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Created April 21, 2019 00:35
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Naïve translation of `cvxpy/tests/` to JuMP.
using JuMP
using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
using ProgressMeter
import Random
import SCS
function randn_symm(n)
A = randn(n, n)
return (A + A')/2
function randn_psd(n)
A = randn(n,n)
return A * A'
function test_diffcp_sdp_example()
n = 300
p = 100
C = randn_psd(n)
As = [randn_symm(n) for _ ∈ 1:p]
Bs = randn(p)
m = Model(with_optimizer(MOIU.MockOptimizer, JuMP._MOIModel{Float64}()))
@variable(m, X[1:n,1:n])
@constraint(m, X ∈ PSDCone())
@showprogress for i ∈ 1:p
@constraint(m, tr(As[i]*X) == Bs[i])
@objective(m, Min, tr(C*X))
@btime test_diffcp_sdp_example()
# Output: ~13mins, on average.
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