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Created June 18, 2020 23:44
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Tosi et al., 2015 firedrake
from firedrake import *
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
import math, numpy
################################## Some important constants etc...: #####################################
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(40, 40) # This mesh is generated via a firedrake function
bottom_id, top_id = 3, 4 # When using firedrake generated mesh
left_id, right_id = 1, 2 # When using firedrake generated mesh
# Global Constants:
steady_state_tolerance = 1.0e-8
max_timesteps = 1000
target_cfl_no = 0.5
max_timestep = 0.1
# Stokes related constants:
lambda_T = math.log(10**5)
eta_star = 10**-3
yield_stress = 1.
Ra = Constant(100.0)
k = Constant((0,1)) # Radial unit vector (in direction opposite to gravity):
# Temperature related constants:
delta_t = Constant(1e-3) # Initial time-step
kappa = Constant(1.0) # Thermal diffusivity
#### Print function to ensure log output is only written on processor zero (if running in parallel) ####
def log(*args):
def log_params(f, str):
if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
# Stokes Equation Solver Parameters:
# direct solve:
# stokes_solver_parameters = {
# 'snes_type': 'ksponly',
# 'ksp_type': 'gmres',
# 'pc_type': 'lu',
# 'pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps',
# 'mat_type': 'aij'
# }
stokes_solver_parameters = {
'snes_type': 'ksponly',
'ksp_type': 'gmres',
'pc_type': 'fieldsplit',
'pc_fieldsplit_type': 'schur',
'pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type': 'diag',
'fieldsplit_0_ksp_type': 'preonly',
'fieldsplit_0_pc_type': 'python',
'fieldsplit_0_pc_python_type': 'firedrake.AssembledPC',
'fieldsplit_0_assembled_pc_type': 'hypre',
'fieldsplit_1_ksp_type': 'preonly',
'fieldsplit_1_pc_type': 'python',
'fieldsplit_1_pc_python_type': 'firedrake.MassInvPC',
'fieldsplit_1_Mp_ksp_type': 'preonly',
'fieldsplit_1_Mp_pc_type': 'lu',
'fieldsplit_1_Mp_pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps',
'mat_type': 'matfree',
'ksp_monitor_true_residual': None,
# Temperature Equation Solver Parameters:
temperature_solver_parameters = {
'snes_type': 'ksponly',
'ksp_type': 'preonly',
'pc_type': 'lu',
'pc_factor_mat_solver_type': 'mumps',
'mat_type': 'aij'
################################## Geometry and Spatial Discretization: #################################
# Set up function spaces - currently using the P2P1 element pair :
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2) # Velocity function space (vector)
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) # Pressure function space (scalar)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) # Temperature function space (scalar)
E = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1) # Strain_rate second invariant function space
# Set up mixed function space and associated test functions:
Z = MixedFunctionSpace([V, W])
N, M = TestFunctions(Z)
Y = TestFunction(Q)
E_DG = TestFunction(E)
# Set up fields on these function spaces - split into each component so that they are easily accessible:
z = Function(Z) # a field over the mixed function space Z.
u, p = split(z)
mu_field = Function(W, name="Viscosity")
epsii_field = Function(E, name="Eps_II")
# Timestepping - CFL related stuff:
delta_x = sqrt(CellVolume(mesh))
ts_func = Function(Q) # Note that time stepping should be dictated by Temperature related mesh.
def compute_timestep(u):
# A function to compute the timestep, based upon the CFL criterion
ts_func.interpolate(delta_x / sqrt(dot(u,u)))
ts_min =
ts_min = mesh.comm.allreduce(ts_min, MPI.MIN)
return min(ts_min*target_cfl_no,max_timestep)
############################ T advection diffusion equation Prerequisites: ##############################
# Set up temperature field and initialise based upon coordinates:
X = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
T_old = Function(Q, name="OldTemperature")
T_old.interpolate((1 - X[1]) + 0.01 * cos(numpy.pi * X[0]) * sin(numpy.pi * X[1]))
T_new = Function(Q, name="Temperature")
# Temporal discretisation - Using a Crank-Nicholson scheme where theta = 0.5:
theta = 0.5
T_theta = theta * T_new + (1-theta) * T_old
############################################ Setup Equations ############################################
### Initially deal with Stokes equations ###
# Strain-rate:
epsilon = 0.5 * (grad(u)+transpose(grad(u))) # Strain-rate
epsii_init = sqrt(inner(epsilon,epsilon)/2.) # 2nd invariant
epsii = conditional(ge(epsii_init, 1e-40), epsii_init, 1e-40) # bounded
# Viscosity
#mu_lin = exp(-lambda_T*T_new + (1 - X[1])) # with pressure-dependent part
mu_lin = exp(-lambda_T * T_new)
mu_plast = eta_star + (yield_stress / (numpy.sqrt(2) * epsii))
mu = (2. / ((1./mu_lin) + (1./mu_plast)))
# Equation in weak (ufl) form - note that continuity equation is added here - need to better understand why:
tau = 2. * mu * epsilon # Stress
F_stokes = inner(grad(N), tau) * dx + dot(N, grad(p)) * dx - (dot(N,k)*Ra*T_theta) * dx
