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Created October 29, 2011 08:23
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Save angavrilov/1324230 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A macroexpand-in-context hack for SLIME
(require 'asdf)
(asdf:load-system :hu.dwim.walker)
;;;; Walker interface implementation
(defpackage :swank-macro-context
(:use :cl :hu.dwim.walker :hu.dwim.def :contextl :metabang-bind)
(:export #:apply-expander))
(in-package :swank-macro-context)
;;; Subtree pruning: avoids walking unnecessary parts
(defun find-path-to-pos (tree table)
(setf (gethash tree table)
(or (eq tree 'swank::%MACROEXPAND-POS%)
(and (listp tree)
(not (every (lambda (x) (not (find-path-to-pos x table))) tree))))))
(defun add-all-to-table (tree table)
(setf (gethash tree table) t)
(when (listp tree)
(dolist (x tree)
(add-all-to-table x table))))
(defun adjust-table-for-macrolet (tree table)
(if (gethash (second tree) table)
(add-all-to-table tree table) ; (foo)
(add-all-to-table (second tree) table)))
(defun merge-identity-with (tree base)
;; Phase through the macroexpand pos marker
((and (consp tree)
(eq (first tree) 'swank::%MACROEXPAND-POS%))
(list 'swank::%MACROEXPAND-POS%
(merge-identity-with (second tree) base)))
;; Recurse through congruent lists
((and (listp tree) (listp base)
(= (length tree) (length base)))
(mapcar #'merge-identity-with tree base))
;; Merge atoms
((and (atom tree) (atom base)
(equal (type-of tree) (type-of base))
(not (numberp tree))
(or (not (symbolp tree))
(and (equal (symbol-name tree) (symbol-name base))
(equal (symbol-package tree) (symbol-package base)))))
;; Otherwise bail out
(t tree)))
;;; Walker operation layer
(defvar *nodes-in-path* nil)
(contextl:deflayer macro-context)
(def contextl:layered-method walk-form :in macro-context :around ((form cons) &key parent environment)
(declare (ignore environment))
;; Cull unused subtrees
(multiple-value-bind (value found)
(gethash form *nodes-in-path*)
(if (or value (not found))
(make-instance 'constant-form :parent parent :value '#:stub))))
(def (walker :in macro-context) macrolet
(adjust-table-for-macrolet -form- *nodes-in-path*)
(def (walker :in macro-context) symbol-macrolet
(adjust-table-for-macrolet -form- *nodes-in-path*)
;;; Core implementation
(defvar *last-expansion-env* nil)
(defvar *last-expansion-tree* nil)
(defun compute-macro-context (tree env)
(let ((*nodes-in-path* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(find-path-to-pos tree *nodes-in-path*)
(contextl:with-active-layers (macro-context)
(catch 'swank::%MACROEXPAND-POS%/FOUND
(let ((v (walk-form tree :environment (make-walk-environment env))))
(break "~A" v))
(macrolet ((foo (i j &environment env)
(eq (macroexpand i env) (macroexpand j env)))
(bar (&body code)
(let ((g (gensym)))
`(symbol-macrolet ((a ,g) (b ,g)) ,@code))))
(bar (foo a a)
(foo a b)
(foo a c)))
(defun exec-expand (expander macro inplace?)
;;(print macro)
;;(print *last-expansion-tree*)
(bind ((old-env (if inplace? *last-expansion-env*))
(adj-tree (if inplace?
(merge-identity-with macro *last-expansion-tree*)
((:values found macro-exp env replace-exp)
(compute-macro-context adj-tree old-env))
(if found
(funcall expander macro-exp env)
"This form is never expanded in this context."))
(out-tree (if inplace?
(if found
(subst result replace-exp adj-tree)
(setf *last-expansion-tree* out-tree)
(unless inplace?
(setf *last-expansion-env* env))
(defun apply-expander (expander string inplace?)
(lambda (macro) (exec-expand expander macro inplace?))
