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Last active April 14, 2021 06:17
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Having fun with Timers, Dart, HTML, CSS (with Flex) on Dartpad
import "dart:async";
import "dart:core";
import "dart:html";
class TimerEvent {
final int currentCount;
class TimerFinishedEvent extends TimerEvent {
TimerFinishedEvent(int currentCount) : super(currentCount);
class TimerTickEvent extends TimerEvent {
TimerTickEvent(int currentCount) : super(currentCount);
class TimerLoopEvent extends TimerEvent {
TimerLoopEvent(int currentCount) : super(currentCount);
class SimpleTimer {
int _from = 0;
int _to = 0;
int _currentCount = 0;
bool _looping = false;
bool _isLooping = false;
int delay = 1000;
late Timer _timer;
final _controller = StreamController<TimerEvent>();
SimpleTimer({this.delay = 1000});
bool get isActive => _timer.isActive;
void from(int value) {
_from = value;
void to(int value) {
_to = value;
void at(int delay) {
this.delay = delay;
void listen(Function callback) { event) {
void start({looping = false}) {
try {
if (_timer.isActive && !_looping) {
print("Warning: You can not start an already active timer.");
} catch(e) {
if (e.runtimeType.toString() == "LateError") {
_looping = looping;
void _delegateCreateTimer() {
_timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: delay), _tick);
void stop() {
if (_timer.isActive) {
void dispose() {
void reset() {
_currentCount = _from;
void _tick(Timer timer) {
if (_isLooping) {
_isLooping = false;
if (_currentCount >= _to) {
if (_looping) {
_isLooping = true;
} else {
_currentCount ++;
int get currentCount => _currentCount;
class Reactive<T> {
late T _value;
Reactive(T initialValue) {
_value = initialValue;
T get value => _value;
set value(T newValue) => _value = newValue;
void main() {
final startButton = querySelector(".start-button") as ButtonElement;
final stopButton = querySelector(".stop-button") as ButtonElement;
final fromInput = querySelector(".from") as InputElement;
final toInput = querySelector(".to") as InputElement;
final atInput = querySelector(".at") as InputElement;
final loopingCheckbox = querySelector(".looping-checkbox") as InputElement;
final timer = SimpleTimer();
final from = Reactive<int>(0);
final to = Reactive<int>(0);
final at = Reactive<int>(0);
final looping = Reactive<bool>(false);
timer.listen((TimerEvent event) {
if (event is TimerFinishedEvent) {
print("Count: ${event.currentCount}");
stopButton.hidden = !stopButton.hidden;
startButton.hidden = ! startButton.hidden;
if (event is TimerTickEvent) {
print("Count: ${event.currentCount}");
if (event is TimerLoopEvent) {
stopButton.onClick.listen((MouseEvent event) {
stopButton.hidden = !stopButton.hidden;
startButton.hidden = ! startButton.hidden;
startButton.onClick.listen((MouseEvent event) {
stopButton.hidden = !stopButton.hidden;
startButton.hidden = ! startButton.hidden;
from.value = int.parse(fromInput.value!);
to .value = int.parse(toInput.value!);
at.value = int.parse(atInput.value!);
looping.value = loopingCheckbox.checked as bool;
..start(looping: looping.value);
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