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Last active July 19, 2020 06:07
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  • Save anhlt/2518fa1d17fc6a9994a80b9c2f2fb609 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anhlt/2518fa1d17fc6a9994a80b9c2f2fb609 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Type :help nv for help.
let mapleader=,
nnoremap <leader>d :Neovintageous action=toggle_side_bar<CR>
// "E701"
// "E701"
{ "keys": ["ctrl+`"], "command": "toggle_terminus_panel" },
{ "keys": ["alt+w"], "command": "show_scala_worksheet", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "source.scala" }]},
"keys": [",", "d"],
"command": "neovintageous",
"args": { "action": "toggle_side_bar" },
"context": [
{ "key": "control", "operand": "sidebar_tree" }
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+n"], "command": "advanced_new_file_new"},
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+alt+n"], "command": "advanced_new_file_new", "args": {"is_python": true}},
"command": "lsp_symbol_definition",
"keys": [
"context": [
"key": "lsp.session_with_capability",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "definitionProvider"
"key": "auto_complete_visible",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": false
"command": "lsp_format_document",
"keys": [
"context": [
"key": "lsp.session_with_capability",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "documentFormattingProvider | documentRangeFormattingProvider"
"keys": ["ctrl+`"],
"command": "toggle_terminus_panel"
"keys": ["ctrl+^"],
"command": "toggle_terminus_panel"
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "1"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 0
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "2"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 1
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "3"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 2
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "4"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 3
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "5"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 4
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "6"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 5
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "7"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 6
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "8"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 7
"keys": ["ctrl+b", "9"],
"command": "focus_group",
"group": 8
// LSP
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+r"],
"command": "lsp_symbol_references"
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+d"],
"command": "lsp_symbol_definition"
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"],
"command": "lsp_format_document"
"keys": ["ctrl+t"],
"command": "show_overlay",
"overlay": "command_palette",
"command": "lsp_workspace_symbols"
"keys": ["ctrl+m"],
"command": "lsp_toggle_panel",
"args": {"panel_type": "diagnostics"}
// dired
"keys": ["f1"],
"command": "dired",
"immediate": true,
"project": true,
"single_pane": true,
"other_group" : "right"
"keys": ["enter"],
"command": "dired_select",
"and_close": true
"context": [
"key": "selector",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "text.dired"
"key": "setting.dired_rename_mode",
"operand": false
// Settings in here override those in "${packages}/DoxyDoxygen/Doxy.sublime-settings",
// and are overridden in turn by syntax-specific settings.
"profiles": [
"languages": ["scala"],
"parsers": ["LanguageJava"],
"doc_styles": ["JavaDoc"] // instead of "PhpDoc"
"token" : "c346aa457f5a72a631875b0469a09f0b8dbfd70c"
// GitGutter Settings - User
"show_markers_on_untracked_file": false,
"debug_mode": true,
"github_hostnames": [
"active_account": "GitHub"
"npm_custom_path": "/usr/local/bin/npm",
"node_js_custom_path": "/usr/local/bin/node"
"languages": [
"languageId": "vue",
"scopes": ["text.html.vue"],
"syntaxes": [
"Packages/Vue Syntax Highlight/Vue Component.sublime-syntax",
"auto_show_diagnostics_panel": "saved",
"document_highlight_style": "stippled",
"initialize_timeout": 30,
"log_debug": true,
"log_payloads": true,
"log_server": true,
"only_show_lsp_completions": true,
"prefer_label_over_filter_text": true,
"show_code_actions_bulb": true,
"show_diagnostics_phantoms": true,
"show_diagnostics_severity_level": 4,
// pip install -U python-language-server[all] pyls-mypy
"enabled": true,
"command": [
// @see
// "VIRTUAL_ENV": "/Users/mike/.virtualenvs/my-virtual-env"
"enabled": true,
"ignore": [
// PEP 8 suggests putting multiline binary operator in a new line
// so we disable W503 (PEP 8) and enable W504
"enabled": true,
"ignore": [
"enabled": true,
"enabled": false,
"ignore": [],
"enabled": false,
"live_mode": true,
"languageId": "python",
"scopes": [
"syntaxes": [
* The "saved_layouts" key holds a list of previously
* saved layout settings. These can be set using the
* "Origami: Save Current Layout" command, they can be
* restored using the "Origami: Restore Saved Layout"
* command and can be removed using the "Origami: Remove
* Saved Layout" command.