;;; Swank API method definitions
(in-package :swank)
(defmacro %MACROEXPAND-POS% (&whole whole &optional target &environment env)
(list t target env whole)))
(defslimefun swank-expand-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'expand string nil))
(defslimefun swank-expand-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'expand string t))
(defslimefun swank-expand-1-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'expand-1 string nil))
(defslimefun swank-expand-1-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'expand-1 string t))
(defslimefun swank-macroexpand-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'macroexpand string nil))
(defslimefun swank-macroexpand-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'macroexpand string t))
(defslimefun swank-macroexpand-1-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'macroexpand-1 string nil))
(defslimefun swank-macroexpand-1-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'macroexpand-1 string t))
(defslimefun swank-compiler-macroexpand-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'compiler-macroexpand string nil))
(defslimefun swank-compiler-macroexpand-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'compiler-macroexpand string t))
(defslimefun swank-compiler-macroexpand-1-with-context (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'compiler-macroexpand-1 string nil))
(defslimefun swank-compiler-macroexpand-1-with-context-inplace (string)
(swank-macro-context:apply-expander #'compiler-macroexpand-1 string t))
(defun my-sexp-for-macroexpansion (&optional bounds)
(destructuring-bind (start end)
(let* ((wbounds (or bounds (slime-bounds-of-sexp-at-point)))
(pos1 (car wbounds))
(pos2 (cdr wbounds))
(str1 (buffer-substring-no-properties start pos1))
(str (buffer-substring-no-properties pos1 pos2))
(str2 (buffer-substring-no-properties pos2 end))
(cstr (concat str1 "(SWANK::%MACROEXPAND-POS% " str ")" str2)))
(slime-def-connection-var my-walker-utils-loaded nil
"Flag used to load the utility file on demand.")
(defun my-load-walker-utils ()
(print "loading utils")
(slime-load-file (concat dotfiles-dir "slime-utils-walker.lisp"))
(setf (my-walker-utils-loaded) t))
(defun my-slime-macroexpander (expander)
(case expander
(defadvice slime-eval-macroexpand (around slime-macroexpand-context disable)
(let ((updated-expander (my-slime-macroexpander (ad-get-arg 0))))
(if (and updated-expander
(null (ad-get-arg 1)))
(ad-set-arg 0 updated-expander)
(ad-set-arg 1 (my-sexp-for-macroexpansion))
(unless (my-walker-utils-loaded)
(defun my-slime-macroexpander-inplace (expander)
(case expander
(defun my-eval-macroexpand-inplace (expander)
(let* ((bounds (or (slime-bounds-of-sexp-at-point)
(error "No sexp at point"))))
(lexical-let* ((start (copy-marker (car bounds)))
(end (copy-marker (cdr bounds)))
(point (point))
(package (slime-current-package))
(buffer (current-buffer)))
`(,expander ,(my-sexp-for-macroexpansion bounds))
(lambda (expansion)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
(when (fboundp 'slime-remove-edits)
(slime-remove-edits (point-min) (point-max)))
(goto-char start)
(delete-region start end)
(slime-insert-indented expansion)
(goto-char point))))))))
(defadvice slime-eval-macroexpand-inplace (around slime-macroexpand-context disable)
(let ((updated-expander (my-slime-macroexpander-inplace (ad-get-arg 0))))
(if updated-expander
(unless (my-walker-utils-loaded)
(my-eval-macroexpand-inplace updated-expander))
(defun my-macroexpand-with-context ()
(ad-enable-advice 'slime-eval-macroexpand 'around 'slime-macroexpand-context)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-macroexpand)
(ad-enable-advice 'slime-eval-macroexpand-inplace 'around 'slime-macroexpand-context)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-macroexpand-inplace))
diff --git a/swank.lisp b/swank.lisp
index 70418d0..dafed4d 100644
--- a/swank.lisp
+++ b/swank.lisp
@@ -3011,18 +3011,18 @@ the filename of the module (or nil if the file doesn't exist).")
(defslimefun swank-expand (string)
(apply-macro-expander #'expand string))
-(defun expand-1 (form)
- (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded?) (macroexpand-1 form)
+(defun expand-1 (form &optional env)
+ (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded?) (macroexpand-1 form env)
(if expanded?
(values expansion t)
- (compiler-macroexpand-1 form))))
+ (compiler-macroexpand-1 form env))))
-(defun expand (form)
- (expand-repeatedly #'expand-1 form))
+(defun expand (form &optional env)
+ (expand-repeatedly #'expand-1 form env))
-(defun expand-repeatedly (expander form)
+(defun expand-repeatedly (expander form &optional env)
- (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded?) (funcall expander form)
+ (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded?) (funcall expander form env)
(unless expanded? (return expansion))
(setq form expansion))))
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