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Created October 17, 2019 04:04
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  • Save anhmiuhv/4bef71328edf66bd87e907d5cb67c9c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anhmiuhv/4bef71328edf66bd87e907d5cb67c9c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ECM apple driver log for Jetson Nano usb gadget
Last login: Wed Oct 16 16:22:32 on ttys004
➜ analysis ssh linh@inet
ssh: Could not resolve hostname inet: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
➜ analysis ssh linh@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
➜ analysis nvidia@
zsh: command not found: nvidia@
➜ analysis ssh nvidia@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
➜ analysis ssh nvidia@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
➜ analysis lsusb
zsh: command not found: lsusb
➜ analysis system_profiler
Accessibility Information:
Cursor Magnification: Off
Display: Black on White
Flash Screen: Off
Mouse Keys: Off
Slow Keys: Off
Sticky Keys: Off
VoiceOver: Off
Zoom Mode: Full Screen
Contrast: 0
Keyboard Zoom: On
Scroll Zoom: Off
➜ analysis system_profiler SPUSBDataType
USB 3.1 Bus:
Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBXHCIAR
PCI Device ID: 0x15d4
PCI Revision ID: 0x0002
PCI Vendor ID: 0x8086
Bus Number: 0x00
USB3.0 Hub :
Product ID: 0x0817
Vendor ID: 0x2109 (VIA Labs, Inc.)
Version: 3.a3
Speed: Up to 5 Gb/s
Manufacturer: VIA Labs, Inc.
Location ID: 0x00100000 / 7
Current Available (mA): 900
Current Required (mA): 0
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
USB3.0 Card Reader:
Product ID: 0x0749
Vendor ID: 0x05e3 (Genesys Logic, Inc.)
Version: 15.32
Serial Number: 000000001532
Speed: Up to 5 Gb/s
Manufacturer: Generic
Location ID: 0x00140000 / 8
Current Available (mA): 900
Current Required (mA): 896
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
USB 3.0 Bus:
Host Controller Driver: AppleUSBXHCISPTLP
PCI Device ID: 0x9d2f
PCI Revision ID: 0x0021
PCI Vendor ID: 0x8086
USB2.0 Hub :
Product ID: 0x2817
Vendor ID: 0x2109 (VIA Labs, Inc.)
Version: 3.a3
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/s
Manufacturer: VIA Labs, Inc.
Location ID: 0x14100000 / 7
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 0
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
Linux for Tegra:
Product ID: 0x7020
Vendor ID: 0x0955 (NVIDIA)
Version: 0.01
Serial Number: 14224191138850c082fd
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/s
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Location ID: 0x14120000 / 9
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 2
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
File-Stor Gadget:
Capacity: 16.8 MB (16,777,216 bytes)
Removable Media: Yes
BSD Name: disk2
Logical Unit: 0
Partition Map Type: Unknown
S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
USB Interface: 4
USB Billboard Device :
Product ID: 0x8888
Vendor ID: 0x2109 (VIA Labs, Inc.)
Version: 0.01
Serial Number: 0000000000000001
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/s
Manufacturer: VIA Labs, Inc.
Location ID: 0x14150000 / 8
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 100
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0
➜ analysis ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280
ether a4:83:e7:06:61:9f
inet6 fe80::1457:8a0f:2fc0:fc01%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:c33:fac7:3349:4969 prefixlen 64 autoconf secured
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:d14b:8da7:9419:67d3 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050::9660 prefixlen 64 dynamic
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 06:83:e7:06:61:9f
media: autoselect
status: inactive
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%awdl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%llw0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:00
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0
maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0
ipfilter disabled flags 0x2
member: en1 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 8 priority 0 path cost 0
member: en2 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 9 priority 0 path cost 0
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: <unknown type>
status: inactive
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::31d3:a30c:8842:682a%utun0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2000
inet6 fe80::d6b3:4174:cdbb:789b%utun1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::ea9f:d167:adbd:3cb3%utun2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xd
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun3: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::e40e:b0f5:17e7:31b6%utun3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xe
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
➜ analysis ssh nvidia@fe80::1%usb0
ssh: connect to host fe80::1 port 22: No route to host
➜ analysis ssh nvidia@fe80::1%usb0
ssh: connect to host fe80::1 port 22: No route to host
➜ analysis ssh -6 nvidia@fe80::1%usb0
ssh: connect to host fe80::1 port 22: No route to host
➜ analysis ssh -6 nvidia@fe80::1
ssh: connect to host fe80::1 port 22: No route to host
➜ analysis ssh nvidia@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
➜ analysis /dev/tty
tty% ttyr0% ttysb% ttyue%
tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port% ttyr1% ttysc% ttyuf%
tty.usbmodem141203% ttyr2% ttysd% ttyv0%
ttyp0% ttyr3% ttyse% ttyv1%
ttyp1% ttyr4% ttysf% ttyv2%
ttyp2% ttyr5% ttyt0% ttyv3%
ttyp3% ttyr6% ttyt1% ttyv4%
ttyp4% ttyr7% ttyt2% ttyv5%
ttyp5% ttyr8% ttyt3% ttyv6%
ttyp6% ttyr9% ttyt4% ttyv7%
