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Last active December 20, 2021 13:24
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Generate WordPress dummy posts with content and post thumbnail
* Class WPSSDummy
* Generate dummy posts, see parameters of loripsum api:
* (integer) - The number of paragraphs to generate.
* short, medium, long, verylong - The average length of a paragraph.
* decorate - Add bold, italic and marked text.
* link - Add links.
* ul - Add unordered lists.
* ol - Add numbered lists.
* dl - Add description lists.
* bq - Add blockquotes.
* code - Add code samples.
* headers - Add headers.
* allcaps - Use ALL CAPS.
* prude - Prude version.
* plaintext - Return plain text, no HTML.
class WPSSDummy {
* Posts limit to generate
* @var int
public static int $posts_quantity = 10;
* Define post type to dummy posts
* @var string
public static string $post_type = 'post';
* Define default post author
* @var int|null
public static ?int $post_author = null;
* Define days interval for each post
* @var int
public static int $days_interval = 0;
* Define hours interval for each post
* @var int
public static int $hour_interval = 1;
* Define default post status
* @var string
public static string $post_status = 'publish';
* Define content api
* @var string
public static string $content_api = '';
* Default content length
* @var int
public static int $content_length = 10;
* Set thumbnail image api
* @var string
public static string $thumbnail_api = '';
* Define image width
* @var int
public static int $thumb_width = 880;
* Define image height
* @var int
public static int $thumb_height = 660;
public function __construct() {
self::$content_api = self::$content_api . self::$content_length . '/medium/decorate/link';
self::$thumbnail_api = self::$thumbnail_api . self::$thumb_width . '/' . self::$thumb_height;
if( is_null(self::$post_author) ):
self::$post_author = self::wpss_assign_post_to_user();
* Make post types
public function wpss_make_posts(): void {
$output = __('Starting post create...<br>', 'wpss');
for( $posts = 0; $posts < self::$posts_quantity; $posts++ ):
if( self::$days_interval > 0 ):
if( self::$hour_interval > 0 ):
$output .= self::wpss_insert_posts();
$output .= __('Dummy posts created successfully!', 'wpss');
echo $output;
* Insert singular post
* @return string
private function wpss_insert_posts(): string {
$post_id = wp_insert_post(self::wpss_post_args());
self::wpss_set_thumbnail($post_id, basename(get_permalink($post_id)));
return sprintf(__('The post <strong>%s</strong> was created successfully<br>'), get_the_title($post_id));
* Default post args
* @return array
private function wpss_post_args(): array {
return [
'post_author' => self::$post_author,
'post_date' => self::wpss_posts_date_interval(),
'post_date_gmt' => self::wpss_posts_date_interval(true),
'post_title' => self::wpss_generate_title(),
'post_content' => self::wpss_generate_content(),
'post_excerpt' => self::wpss_generate_excerpt(),
'post_status' => self::$post_status,
'post_type' => self::$post_type,
* Generate post title
* @return string
private function wpss_generate_title(): string {
$title = wp_remote_retrieve_body(self::wpss_remote_get(self::$content_api));
$title = str_replace('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.', '', $title);
$title = explode(' ', sanitize_text_field($title));
$title = array_slice($title, 0, rand(6, 12));
return implode(' ', (array)$title);
* Generate post excerpt
* @param int $limit limit of words for excerpt
* @return string
private function wpss_generate_excerpt(int $limit = 100): string {
$content = sanitize_text_field(self::wpss_generate_content());
$content = explode(' ', $content);
$content = array_slice($content, 0, $limit);
return implode(' ', (array)$content);
* Generate post content
* @return string
private function wpss_generate_content(): string {
$content = self::wpss_remote_get(self::$content_api);
return wp_remote_retrieve_body($content);
* Define post date
* @param bool $gmt define if is gmt date
* @return string
private function wpss_posts_date_interval(bool $gmt = false): string {
$days = self::$days_interval;
$hour = self::$hour_interval;
$generate_date = strtotime(current_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', $gmt) . "-$days days -$hour hour");
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $generate_date);
* Define rand author post
* @return int
private function wpss_assign_post_to_user(): int {
$args = [ 'role' => 'administrator' ];
$users = new WP_User_Query($args);
$author = [];
foreach( $users->get_results() as $user ):
$author[$user->ID] = $user->display_name;
return array_rand($author);
* Set automatic post thumbnail
* @param int $post_id
* @param string $image_name
private function wpss_set_thumbnail(int $post_id, string $image_name): void {
$get_thumbnail = self::wpss_remote_get(self::$thumbnail_api);
if( !empty($get_thumbnail) ) :
$the_thumbnail = wp_upload_bits("{$image_name}.jpg", null, wp_remote_retrieve_body($get_thumbnail));
$mime = wp_remote_retrieve_header($get_thumbnail, 'content-type');
$set_thumbnail = [
'post_title' => $image_name,
'guid' => $the_thumbnail['url'],
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_mime_type' => $mime,
$thumbnail_id = wp_insert_attachment($set_thumbnail, $the_thumbnail['file'], $post_id);
include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php';
$thumbnail_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($thumbnail_id, $the_thumbnail['file']);
wp_update_attachment_metadata($thumbnail_id, $thumbnail_data);
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbnail_id);
* @param string $url
* @return array
private function wpss_remote_get(string $url): ?array {
$response = wp_remote_get($url, [ 'timeout' => 120, 'sslverify' => false ]);
if( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) !== 200 ):
return [];
return $response;
* Usage sample
//$posts = new WPSSDummy();
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