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Created August 5, 2021 12:11
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A faulty Koka program
module binomial-heaps-okasaki
import std/num/int32
public fun raise(s) { throw-exn(Exception(s, ExnError)) }
alias elem = int
public type tree {
Node(root : elem, c : list<tree>)
public type heap {
Heap(minimum : elem, t : list<(int32, tree)>)
public fun tree(h) {
match(h) {
Empty -> []
Heap(_, t) -> t
fun cmp-min(h, m) {
match(h) {
Empty -> m
Heap(m2, _) -> min(m, m2)
fun link(t1 : (int32, tree), t2 : (int32, tree)) {
val l = match(t1.snd, t2.snd) {
(Node(x1, c1), Node(x2, c2)) {
if(x1 <= x2) { Node(x1, Cons(t2.snd,c1)) }
else { Node(x2, Cons(t1.snd, c2)) }
(t1.fst + 1.int32, l)
fun insert-tree(t : (int32, tree), ts : list<(int32, tree)>) {
match(ts) {
Nil -> [t]
Cons(t', ts') -> if(t.fst < t'.fst) { Cons(t, ts) }
else { insert-tree(link(t, t'), ts') }
fun insert(x : elem, h : heap) {
Heap(h.cmp-min(x), insert-tree((0.int32, Node(x, [])), h.tree))
fun merge-lists(ts1 : list<(int32, tree)>, ts2 : list<(int32, tree)>) : <div> list<(int32, tree)> {
match(ts1, ts2) {
(ts, Nil) -> ts
(Nil, ts) -> ts
(Cons(t1, ts1'), Cons(t2, ts2')) {
if(t1.fst < t2.fst) { Cons(t1, merge-lists(ts1', ts2)) }
elif(t2.fst < t1.fst) { Cons(t2, merge-lists(ts1, ts2')) }
else { insert-tree(link(t1, t2), merge-lists(ts1', ts2')) }
fun merge(h1 : heap, h2 : heap) {
match(h1, h2) {
(Empty, h) -> h
(h, Empty) -> h
(Heap(m1, t1), Heap(m2, t2)) -> Heap(min(m1, m2), merge-lists(t1, t2))
fun find-min(h : heap) {
match(h) {
Empty -> raise("Empty")
Heap(m, _) -> m
public fun remove-min-tree(ts : list<(int32, tree)>) {
match(ts) {
Nil -> raise("Empty")
Cons(t, Nil) -> (t.snd, Nil)
Cons(t, ts) {
val (t', ts') = remove-min-tree(ts)
if(t.snd.root <= t'.root) { (t.snd, ts) }
else { (t', Cons(t, ts')) }
public fun show-tree(t) {
match(t) {
Node(r, ts) {
"Node(" ++ show(r) ++ ", [" ++ { show-tree(x) ++ ", " }).join ++ "])"
public fun show-trees(ts : list<(int32, tree)>) {
"[" ++, t)) { "(" ++ show( ++ "," ++ show-tree(t) ++ "), " }).join ++ "]"
public fun show-pair(p : (tree, list<(int32, tree)>)) {
match(p) {
(t, ts) -> "(" ++ show-tree(t) ++ ", [" ++, t)) { "(" ++ show( ++ "," ++ show-tree(t) ++ "), " }).join ++ "])"
fun find-min-list(ts : list<(int32, tree)>, m : maybe<elem>) : maybe<elem> {
match(ts) {
Nil -> m
Cons(t, ts) -> find-min-list(ts, match(m) {
Nothing -> Just(t.snd.root)
Just(m) -> Just(min(m, t.snd.root))
fun add-ranks(ts : list<tree>, r = 0.int32) : list<(int32, tree)> {
match(ts) {
Nil -> Nil
Cons(t, ts') -> Cons((r, t), add-ranks(ts', r + 1.int32))
fun delete-min(ts : heap) {
val (Node(_, ts1), ts2) = remove-min-tree(ts.tree)
val new-tree = merge-lists(ts1.reverse.add-ranks, ts2)
match(find-min-list(new-tree, Nothing)) {
Nothing -> Empty
Just(m) -> Heap(m, new-tree)
// Heapsort
public fun from-list(xs, h) {
match(xs) {
Nil -> h
Cons(x, xs) -> from-list(xs, insert(x, h))
public fun to-list(h) {
match(h) {
Empty -> []
Heap(m, _) -> Cons(m, to-list(delete-min(h)))
public fun heapsort-binomial-heaps-okasaki(xs : list<int>) : <exn, div, console> list<int> {
to-list(from-list(xs, Empty))
fun main() {
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