ttyp7% ttyra% ttyt5% ttyv8%
ttyp8% ttyrb% ttyt6% ttyv9%
ttyp9% ttyrc% ttyt7% ttyva%
ttypa% ttyrd% ttyt8% ttyvb%
ttypb% ttyre% ttyt9% ttyvc%
ttypc% ttyrf% ttyta% ttyvd%
ttypd% ttys0% ttytb% ttyve%
ttype% ttys000% ttytc% ttyvf%
ttypf% ttys001% ttytd% ttyw0%
ttyq0% ttys002% ttyte% ttyw1%
ttyq1% ttys003% ttytf% ttyw2%
ttyq2% ttys004% ttyu0% ttyw3%
ttyq3% ttys005% ttyu1% ttyw4%
ttyq4% ttys006% ttyu2% ttyw5%
ttyq5% ttys007% ttyu3% ttyw6%
ttyq6% ttys1% ttyu4% ttyw7%
ttyq7% ttys2% ttyu5% ttyw8%
ttyq8% ttys3% ttyu6% ttyw9%
ttyq9% ttys4% ttyu7% ttywa%
ttyqa% ttys5% ttyu8% ttywb%
ttyqb% ttys6% ttyu9% ttywc%
ttyqc% ttys7% ttyua% ttywd%
ttyqd% ttys8% ttyub% ttywe%
ttyqe% ttys9% ttyuc% ttywf%
ttyqf% ttysa% ttyud%
➜ analysis ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
^XRequest timeout for icmp_seq 3
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
➜ analysis ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
➜ analysis ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:enbXr9cVCLoG4ylCkx3MqqIUBkZHQKfqrekNo42mvO4.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
linhhoang@'s password:
➜ analysis ssh linh@
linh@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.9.140-tegra aarch64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.
To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.
136 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
Failed to connect to Check your Internet connection or proxy settings
Last login: Wed Oct 16 12:30:49 2019
linh@linh-desktop:~$ ls
Desktop Documents Downloads examples.desktop Music password Pictures Public Templates Videos
linh@linh-desktop:~$ ls
Desktop Documents Downloads examples.desktop Music password Pictures Public Templates Videos
linh@linh-desktop:~$ cd Documents/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents$ ls
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents$ ls
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents$ cd rosiechan/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan$ ls env
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan$ ls env
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan$ git clone
Cloning into 'assistant-sdk-python'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 2048 (delta 1), reused 2 (delta 0), pack-reused 2038
Receiving objects: 100% (2048/2048), 675.84 KiB | 345.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1137/1137), done.
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan$ ls
assistant-sdk-python env
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan$ cd assistant-sdk-python/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python$ ls google-assistant-grpc google-assistant-sdk LICENSE
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python$ ls google-assistant-grpc google-assistant-sdk LICENSE
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python$ cd google-assistant-sdk/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk$ ls
actions.json CHANGELOG.rst googlesamples LICENSE README.rst setup.cfg tests
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk$ cd googlesamples/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples$ ls
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples$ cd assistant/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ ls
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ cd grpc/
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant/grpc$ ls README.rst requirements.txt
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant/grpc$ cd ..
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
[sudo] password for linh:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libffi-dev is already the newest version (3.2.1-8).
portaudio19-dev is already the newest version (19.6.0-1).
libssl-dev is already the newest version (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.4).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 159 not upgraded.
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
-bash: pip: command not found
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
-bash: pip3: command not found
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ sudo apt install python3-pip
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following additional packages will be installed:
python3-setuptools python3-wheel
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 159 not upgraded.
Need to get 398 kB of archives.
After this operation, 2,074 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
Get:1 bionic-updates/universe arm64 python3-pip all 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.1 [114 kB]
Get:2 bionic/main arm64 python3-setuptools all 39.0.1-2 [248 kB]
Get:3 bionic/universe arm64 python3-wheel all 0.30.0-0.2 [36.5 kB]
Fetched 398 kB in 2s (173 kB/s)
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
Selecting previously unselected package python3-pip.
(Reading database ... 130852 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../python3-pip_9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.1_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-pip (9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-setuptools.
Preparing to unpack .../python3-setuptools_39.0.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-setuptools (39.0.1-2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package python3-wheel.
Preparing to unpack .../python3-wheel_0.30.0-0.2_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-wheel (0.30.0-0.2) ...
Setting up python3-wheel (0.30.0-0.2) ...
Setting up python3-pip (9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Setting up python3-setuptools (39.0.1-2) ...