* Valid format: {"nickname": XXXX, "cells": XXXX,
* "cols": XXXX, "rows": XXXX}
"saved_layouts": [],
// Create a new pane when switching in a direction without one
"create_new_pane_if_necessary": true,
"auto_close_empty_panes" : true
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{"schema_version": "3.0.0", "repositories": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "packages_cache": {"": [{"name": "P4Sublime", "description": "Plugin to Sublime Text 2 that uses the P4Python bindings rather than the command line client.", "authors": ["Jeremy Jones"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": null, "issues": null, "donate": null, "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["windows"], "sublime_text": "<3000", "version": "0.1.2", "url": "", "date": "2012-08-30 02:57:00"}]}], "": [{"name": "Character Table", "description": "Provide a Character Table to lookup and insert any Unicode Character. 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Deferred test fixtures are supported, such that you give back control to sublime text, and continue with your test few ms later.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": ["testing", "plugin development", "UnitTest", "utilities"], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-04-16 06:21:45"}]}, {"name": "Preferences Editor", "description": "Browse and edit preferences using quick panel and input panels, instead of writing JSON files.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": ["utilities", "settings", "preferences"], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-06-02 01:46:00"}]}, {"name": "ProjectSpecific", "description": "Configure project specific commands, keymaps, etc. in your project-file.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "<3000", "version": "2013.", "url": "", "date": "2013-07-15 13:35:05"}]}, {"name": "RestructuredText Improved", "description": "Improved Syntax Highlighting for RestructuredText.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": ["SublimeReStructuredText"], "labels": ["language syntax", "code navigation"], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-09-13 03:14:34"}]}, {"name": "Sphinx Office", "description": "Here you find a sublime text plugin for creating letters, reports, or books from reStructured Text files using sphinx.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": ["SphinxOffice Letter"], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": null, "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2013.", "url": "", "date": "2013-11-21 13:46:14"}]}, {"name": "SSL", "description": "SSL for Linux.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["linux"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-03-15 04:07:21"}]}, {"name": "SyntaxHighlightTools", "description": "Easier Syntax Highlight and Theme Definition.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": ["language syntax", "plugin development", "utilities"], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-09-13 02:24:45"}]}, {"name": "Vintageous - Region To Selection", "description": "Vintageous: Convert your current search hits to a selection, All: Select other parts with same scope name, region to selection command.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": ["Region To Selection (Vintageous)"], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-01-03 13:47:27"}]}, {"name": "WrapCommand", "description": "A Command Wrapper providing an unified and easy to use interface regarding variable expansion.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2013.", "url": "", "date": "2013-11-08 05:22:25"}]}, {"name": "Zip Browser", "description": "Open a panel to browse and edit zip file's content on opening a zip file. .sublime-package also supported.", "authors": ["Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz)"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": "", "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "2014.", "url": "", "date": "2014-08-30 02:59:01"}]}], "": [{"name": "Live Coding in Python", "description": "Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser", "authors": ["donkirkby"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": [], "readme": "", "issues": "", "donate": null, "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "4.2.0", "url": "", "date": "2020-07-09 01:07:35"}, {"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "4.1.0", "url": "", "date": "2020-04-01 03:30:57"}, {"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", "version": "4.0.1", "url": "", "date": "2020-01-27 06:52:15"}, {"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": ">=3000", 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"", "issues": null, "donate": null, "buy": null, "releases": [{"platforms": ["*"], "sublime_text": "*", "version": "0.1.2", "url": "", "date": "2015-04-02 09:37:33"}]}, {"name": "F5 iRules", "description": "Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion", "authors": ["ArtiomL"], "homepage": "", "previous_names": [], "labels": ["language syntax", "snippets", "color scheme", "auto-complete"], "readme":
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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