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Last active November 10, 2022 18:08
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Monsters! Game</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 40em;
width: 88%;
* A simple grid layout
.row {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;
text-align: center;
.grid {
min-height: 6em;
padding: 1em;
* Make sure images scale
img {
height: auto;
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<h1>Monsters! Game</h1>
<div id="app"></div>
<p class="text-small text-muted">Icons by <a href="">Jamie Dickinson</a>, <a href="">Nicky Knicky</a>, <a href="">Alvaro Cabrera</a>, <a href="">Eliricon</a>, <a href="">April Yang</a>, <a href="">tk66</a>, <a href="">Alex WaZa</a>, <a href="">Husein Aziz</a>, <a href="">iconcheese</a>, and <a href="">Yazmin Alanis</a>.</p>
// The monsters and socks
//use a self executing function to hide variables from global scope
let countClick = '0'
let monsters = [
name: 'monster1',
alt: 'A yellow monster with a curly nose'
name: 'monster2',
alt: 'A yellow monster with a wide head, one eye, and an underbite'
name: 'monster3',
alt: 'A green monster with eyes on stalks and a mouth at the top of its head'
name: 'monster4',
alt: 'A red monster with horns, four eyes, and no legs'
name: 'monster5',
alt: 'A green monster with three horns on each side of its head, one eye, and a sad look on its face'
name: 'monster6',
alt: 'A green, triangle-shaped monster with sharp teeth, walking upside-down on its hands'
name: 'monster7',
alt: 'A purple monster with a single, sad looking eye and tentacles for arms'
name: 'monster8',
alt: 'A purple, oval-shaped monster with one eye and no arms or legs'
name: 'monster9',
alt: 'A blue, insect-like monster, with bug eyes, three body sections, and a pair of wings'
name: 'monster10',
alt: 'A blue monster with lopsided eyes on stalks and long, sharp teeth'
name: 'monster11',
alt: 'A furry gray monster with long arms and a happy face'
name: 'sock',
alt: 'A pair of athletic socks'
// Get the #app element
let app = document.querySelector('#app');
document.addEventListener('click', function(e){
if ('img') ||'.toggleimg')){
let link ='.toggleimg');
//check if link exists if not then must be the revealed image.
if (link){
let image = link.querySelector('img');
//remove class to disable onclick behaviour
//add aria pressed to tell screen readers the button is clicked
link.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true');
//decode the monster parts to reveal the monster
let decodedImgAlt = atob(image.dataset.alt);
let decodedImgSrc = atob(image.dataset.src);
var revealedImg = `<img src="${decodedImgSrc}" alt="Revealed image of ${decodedImgAlt}" >`
link.outerHTML = revealedImg;
if (decodedImgSrc === "sock.svg") {
//give time for image to load I would like to find a better way than a timeout for this!
setTimeout(function () {
app.innerHTML ='<h2 role="alert">Game Over you found the socks. Please try again!</h2><button onclick="loadGame()">Reload Game</button>';
}, 100);
} else if(countClick === 11) {
//give time for image to load I would like to find a better way than a timeout for this!
setTimeout(function () {
app.innerHTML ='<h2 role="alert">Congratulations you win! You found all the monsters and no socks!</h2><button onclick="loadGame()">Have another go!</button>';
}, 100);
* Randomly shuffle an array
* @param {Array} array The array to shuffle
* @return {String} The first item in the shuffled array
function shuffle (array) {
let currentIndex = array.length;
let temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
function loadGame(){
//reset click counter to 0
countClick = '0'
// Shuffle the monsters array
// Inject the monsters into the DOM
app.innerHTML =
`<p>Click or Press on a door to find all the monsters. If you find a pair of socks before you find all the monsters you lose!<p>
<div class="row">
${ (monster, index) {
return `
<div class="grid" aria-live="polite">
<a href="#" role="button" title="click on door ${index + 1} to reveal the monster or sock" class="toggleimg">
<img src="door.svg" alt="door ${index + 1}" data-alt="${btoa(monster.alt)}" data-src="${btoa(`${}.svg`)}">
//loadGame on load
