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Last active May 17, 2019 11:03
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  • Save angel539/dcc641d9367758b40ada7548a7dc1b1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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%% Comparator
Using Eclipse IDE.
1. Download the project "" from branch "comparator"
2. Unzip de project
2. Import project by using "File" > "Import" > "General" > "Existing projects into workspace"
3. To use the comparator class:
"src/comparator/" > "Run As..." > "Java Application"
4. To use the counter class:
"src/comparator/counters/" > "Run As..." > "Java Application"
%% Input: Artifacts
Location of the artifacts collected from the experiment: "\ecores" folder
Structure of the folder:
\Control-Group-Ecores > Artifacts collected in the control group.
\Experiment-Group-Ecores > Artifacts collected in the experimental group.
\flattened > Flattened version of the artifacts (they do not validate)
000.ecore > Solution used as a reference in the case study.
%% Outputs: \logs
Structure of the folder \logs:
\matches: ".txt" files with the elements that match in the comparison with the ecore "000.ecore".
\matches-matrix: ".txt" files with the elements that match in the comparison among meta-models
\unmatches: ".txt" files with the elements that unmatch in the comparison with the ecore "000.ecore"
\unmatches-matrix: ".txt" files with the elements that unmatch in the comparison among meta-models
The rest of the folders are variations of this matching strategy using the flattened version of the meta-models collected and the matching method based on a inexact matching method.
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