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Last active March 27, 2019 18:41
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Reactive Firebase / BASICS - RxFire, Getting documents
/* Getting a single firestore document */
import { docData } from 'rxfire/firestore'
someFunction() {
const todoRef = db.doc('todos/myTodo')
const todo$ = docData(todoRef, 'id')
todo$.subscribe(todo => /* doSomething() */)
/* Getting a firestore collection */
import { collectionData } from 'rxfire/firestore'
someFunction() {
const todosRef = db.collection('todos')
const todos$ = collectionData(todoRef, 'id')
todos$.subscribe(todos => /* doSomething() */)
* Preventing memory leaks
* (make a component instance available for garbage collection)
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'
destroy$: Subject<boolean> = new Subject<boolean>()
componentDidUnload() { // or whatever your unload hook is.
someFunction() {
const todosRef = db.collection('todos')
const todos$ = collectionData(todoRef, 'id')
// unsub when destroy$ obs emits
.subscribe(todos => /* doSomething() */)
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