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Created November 18, 2020 03:16
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Results for Julia tests on Apple M1 with Rosetta 2
Test Summary: | Pass Fail Broken Total
Overall | 38547375 1 352559 38899935
LinearAlgebra/qr | 4526 4526
LinearAlgebra/schur | 430 430
LinearAlgebra/dense | 7876 7876
LinearAlgebra/eigen | 410 410
LinearAlgebra/matmul | 969 969
LinearAlgebra/special | 3159 3159
LinearAlgebra/bunchkaufman | 5285 5285
LinearAlgebra/lapack | 800 800
LinearAlgebra/tridiag | 1350 1350
LinearAlgebra/svd | 513 513
LinearAlgebra/cholesky | 2388 2388
LinearAlgebra/bidiag | 3493 3493
LinearAlgebra/lu | 1278 1278
LinearAlgebra/diagonal | 2573 2573
LinearAlgebra/symmetric | 2516 2516
LinearAlgebra/generic | 530 530
LinearAlgebra/uniformscaling | 491 491
LinearAlgebra/blas | 674 674
LinearAlgebra/lq | 3005 3005
LinearAlgebra/triangular | 36296 36296
LinearAlgebra/pinv | 288 288
LinearAlgebra/givens | 1840 1840
LinearAlgebra/adjtrans | 313 313
LinearAlgebra/ldlt | 4 4
LinearAlgebra/hessenberg | 403 403
compiler/inference | 765 1 766
compiler/validation | 26 26
compiler/ssair | 23 23
compiler/irpasses | 16 16
compiler/codegen | 112 112
compiler/inline | 32 1 33
compiler/contextual | 6 6
ambiguous | 81 2 83
strings/basic | 87397 87397
strings/search | 620 620
LinearAlgebra/structuredbroadcast | 645 645
strings/util | 454 454
strings/io | 12751 12751
unicode/utf8 | 19 19
strings/types | 2302691 2302691
worlds | 65 65
keywordargs | 140 140
numbers | 1578525 1578525
core | 8445004 3 8445007
char | 1529 1529
triplequote | 29 29
intrinsics | 47 47
subtype | 337616 10 337626
dict | 144370 144370
hashing | 19452 19452
iobuffer | 204 204
staged | 64 64
offsetarray | 399 399
tuple | 566 566
reduce | 8499 8499
subarray | 318295 318295
reducedim | 783 783
arrayops | 1954 2 1956
simdloop | 249 249
intfuncs | 5207 5207
vecelement | 678 678
rational | 98606 1 98607
copy | 532 532
abstractarray | 54697 24795 79492
fastmath | 943 943
math | 1519678 1519678
functional | 95 95
operators | 12939 12939
ordering | 35 35
path | 355 12 367
iterators | 10065 10065
parse | 16094 16094
LinearAlgebra/addmul | 4680 4680
gmp | 2186 2186
loading | 148506 148506
spawn | 175 4 179
backtrace | 35 1 36
exceptions | 69 69
file | 1035 1035
ccall | 5315 5315
version | 2448 2448
namedtuple | 190 1 191
read | 3093 3093
mpfr | 955 955
complex | 8406 5 8411
bitarray | 912164 912164
floatapprox | 49 49
sorting | 9225 9225
regex | 92 92
reflection | 395 395
sysinfo | 2 2
float16 | 130 130
env | 65 65
combinatorics | 170 170
mod2pi | 80 80
euler | 12 12
rounding | 112720 112720
client | 3 3
errorshow | 205 205
sets | 3481 1 3482
goto | 19 19
llvmcall | 15 15
llvmcall2 | 7 7
ryu | 31206 31206
some | 64 64
meta | 55 55
stacktraces | 48 48
docs | 215 215
ranges | 12109542 327691 12437233
show | 1437 6 1443
enums | 95 95
broadcast | 457 457
interpreter | 3 3
int | 524664 524664
bitset | 192 192
misc | 1280997 1 1280998
checked | 1219 1219
boundscheck | No tests
error | 31 31
cartesian | 22 22
osutils | 42 42
iostream | 34 34
secretbuffer | 27 27
specificity | 175 175
reinterpretarray | 131 131
syntax | 1238 1 1239
logging | 213 213
missing | 467 1 468
channels | 231 231
asyncmap | 292 292
atexit | 40 40
floatfuncs | 152 152
SparseArrays/higherorderfns | 7096 1 7097
Pkg/resolve | 182 182
cmdlineargs | 240 240
Dates/accessors | 7723858 7723858
Dates/adjusters | 3147 3147
Dates/query | 1004 1004
Dates/periods | 702 702
Dates/ranges | 349123 349123
Dates/rounding | 296 296
Dates/types | 223 223
Dates/io | 324 324
Dates/arithmetic | 325 325
Dates/conversions | 161 161
Base64 | 2016 2016
CRC32c | 664 664
LibGit2/libgit2 | 699 699
DelimitedFiles | 89 89
FileWatching | 460 460
Future | No tests
InteractiveUtils | 137 137
Libdl | 64 1 65
Logging | 39 39
Markdown | 246 246
SparseArrays/sparsevector | 10265 10265
SparseArrays/sparse | 3433 3433
Mmap | 137 137
Printf | 757 757
Profile | 23 23
Distributed | 12 12
Serialization | 119 119
REPL | 1108 5 1113
Sockets | 163 163
Random | 203254 203254
Statistics | 748 748
UUIDs | 22 22
Test | 322 14 336
Unicode | 752 752
SHA | 1 1
SuiteSparse | 850 850
precompile | 107 107
SharedArrays | 110 110
threads | 1 1
stress | 118 118
The global RNG seed was 0xda8e347996ba19857aceb54e66e63590.
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