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ history
1 vim password
2 ls
3 ping
4 ls
5 cd Documents/
6 ls
7 cd rosiechan/
8 ls
9 sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
10 ls
11 sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
12 sudo emacs /et/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.cong
13 sudo emacs /et/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
14 sudo emacs /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
15 ls
16 sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
17 ls
18 ping
19 sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
20 ls
21 wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
22 sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
23 ls
24 ifconfig
25 wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
26 sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
27 ifconfig -a
28 dmesg
29 sudo reboot now
30 ls
31 cd Documents/
32 ls
33 cd rosiechan/
34 ls
35 git clone
36 ls
37 cd assistant-sdk-python/
38 ls
39 cd google-assistant-sdk/
40 ls
41 cd googlesamples/
42 ls
43 cd assistant/
44 ls
45 cd grpc/
46 ls
47 cd ..
48 sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
49 pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
50 pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
51 sudo apt install python3-pip
52 history
linh@linh-desktop:~/Documents/rosiechan/assistant-sdk-python/google-assistant-sdk/googlesamples/assistant$ sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.confpacket_write_poll: Connection to port 22: Host is down
➜ analysis ifconfig
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280
ether a4:83:e7:06:61:9f
inet6 fe80::1457:8a0f:2fc0:fc01%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:c33:fac7:3349:4969 prefixlen 64 autoconf secured
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:d14b:8da7:9419:67d3 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050::9660 prefixlen 64 dynamic
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 06:83:e7:06:61:9f
media: autoselect
status: inactive
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%awdl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%llw0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:00
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0
maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0
ipfilter disabled flags 0x2
member: en1 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 8 priority 0 path cost 0
member: en2 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 9 priority 0 path cost 0
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: <unknown type>
status: inactive
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::31d3:a30c:8842:682a%utun0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2000
inet6 fe80::d6b3:4174:cdbb:789b%utun1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::ea9f:d167:adbd:3cb3%utun2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xd
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun3: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::e40e:b0f5:17e7:31b6%utun3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xe
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
➜ analysis ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff000000
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
gif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
stf0: flags=0<> mtu 1280
ether a4:83:e7:06:61:9f
inet6 fe80::1457:8a0f:2fc0:fc01%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:c33:fac7:3349:4969 prefixlen 64 autoconf secured
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050:d14b:8da7:9419:67d3 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary
inet6 2601:c0:ca7f:8050::9660 prefixlen 64 dynamic
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 06:83:e7:06:61:9f
media: autoselect
status: inactive
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%awdl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x6
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 0e:f5:28:dd:5c:52
inet6 fe80::cf5:28ff:fedd:5c52%llw0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:00
media: autoselect <full-duplex>
status: inactive
ether 82:1c:48:25:e0:01
id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 hellotime 0 fwddelay 0
maxage 0 holdcnt 0 proto stp maxaddr 100 timeout 1200
root id 0:0:0:0:0:0 priority 0 ifcost 0 port 0
ipfilter disabled flags 0x2
member: en1 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 8 priority 0 path cost 0
member: en2 flags=3<LEARNING,DISCOVER>
ifmaxaddr 0 port 9 priority 0 path cost 0
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: <unknown type>
status: inactive
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::31d3:a30c:8842:682a%utun0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xb
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2000
inet6 fe80::d6b3:4174:cdbb:789b%utun1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xc
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::ea9f:d167:adbd:3cb3%utun2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xd
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
utun3: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380
inet6 fe80::e40e:b0f5:17e7:31b6%utun3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xe
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
➜ analysis dmesg
Unable to obtain kernel buffer: Operation not permitted
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
Sorry, try again.
oldValue 0x52, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 85, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 15, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x55
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 84, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x53, newValue 0x54
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 83, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0 AWDL ON:[infra(157) 60%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 149 149 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Idle IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setElectionMetricForNonAirplaySink: Updating Election metric to 521 _lastTimeSince 2190 monitorAWDLState: Number of peers found: 1
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235185tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235184[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55445 > 8009 in state 4, reset timer to AWDL ON:[infra(157) 72%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 0 0 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Low Power IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._raop._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay-p2p._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::monitorAWDLState Disabling AWDL due to no services and no active sockets
ARPT: 12995.570200: AWDL Sync Enabled 0, data path state[1] AWDL-Channels-CCA: channel 149 CCA:11%[S:2 O:6 I:3] channel 157 CCA:8%[S:1 O:6 I:1] channel 6 CCA:10%[S:1 O:1 I:8] AWDL is off IO80211AWDLPeerManager::signalPeerManagerEvent Signalling (0:Awdl status update completed) event from tid: 2b526
Sandbox: 43 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6063) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identificationtx_flush:1028: xid 1495846 tx stats: # 5920 finish 5921 enter 294 wait 41 10172us close 171us flush 4160us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 19246tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 25627tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58061 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 465tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9865Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x51
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58067 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 617ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[137]/2/0/222.
