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Last active May 2, 2024 23:23
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import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
import mplcursors
# Sample data
data = {
'Date': ['1-Apr-2024', '1-Apr-2024', '1-Apr-2024', '4-Apr-2024', '5-Apr-2024', '6-Apr-2024'],
'Job': ['FOO', 'FOO', 'FOO', 'FOO', 'FOO', 'FOO'],
'Start': ['1-Apr-2024 13:12:24', '1-Apr-2024 15:23:44', '1-Apr-2024 23:12:52',
'4-Apr-2024 13:22:30', '5-Apr-2024 14:38:01', '7-Apr-2024 12:00:00'],
'End': ['1-Apr-2024 14:24:17', '1-Apr-2024 16:25:27', '2-Apr-2024 00:04:19',
'4-Apr-2024 14:54:18', '5-Apr-2024 15:47:37', None]
# Convert to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start'], format='%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
df['End'] = pd.to_datetime(df['End'], format='%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d-%b-%Y')
df['AdjustedEnd'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['End'] if pd.notnull(row['End']) else row['Start'] + pd.Timedelta(minutes=30), axis=1)
min_date = df['Date'].min()
date_diff = df['Date'] - min_date
df['Start'] = df['Start'] - date_diff
df['AdjustedEnd'] = df['AdjustedEnd'] - date_diff
min_start_time = df['Start'].min() - pd.Timedelta(minutes=30)
max_end_time = max(df['Start'].max(), df['AdjustedEnd'].max()) + pd.Timedelta(minutes=30)
# Assign a numerical value to each date
date_values = {date: i for i, date in enumerate(df['Date'].unique())}
# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
for date, group in df.groupby('Date'):
for job, start_time, end_time, duration in zip(group['Job'], group['Start'], group['End'], group['AdjustedEnd'] - group['Start']):
color = 'red' if pd.isnull(end_time) else 'blue'
formatted_date = date.strftime('%d-%b')
ax.barh(f'{formatted_date} {job}', duration.total_seconds() / 86400, left=start_time, height=0.5, color=color)
# Set y-ticks to display date labels
ax.set_yticklabels([date.strftime('%d-%b') for date in date_values.keys()])
ax.set_xlabel('Duration (hours)')
ax.set_ylabel('Date - Job')
ax.set_title('Running Duration of Each Job Based on Start and End Time')
ax.set_xlim(min_start_time, max_end_time)
# Use mplcursors to display tooltips
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