F_stokes += dot(grad(M), u) * dx # Continuity equation
# Set up boundary conditions for Stokes: We first need to extract the velocity field from the mixed
# function space Z. This is done using Z.sub(0). We subsequently need to extract the x and y components
# of velocity. This is done using an additional .sub(0) and .sub(1), respectively. Note that the final arguments
# here are the physical boundary ID's.
bcvx = DirichletBC(Z.sub(0).sub(0), 0, (left_id,right_id))
bcvy = DirichletBC(Z.sub(0).sub(1), 0, (bottom_id,top_id))
### Next deal with Temperature advection-diffusion equation: ###
delta_x = sqrt(CellVolume(mesh))
Y_SUPG = Y + dot(u,grad(Y)) * (delta_x / (2*sqrt(dot(u,u))))
F_energy = Y_SUPG * ((T_new - T_old) / delta_t) * dx + Y_SUPG*dot(u,grad(T_theta)) * dx + dot(grad(Y),kappa*grad(T_theta)) * dx
bct_base = DirichletBC(Q, 1.0, bottom_id)
bct_top = DirichletBC(Q, 0.0, top_id)
nullspace = MixedVectorSpaceBasis(Z, [Z.sub(0), VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)])
# Write output files in VTK format:
u, p = z.split() # Do this first to extract individual velocity and pressure fields:
u_file = File('velocity.pvd')
p_file = File('pressure.pvd')
t_file = File('temperature.pvd')
mu_file = File('viscosity.pvd')
epsii_file = File('epsII.pvd')
period = 50
f = open('params.log', 'w')
# Now perform the time loop:
for timestep in range(0, max_timesteps):
if(timestep != 0):
delta_t.assign(compute_timestep(u)) # Compute adaptive time-step
log("Timestep Number: ", timestep, " Timestep: ", float(delta_t))
# Solve system - configured for solving non-linear systems, where everything is on the LHS (as above)
# and the RHS == 0.
solve(F_stokes==0, z, bcs=[bcvx,bcvy], solver_parameters=stokes_solver_parameters, nullspace=nullspace, appctx={'mu': mu})
# Temperature system:
solve(F_energy==0, T_new, bcs=[bct_base,bct_top], solver_parameters=temperature_solver_parameters)
# Write output:
# if period < 0 and timestep > 500:
# period = 10
if period > 0 and (timestep % period == 0):
# Compute diagnostics:
domain_volume = assemble(1.*dx(domain=mesh))
rms_velocity = numpy.sqrt(assemble(dot(u,u) * dx)) * numpy.sqrt(1./domain_volume)
rms_velocity_surf = numpy.sqrt(assemble(u[0] ** 2 * ds(top_id)))
max_velocity_surf = 0.
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
nusselt_number_base = assemble(dot(grad(T_new),n) * ds(bottom_id))
nusselt_number_top = assemble(dot(grad(T_new),n) * ds(top_id))
energy_conservation_1 = abs(abs(nusselt_number_top) - abs(nusselt_number_base))
average_temperature = assemble(T_new * dx) / domain_volume
max_viscosity =
min_viscosity =
# rate_work_against_gravity = assemble(T_new * u[1] * dx) / domain_volume
# rate_viscous_dissipation = assemble(inner(tau, epsii) * dx) / domain_volume
# energy_conservation_2 = abs(rate_work_against_gravity - rate_viscous_dissipation / Ra.values()[0])
log("RMS Velocity (domain, surf, surf_max): ", rms_velocity, rms_velocity_surf, max_velocity_surf)
log("Nu (base, top, cons): ",nusselt_number_base,nusselt_number_top,energy_conservation_1)
log("Average Temperature: ", average_temperature)
log("mu (max, min)", max_viscosity, min_viscosity)
# log("<W>, <phi>: ", rate_work_against_gravity, rate_viscous_dissipation)
# log("<W>, <phi>, cons: ", rate_work_against_gravity, rate_viscous_dissipation, energy_conservation_2)
# Calculate L2-norm of change in temperature:
maxchange = math.sqrt(assemble((T_new - T_old)**2 * dx))
# Leave if steady-state has been achieved:
log("Maxchange:",maxchange," Targetting:",steady_state_tolerance)
log_params(f, str(timestep))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(maxchange))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(rms_velocity))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(rms_velocity_surf))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(max_velocity_surf))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(nusselt_number_base))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(nusselt_number_top))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(average_temperature))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(max_viscosity))
log_params(f, ' ' + str(min_viscosity))
# log_params(f, ' ' + str(rate_work_against_gravity))
# log_params(f, ' ' + str(rate_viscous_dissipation))
log_params(f, '\n')
if(maxchange < steady_state_tolerance):
log("Steady-state achieved -- exiting time-step loop")
# Set T_old = T_new - assign the values of T_new to T_old
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