ACM: verifyPolicy: Verifying policy UserIdentificationWithBiometrics, checkKeybagUUID = No, CS[137].
ACM: verifyPolicy: Policy satisfied = No, preflight = Yes, CS[137].
ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[137].
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:4633: No ER state object for volume Recovery - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover.
handle_mount:326: vol-uuid: 6B4633AF-A7C6-4171-BE34-AAE03B958C97 block size: 4096 block count: 122061322 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2)
handle_mount:339: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:1463: mounted volume: Recovery
ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8
Sandbox: diskarbitrationd(178) System Policy: deny(1) file-read-data /dev/rdisk1s3Sandbox: mdwrite(720) System Policy: deny(1) file-write-xattr /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Network.prefPaneapfs_vfsop_unmount:1655: /dev/disk1: unmounting volume 'Recovery'
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs: total mem allocated: 126925908 (121 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:1903: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 3)
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 620001tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57827 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 801176Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 3611tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58023 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62046tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57899 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 532177tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58021 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62155tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58037 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54517Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 535843SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495866 tx stats: # 5940 finish 5941 enter 294 wait 42 9934us close 171us flush 4159us
Sandbox: 2 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup SafariBookmarksS(607) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58081 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 485tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58082 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 495ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 10069tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9633macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 38893Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for SafariBookmarksS deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58089 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 605filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495886 tx stats: # 5960 finish 5961 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4158us
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Sandbox: 5 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6129) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 109949tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 60727tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58106 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 783tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58107 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 795tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58105 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58108 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 799tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58104 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 831tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58112 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 797tx_flush:1028: xid 1495906 tx stats: # 5980 finish 5981 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4159us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58096 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 44364AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
Sandbox: 17 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6143) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495926 tx stats: # 6000 finish 6001 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 169us flush 4159us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 186 sel: 75 ret: e00002ce '-536870194', -1, 100000)
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
oldValue 0x52, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 85, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 15, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x55
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 84, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x53, newValue 0x54
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 83, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0 AWDL ON:[infra(157) 60%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 149 149 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Idle IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setElectionMetricForNonAirplaySink: Updating Election metric to 521 _lastTimeSince 2190 monitorAWDLState: Number of peers found: 1
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235185tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235184[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55445 > 8009 in state 4, reset timer to AWDL ON:[infra(157) 72%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 0 0 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Low Power IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._raop._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay-p2p._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::monitorAWDLState Disabling AWDL due to no services and no active sockets
ARPT: 12995.570200: AWDL Sync Enabled 0, data path state[1] AWDL-Channels-CCA: channel 149 CCA:11%[S:2 O:6 I:3] channel 157 CCA:8%[S:1 O:6 I:1] channel 6 CCA:10%[S:1 O:1 I:8] AWDL is off IO80211AWDLPeerManager::signalPeerManagerEvent Signalling (0:Awdl status update completed) event from tid: 2b526
Sandbox: 43 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6063) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identificationtx_flush:1028: xid 1495846 tx stats: # 5920 finish 5921 enter 294 wait 41 10172us close 171us flush 4160us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 19246tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 25627tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58061 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 465tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9865Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x51
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58067 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 617ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[137]/2/0/222.
ACM: verifyPolicy: Verifying policy UserIdentificationWithBiometrics, checkKeybagUUID = No, CS[137].
ACM: verifyPolicy: Policy satisfied = No, preflight = Yes, CS[137].
ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[137].
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:4633: No ER state object for volume Recovery - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover.
