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Created February 7, 2013 13:47
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型レベルクイックソート > :t qsort (n4 ~: n3 ~: n2 ~: n1 ~: Null) => (Cons N1 (Cons N2 (Cons N3 (Cons N4 Null))))
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Prelude
{- 数値の定義 -}
data Zero = Zero
data Succ a = Succ a
type N0 = Zero
type N1 = Succ N0
type N2 = Succ N1
type N3 = Succ N2
type N4 = Succ N3
type N5 = Succ N4
type N6 = Succ N5
type N7 = Succ N6
type N8 = Succ N7
type N9 = Succ N8
type N10 = Succ N9
n0 = undefined::N0
n1 = undefined::N1
n2 = undefined::N2
n3 = undefined::N3
n4 = undefined::N4
n5 = undefined::N5
n6 = undefined::N6
n7 = undefined::N7
n8 = undefined::N8
n9 = undefined::N9
n10 = undefined::N10
decl::Succ a->a
decl = const undefined
instance (Show a)=>Show (Succ a) where
show = show . (+1) . read . show . decl
instance Show Zero where
show _ = "0"
{- Add a b-}
class Add a b ab | a b -> ab
instance Add Zero b b
instance Add a b ab => Add (Succ a) b (Succ ab)
add::Add a b c => a -> b -> c
add = const undefined
{- Boolの定義 -}
data TTrue = TTrue
data TFalse = TFalse
instance Show TTrue where
show _ = "true"
instance Show TFalse where
show _ = "false"
{- Equal a b -}
class Equal a b ab | a b -> ab
instance Equal Zero Zero TTrue
instance Equal Zero (Succ b) TFalse
instance Equal (Succ a) Zero TFalse
instance Equal a b ab => Equal (Succ a) (Succ b) ab
equals::Equal a b ab=>a->b->ab
equals = const undefined
{- Not a -}
class Not a a' | a -> a'
instance Not TTrue TFalse
instance Not TFalse TTrue
complement::Not a a'=>a->a'
complement = const undefined
{- And a b -}
class And a b ab | a b -> ab
instance And TTrue TTrue TTrue
instance And TFalse TTrue TFalse
instance And TTrue TFalse TFalse
instance And TFalse TFalse TFalse
tand::And a b ab=>a->b->ab
tand = const undefined
{- And a b -}
class Or a b ab | a b -> ab
instance Or TTrue TTrue TTrue
instance Or TFalse TTrue TTrue
instance Or TTrue TFalse TTrue
instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
tor::Or a b ab=>a->b->ab
tor = const undefined
{- Compareの定義 -}
data TGT = TGT
data TLT = TLT
data TEQ = TEQ
class Compare a b ab | a b -> ab
instance Compare Zero Zero TEQ
instance Compare Zero (Succ b) TLT
instance Compare (Succ a) Zero TGT
instance Compare a b ab => Compare (Succ a) (Succ b) ab
instance Equal TEQ TEQ TTrue
instance Equal TEQ TLT TFalse
instance Equal TEQ TGT TFalse
instance Equal TLT TEQ TFalse
instance Equal TLT TLT TTrue
instance Equal TLT TGT TFalse
instance Equal TGT TEQ TFalse
instance Equal TGT TLT TFalse
instance Equal TGT TGT TTrue
cmp::Compare a b ab=>a->b->ab
cmp = const undefined
{- If a b c -}
class If a b c bc | a b c -> bc
instance If TTrue b c b
instance If TFalse b c c
select::If a b c bc=>a->b->c->bc
select = const undefined
{- -}
data Null = Null
data Cons a b = Cons
thead::Cons a b->a
thead = const undefined
tlast::Cons a b->b
tlast = const undefined
instance (Show a, Show b)=>Show (Cons a b) where
show x = ("(" ++ a ++ ", " ++ b ++ ")")
a = show $ thead $ x
b = show $ tlast $x
instance Show Null where
show _ = "[]"
infixr 5 ~:
(~:)::a->b->Cons a b
(~:) = const undefined
instance Equal Null Null TTrue
instance Equal Null (Cons a b) TFalse
instance Equal (Cons a b) Null TFalse
instance (Equal a b ab, Equal xa xb xab, And ab xab c)=>
Equal (Cons a xa) (Cons b xb) c
{- concat -}
class Concat a b c | a b->c
instance Concat Null b b
instance Concat xa b c => Concat (Cons a xa) b (Cons a c)
join::Concat a b c=>a->b->c
join = const undefined
{- qsort -}
class FilterLess a n r | a->r
instance FilterLess Null n Null
instance (FilterLess b n b', Compare a n cret,
Equal cret TLT eret, If eret (Cons a b') b' ret) =>
FilterLess (Cons a b) n ret
class FilterGreater a n r | a->r
instance FilterGreater Null n Null
instance (FilterGreater b n b', Compare a n cret,
Equal cret TGT eret, If eret (Cons a b') b' ret) =>
FilterGreater (Cons a b) n ret
class Qsort a r | a->r
instance Qsort Null Null
instance (FilterLess b a l, FilterGreater b a r,
Qsort l lsorted, Qsort r rsorted,
Concat (Cons a Null) rsorted tmp, Concat lsorted tmp ret)
=> Qsort (Cons a b) ret
qsort::Qsort a r=>a->r
qsort = const undefined
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