see one be deducted from your account with registrationToken[msg.sender]--. The purpose of the registration tokens is that you can easily mix them, so that your personhood is not traceable from month to month.

function register() public scheduler {

require(isReg(msg.sender) == false && data[schedule].tokens[1