handle_mount:326: vol-uuid: 6B4633AF-A7C6-4171-BE34-AAE03B958C97 block size: 4096 block count: 122061322 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2)
handle_mount:339: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:1463: mounted volume: Recovery
ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8
Sandbox: diskarbitrationd(178) System Policy: deny(1) file-read-data /dev/rdisk1s3Sandbox: mdwrite(720) System Policy: deny(1) file-write-xattr /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Network.prefPaneapfs_vfsop_unmount:1655: /dev/disk1: unmounting volume 'Recovery'
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs: total mem allocated: 126925908 (121 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:1903: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 3)
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 620001tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57827 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 801176Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 3611tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58023 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62046tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57899 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 532177tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58021 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62155tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58037 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54517Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 535843SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495866 tx stats: # 5940 finish 5941 enter 294 wait 42 9934us close 171us flush 4159us
Sandbox: 2 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup SafariBookmarksS(607) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58081 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 485tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58082 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 495ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 10069tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9633macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 38893Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for SafariBookmarksS deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58089 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 605filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495886 tx stats: # 5960 finish 5961 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4158us
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Sandbox: 5 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6129) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 109949tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 60727tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58106 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 783tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58107 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 795tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58105 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58108 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 799tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58104 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 831tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58112 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 797tx_flush:1028: xid 1495906 tx stats: # 5980 finish 5981 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4159us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58096 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 44364AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
Sandbox: 17 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6143) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495926 tx stats: # 6000 finish 6001 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 169us flush 4159us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 186 sel: 75 ret: e00002ce '-536870194', -1, 100000)
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ue(int = 85)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 85, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 15, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x55
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 84, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x53, newValue 0x54
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 83, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0 AWDL ON:[infra(157) 60%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 149 149 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Idle IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setElectionMetricForNonAirplaySink: Updating Election metric to 521 _lastTimeSince 2190 monitorAWDLState: Number of peers found: 1
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235185tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235184[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55445 > 8009 in state 4, reset timer to AWDL ON:[infra(157) 72%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 0 0 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Low Power IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._raop._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay-p2p._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::monitorAWDLState Disabling AWDL due to no services and no active sockets
ARPT: 12995.570200: AWDL Sync Enabled 0, data path state[1] AWDL-Channels-CCA: channel 149 CCA:11%[S:2 O:6 I:3] channel 157 CCA:8%[S:1 O:6 I:1] channel 6 CCA:10%[S:1 O:1 I:8] AWDL is off IO80211AWDLPeerManager::signalPeerManagerEvent Signalling (0:Awdl status update completed) event from tid: 2b526
Sandbox: 43 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6063) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identificationtx_flush:1028: xid 1495846 tx stats: # 5920 finish 5921 enter 294 wait 41 10172us close 171us flush 4160us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 19246tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 25627tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58061 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 465tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9865Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x51
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58067 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 617ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[137]/2/0/222.
ACM: verifyPolicy: Verifying policy UserIdentificationWithBiometrics, checkKeybagUUID = No, CS[137].
ACM: verifyPolicy: Policy satisfied = No, preflight = Yes, CS[137].
ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[137].
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:4633: No ER state object for volume Recovery - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover.
handle_mount:326: vol-uuid: 6B4633AF-A7C6-4171-BE34-AAE03B958C97 block size: 4096 block count: 122061322 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2)
handle_mount:339: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:1463: mounted volume: Recovery
ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8
Sandbox: diskarbitrationd(178) System Policy: deny(1) file-read-data /dev/rdisk1s3Sandbox: mdwrite(720) System Policy: deny(1) file-write-xattr /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Network.prefPaneapfs_vfsop_unmount:1655: /dev/disk1: unmounting volume 'Recovery'
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs: total mem allocated: 126925908 (121 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:1903: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 3)
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 620001tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57827 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 801176Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 3611tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58023 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62046tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57899 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 532177tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58021 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62155tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58037 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54517Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 535843SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495866 tx stats: # 5940 finish 5941 enter 294 wait 42 9934us close 171us flush 4159us
Sandbox: 2 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup SafariBookmarksS(607) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58081 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 485tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58082 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 495ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 10069tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9633macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 38893Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for SafariBookmarksS deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58089 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 605filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495886 tx stats: # 5960 finish 5961 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4158us
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Sandbox: 5 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6129) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 109949tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 60727tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58106 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 783tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58107 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 795tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58105 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58108 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 799tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58104 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 831tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58112 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 797tx_flush:1028: xid 1495906 tx stats: # 5980 finish 5981 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4159us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58096 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 44364AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
Sandbox: 17 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6143) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495926 tx stats: # 6000 finish 6001 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 169us flush 4159us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 186 sel: 75 ret: e00002ce '-536870194', -1, 100000)
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58125 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 35
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ue(int = 85)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 85, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 15, coreAudioChannelID = 2 FRONT RIGHT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x55
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 84, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x53, newValue 0x54
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 84) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83)
+ IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>)
IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] - newIntValue = 83, min = 0, max = 127
- IOAudioLevelControl::validateValue[<ptr>] (<ptr>) returns 0x0
controlID: 13, coreAudioChannelID = 1 FRONT LEFT oldValue 0x54, newValue 0x53
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 83) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 85) returns 0x0
+ IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0)
- IOAudioControl[<ptr>]::setValue(int = 0) returns 0x0 AWDL ON:[infra(157) 60%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 149 149 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Idle IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setElectionMetricForNonAirplaySink: Updating Election metric to 521 _lastTimeSince 2190 monitorAWDLState: Number of peers found: 1
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235185tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 235184[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55445 > 8009 in state 4, reset timer to AWDL ON:[infra(157) 72%] [sdb:0] (6/149/149) [149 0 0 0 0 0 157 157 6 149 149 0 0 0 157 157] Low Power IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._raop._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay-p2p._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::updateLocalRequests: Deleting PTR:._airplay._tcp.local. service PTR browse from mDNSResponder (pid 289) IO80211AWDLPeerManager::monitorAWDLState Disabling AWDL due to no services and no active sockets
ARPT: 12995.570200: AWDL Sync Enabled 0, data path state[1] AWDL-Channels-CCA: channel 149 CCA:11%[S:2 O:6 I:3] channel 157 CCA:8%[S:1 O:6 I:1] channel 6 CCA:10%[S:1 O:1 I:8] AWDL is off IO80211AWDLPeerManager::signalPeerManagerEvent Signalling (0:Awdl status update completed) event from tid: 2b526
Sandbox: 43 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6063) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identificationtx_flush:1028: xid 1495846 tx stats: # 5920 finish 5921 enter 294 wait 41 10172us close 171us flush 4160us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 19246tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 25627tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58061 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 465tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9865Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x51
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58067 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 617ACM: createCredentialSet: Credential set created, CS[137]/2/0/222.