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<svg xmlns="" width="83" height="90" aria-labelledby="title-sock"><title id="title-sock">Sock!</title><g fill="#808080" fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M45.884 89.484c-.644 0-1.29-.048-1.926-.143-9.232-1.383-25.625-6.705-26.987-7.494a10.35 10.35 0 0 1-4.849-6.337 10.359 10.359 0 0 1 1.053-7.911c2.877-4.964 5.444-5.177 12.302-5.746.333-.023 7.74-.555 12.482-.555.628 0 1.178.011 1.658.03 3.48-6.343 16.778-31.459 17.894-33.936.508-1.122 2.048-4.529 5.549-4.529 1.998 0 4 1.065 6.534 2.415.463.247.944.503 1.449.765 1.888.979 3.479 1.706 4.885 2.347 4.83 2.203 8.021 3.657 5.289 9.708-3.05 6.757-23.235 43.483-24.165 45.043a13.068 13.068 0 0 1-11.168 6.343zm-7.926-24.489c-4.608 0-12.122.535-12.197.542-6.738.557-7.542.727-9.39 3.915a6.683 6.683 0 0 0-.68 5.107 6.681 6.681 0 0 0 3.13 4.092c1.071.511 16.59 5.675 25.682 7.037.454.066.918.102 1.38.102a9.356 9.356 0 0 0 7.995-4.541c.924-1.55 20.951-37.984 23.971-44.672 1.217-2.696 1.217-2.696-3.455-4.826-1.374-.626-3.084-1.406-5.055-2.43-.516-.267-1.01-.53-1.483-.782-1.998-1.063-3.722-1.981-4.798-1.981-.334 0-1.117 0-2.182 2.355-1.266 2.807-16.288 31.161-18.608 35.248a1.821 1.821 0 0 1-1.811.923c-.545-.061-1.387-.089-2.499-.089z"/><path d="M77.939 40.438a.728.728 0 0 1-.316-.072L57.807 31.05a.744.744 0 0 1 .631-1.347l19.818 9.317a.745.745 0 0 1-.317 1.418z"/><path d="M62.977 33.241a.744.744 0 0 1-.671-1.066l3.336-6.958a.745.745 0 1 1 1.341.643l-3.336 6.958a.743.743 0 0 1-.67.423zM66.69 35.08a.743.743 0 0 1-.67-1.065l3.337-6.958a.743.743 0 1 1 1.341.643l-3.337 6.958a.744.744 0 0 1-.671.422zM70.25 36.719a.744.744 0 0 1-.671-1.066l3.337-6.958a.748.748 0 0 1 .993-.349c.37.178.526.622.349.993l-3.337 6.958a.747.747 0 0 1-.671.422zM73.687 38.014a.744.744 0 0 1-.671-1.066l3.337-6.958a.745.745 0 0 1 1.342.644l-3.337 6.958a.746.746 0 0 1-.671.422zM45.645 88.599c-1.555 0-3.19-.306-4.864-.91a.75.75 0 0 1-.43-.996l4.136-9.622a.746.746 0 0 1 .831-.434l11.608 2.368a.74.74 0 0 1 .539 1.01c-.143.35-3.612 8.584-11.82 8.584zm-3.609-2.061c1.246.38 2.457.574 3.608.574 5.767 0 8.976-4.865 10.041-6.844l-10.072-2.053-3.577 8.323zM18.228 81.206a.726.726 0 0 1-.368-.097l-.331-.187a9.278 9.278 0 0 1-4.341-5.674 9.251 9.251 0 0 1 .941-7.07 9.353 9.353 0 0 1 8.072-4.646c.433 0 .87.031 1.299.092a.748.748 0 0 1 .433.223 10.308 10.308 0 0 1 2.887 7.165c0 4.986-3.556 9.269-8.456 10.182a.695.695 0 0 1-.136.012zm3.973-16.185a7.865 7.865 0 0 0-6.785 3.904 7.776 7.776 0 0 0-.791 5.942 7.785 7.785 0 0 0 3.643 4.763l.085.048a8.868 8.868 0 0 0 6.979-8.666 8.826 8.826 0 0 0-2.297-5.946 7.518 7.518 0 0 0-.834-.045z"/><path d="M31.549 58.037a12.944 12.944 0 0 1-6.393-1.681C17.046 51.757 3.651 40.904 2.66 39.679a10.351 10.351 0 0 1-2.252-7.657 10.352 10.352 0 0 1 3.822-7.005c4.465-3.601 6.938-2.88 13.543-.951.433.131 9.294 2.833 13.386 4.585 5.519-4.666 26.943-23.337 28.884-25.256 1.839-1.818 3.458-2.643 5.204-2.57 2.639.101 4.49 2.236 6.832 4.938.343.395.7.806 1.074 1.229 1.409 1.59 2.636 2.84 3.717 3.942 3.72 3.789 6.177 6.292 1.455 10.96-1.093 1.081-3.362 3.133-6.744 6.099a1.846 1.846 0 0 1-2.606-.172 1.844 1.844 0 0 1 .171-2.605c3.326-2.917 5.541-4.918 6.582-5.948 2.104-2.08 2.104-2.08-1.493-5.746-1.058-1.078-2.374-2.418-3.846-4.08-.384-.434-.748-.854-1.1-1.259-1.688-1.946-3.146-3.627-4.183-3.667-.762-.016-1.756.804-2.468 1.506-2.2 2.175-26.396 23.249-30.02 26.224a1.843 1.843 0 0 1-2.021.213c-2.433-1.259-10.843-3.93-13.879-4.854-6.489-1.893-7.301-2.026-10.17.287a6.687 6.687 0 0 0-2.468 4.522 6.685 6.685 0 0 0 1.453 4.942c.817.861 13.454 11.254 21.447 15.785.394.226.815.424 1.253.593a9.352 9.352 0 0 0 9.089-1.372c.439-.344 5.428-4.532 12.262-10.338a1.847 1.847 0 1 1 2.392 2.815c-6.134 5.211-11.783 9.965-12.371 10.427a13.041 13.041 0 0 1-8.056 2.771z"/><path d="M74.694 22.952a.739.739 0 0 1-.537-.229L59.002 6.915a.744.744 0 0 1 1.072-1.029l15.155 15.808a.744.744 0 0 1-.535 1.258z"/><path d="M63.309 10.866a.742.742 0 0 1-.511-1.284l5.61-5.298a.743.743 0 1 1 1.022 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3.647 0 6.978-2.285 8.286-5.688a8.829 8.829 0 0 0-.01-6.375 7.896 7.896 0 0 0-3.59-.865c-1.803 0-3.5.6-4.906 1.733a7.784 7.784 0 0 0-2.872 5.264 7.785 7.785 0 0 0 1.691 5.753l.064.076z"/></g></svg>
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