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Created September 3, 2013 15:40
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Get tax.
= select_tag "paisorigen", id: "country", "<option value=':PEN' >Perú</option> <option value=':COP'>Colombia</option><option value=':MXN'>Mexico</option><option value=':USD'>Otros</option>".html_safe, :include_blank => true, :class => "chosen required", :style => "padding: 8px 0px 0px 5px;width: 120px;margin: 18px 0px 4px 15px;", :required => "required "
$(document).on 'change','select#country',(event) ->
target = $('#donde_se_va_mostrar')
country_code = $(@).val()
url = "/my_controller/my_method?country_code=#{country_code}"
#controller my_controller
def my_method
@typechange = Tax.typechange(params[:country_code])
render partial: 'tax'
#view partial _taxt.html.haml
%label= @tyepchange
get :my_method
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