ACM: verifyPolicy: Verifying policy UserIdentificationWithBiometrics, checkKeybagUUID = No, CS[137].
ACM: verifyPolicy: Policy satisfied = No, preflight = Yes, CS[137].
ACM: deleteCredentialSet: Deleting credential set, CS[137].
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
er_state_obj_get_for_recovery:4633: No ER state object for volume Recovery - rolling is not happening, nothing to recover.
handle_mount:326: vol-uuid: 6B4633AF-A7C6-4171-BE34-AAE03B958C97 block size: 4096 block count: 122061322 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 1.0.2)
handle_mount:339: setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs_vfsop_mount:1463: mounted volume: Recovery
ioqueue_depth = 256, ioscale = 8
Sandbox: diskarbitrationd(178) System Policy: deny(1) file-read-data /dev/rdisk1s3Sandbox: mdwrite(720) System Policy: deny(1) file-write-xattr /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Network.prefPaneapfs_vfsop_unmount:1655: /dev/disk1: unmounting volume 'Recovery'
nx_volume_group_update:6304: Volume Recovery role 4 Not a System or data volume
apfs: total mem allocated: 126925908 (121 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:1903: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 3)
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 620001tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57827 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 801176Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 3611tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58023 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62046tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57899 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 532177tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58021 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 62155tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58037 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54517Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 535843SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup studentd(5184) deny(1) file-read-metadata /Users/linhhoang/LibraryPMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
Sandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495866 tx stats: # 5940 finish 5941 enter 294 wait 42 9934us close 171us flush 4159us
Sandbox: 2 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup SafariBookmarksS(607) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58081 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 485tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58082 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 495ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 10069tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 9633macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2macl_read_xattr_contents: failed to size xattr: 2[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 38893Sandbox: 3 duplicate reports for SafariBookmarksS deny(1) file-write-data /Users/linhhoang/Library/Preferences/ callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58089 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 605filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495886 tx stats: # 5960 finish 5961 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4158us
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
Sandbox: 5 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6129) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: 3 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 109949tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 60727tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58106 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 783tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58107 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 795tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58105 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58108 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 799tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58104 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 831tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58112 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 797tx_flush:1028: xid 1495906 tx stats: # 5980 finish 5981 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 170us flush 4159us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58096 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 44364AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
Sandbox: 17 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6143) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495926 tx stats: # 6000 finish 6001 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 169us flush 4159us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 186 sel: 75 ret: e00002ce '-536870194', -1, 100000)
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58125 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 35
➜ analysis sudo dmesg -f
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis sudo dmesg | less
ing type 2
ing type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58096 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 44364AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
Sandbox: 17 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6143) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1495926 tx stats: # 6000 finish 6001 enter 293 wait 42 9934us close 169us flush 4159us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 186 sel: 75 ret: e00002ce '-536870194', -1, 100000)
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58125 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 352Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
PMRD: power event 14 args 0 0x0
PMRD: wrangler RootDomainPower (ps 4, 0->1)
PMRD: evaluatePolicy( 0, 0x0 )
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58129 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 352[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58129 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 3330tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 166506tx_flush:1028: xid 1495946 tx stats: # 6020 finish 6021 enter 292 wait 42 9934us close 168us flush 4161us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6843[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 9 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 196497tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58147 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 938tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58140 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1024tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58146 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1003tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58143 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1017tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58151 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 670tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58140 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 982tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58147 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1193tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58152 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 321filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58152 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 393filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58146 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1953tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 25367tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 386tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58146 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 535tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58146 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 429tx_flush:1028: xid 1495966 tx stats: # 6040 finish 6041 enter 292 wait 42 9934us close 168us flush 4159us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58146 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 741[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6214) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: 7 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 38167filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1495986 tx stats: # 6060 finish 6061 enter 291 wait 43 9706us close 167us flush 4157us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6222) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identification[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496006 tx stats: # 6080 finish 6081 enter 291 wait 43 9706us close 167us flush 4154us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 40681Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58177 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 1640[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496026 tx stats: # 6100 finish 6101 enter 291 wait 43 9706us close 166us flush 4160us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58197 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 373tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58195 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 377[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58205 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 348tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58207 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 337[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 78891[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496046 tx stats: # 6120 finish 6121 enter 290 wait 43 9706us close 166us flush 4165us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 12827[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
➜ analysis sudo dmesg | less
] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 33 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58226 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 486tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58227 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 485tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58228 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 541tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58230 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 545filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup Google Chrome He(6276) deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product Identificationtcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 366tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58244 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 350tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58245 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 364tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58245 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 367tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58247 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 319tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 542719tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 561610tx_flush:1028: xid 1496066 tx stats: # 6140 finish 6141 enter 290 wait 43 9706us close 165us flush 4165us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097dd000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097dd000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097dd000, 0x8010, 0xac)
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
➜ analysis sudo dmesg -w
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis dmesg -w
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis tail -f /var/log/{messages,kernel,dmesg,syslog}
tail: /var/log/messages: No such file or directory
tail: /var/log/kernel: No such file or directory
tail: /var/log/dmesg: No such file or directory
tail: /var/log/syslog: No such file or directory
➜ analysis ssh linh@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out
➜ analysis ssh
➜ analysis ssh linh@
➜ analysis dmesg
Unable to obtain kernel buffer: Operation not permitted
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
0, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097dd000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
ent::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
r=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0x92, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0x92)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496426 tx stats: # 6500 finish 6505 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4147us
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 10 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58496 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196774tx_flush:1028: xid 1496446 tx stats: # 6520 finish 6525 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 156us flush 4148us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 196271tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 450tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58505 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 451tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58504 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 403filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58242 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 13295[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496466 tx stats: # 6540 finish 6545 enter 283 wait 45 9283us close 155us flush 4149us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496486 tx stats: # 6560 finish 6565 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 155us flush 4150us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 295904tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58519 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 384tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58522 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 483tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58521 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 500tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58518 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 538Sandbox: 31 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1802filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58528 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 6599tx_flush:1028: xid 1496506 tx stats: # 6580 finish 6585 enter 282 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4149us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 14 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x0, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x1097d1000, arg2 0x8010 arg3 0xac
scalarInputCount=0x4 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 <ptr>
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::registerClientBuffer64 (<ptr>[1], 0x1097d1000, 0x8010, 0xac)
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer before offset: <ptr>, offset size: 16
clientBuffer->mAudioClientBuffer32.sourceBuffer after offset: <ptr>
null clientBufferSetList
did not find clientBufferSetList for ID 0xac
creating new IOAudioClientBufferSet
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerClientBuffer64() result 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::safeRegisterClientBuffer64 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::registerBuffer64 0x0 0x1097d1000 0x8010 0xac returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x3, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 0
audioEngine && !isInactive(). State = 0
audioEngine->getState() != kIOAudioEnginePaused
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(1)
!isOnline() setting online
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine(state = 0)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::protectedCompletePowerStateChange() - current = 2 - pending = 2 returns 0x0
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStarting() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::resetStatusBuffer()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x1. oldState=0)
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::getTimerInterval()
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startAudioEngine() returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::incrementActiveUserClients() - 1 returns 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::startClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
engine started
bufferSet <ptr>
output clientBuffer <ptr>
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::addClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::startClient() - 1 returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x4, arg0 0x0, arg1 0x0, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x0 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::decrementActiveUserClients() - 0 returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopClient(<ptr>) returns 0x0
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::setOnline(0)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod, selector=0x1, arg0 0x1097D1000, arg1 0xac, arg2 0x0 arg3 0x0
scalarInputCount=0x2 structureInputSize 0x0, scalarOutputCount 0x0, structureOutputSize 0x0
+ IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::unregisterClientBuffer64(0x<ptr>, 0xac)
searching for sourceBuffer 0x1097d1000
+- IOAudioEngineUserClient[<ptr>]::removeBufferSet(<ptr>)
+ IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
+-IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::safeLogError kErrorLogDumpCounters mStreamErrorCountsUpdated=0
- IOAudioStream[<ptr>]::removeClient(<ptr>)
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::unregisterClientBuffer64 no sourcebuffer returns 0x0
- IOAudioEngineUserClient::externalMethod returns 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
+ IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine()
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0x1)
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 1
+ IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::scheduleIdleAudioSleep: idleSleepDelayTime = ffffffffffffffffffffffff
- IOAudioDevice[<ptr>]::audioEngineStopped() - numRunningAudioEngines = 0
- IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::stopAudioEngine() returns 0x0
+-IOAudioEngine[<ptr>]::setState(0x0. oldState=0)
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496526 tx stats: # 6600 finish 6605 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 154us flush 4144us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496546 tx stats: # 6620 finish 6625 enter 281 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4141us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 228878tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 427997tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 428000[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=536)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Set_attribute] (attribute=' bst', value=0)
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
SmartBattery: notification received in message()
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496566 tx stats: # 6640 finish 6645 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 153us flush 4143us
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>purgatory_cleaner_cb:19142: remove_purgatory_entry failed on 0x1b308f1-dead for file-id 28510449 err 2
ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>USB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22tx_flush:1028: xid 1496586 tx stats: # 6660 finish 6665 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4139us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 14224191138850c082fd 0x955 0x7020 0x1, 2
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f04::start(CDC ACM Data-0x100006ee9) fail
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 14224191138850c082fd 0x955 0x7020 0x1, 2
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f04::start(CDC ACM Data-0x100006ee9) fail
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
➜ analysis dmesg
Unable to obtain kernel buffer: Operation not permitted
usage: sudo dmesg
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
CM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 14224191138850c082fd 0x955 0x7020 0x1, 2
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f04::start(CDC ACM Data-0x100006ee9) fail
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 12704
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
➜ analysis less /var/log/system.log
Oct 16 13:55:13 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1571248513 0
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "".
Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "".
Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Oct 16 13:55:35 localhost syslogd[148]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
amily specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
M): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f1d::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006eec) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cf86fb8a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d47e1
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cefedee21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf87d4901
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22014759.399810 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006f3e::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006ee7)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006eda)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006f18::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006eeb) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 127041Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496606 tx stats: # 6680 finish 6685 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 152us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191989tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 191984Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 57892 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 589979tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58071 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 298812tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58568 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1367Sandbox: 13 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58579 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 560tx_flush:1028: xid 1496626 tx stats: # 6700 finish 6705 enter 280 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58283 > 993 in state 4, reset timer to 1188025ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry <ptr>, updaterules_msg <ptr>, updaterules_state <ptr>ALF, hash_free: found kext_info <ptr> Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496646 tx stats: # 6720 finish 6725 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 151us flush 4137us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 168788tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55861 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 104407tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55429 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 15005[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 2
Restarting poll type 2
Failed to read nominal voltage rating key . voltage:0 rc:0x0
Failed to read key . rc:0x84
SmartBattery: finished polling type 2
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 54194tx_flush:1028: xid 1496666 tx stats: # 6740 finish 6745 enter 279 wait 46 9085us close 150us flush 4136us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496686 tx stats: # 6760 finish 6766 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4131us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
IOConsoleUsers: time(0) 0->0, lin 1, llk 0,
IOConsoleUsers: gIOScreenLockState 1, hs 2, bs 0, now 0, sm 0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 8 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 719908tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55422 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 140948tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55858 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 299038tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 8891tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58600 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 336tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 58599 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 467Sandbox: 11 duplicate reports for Google Chrome He deny(1) iokit-get-properties Product IdentificationSandbox: callservicesd(553) deny(1) mach-lookup invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496706 tx stats: # 6780 finish 6786 enter 278 wait 47 8903us close 150us flush 4146us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
filecache_entry_invalidate: invalidating <ptr>tx_flush:1028: xid 1496726 tx stats: # 6800 finish 6804 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4144us
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55481 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 33616tx_flush:1028: xid 1496746 tx stats: # 6820 finish 6824 enter 278 wait 48 8731us close 150us flush 4142us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496766 tx stats: # 6840 finish 6844 enter 277 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4130us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496786 tx stats: # 6860 finish 6864 enter 276 wait 48 8731us close 149us flush 4119us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496806 tx stats: # 6880 finish 6884 enter 275 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4108us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496826 tx stats: # 6900 finish 6904 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 148us flush 4097us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496846 tx stats: # 6920 finish 6924 enter 274 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4086us
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496866 tx stats: # 6940 finish 6944 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4075us
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
tcp_timers: tcp_output() returned 0 with retransmission timer disabled for 55402 > 443 in state 4, reset timer to 88562[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Sandbox: 32 duplicate reports for callservicesd deny(1) mach-lookup[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
tx_flush:1028: xid 1496886 tx stats: # 6960 finish 6964 enter 273 wait 48 8731us close 147us flush 4074us
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
Starting poll type 4
Restarting poll type 4
SmartBattery: finished polling type 4
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] Disabling Render Compression
[IGFB][INFO ] [Flip_Transaction] CCS Param update: AuxOffset:0x0 AuxStride:0x0
successfully parsed 1/4 entries for file TemporaryItemsUSB device 0955702014120004 - NVIDIA, Linux for Tegra - detected termination of interfaceNub, currentPowerState 1, provider is non-NULL
no services left, exiting
PMRD: assertionsUser 0x40
USB device 0955702014120004 - termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 2
➜ analysis sudo dmesg
del (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM): family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
CDC ACM Data: family specific matching fails
USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 14224191138850c082fd 0x955 0x7020 0x1, 2
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006faa::start(CDC ACM Data-0x100006f90) fail
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
Mass Storage: family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM): family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
AppleUSBInterface: family specific matching fails
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
AppleUserECMData interface 6 belongs to ECM
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006fc4::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006f93) ok
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006fc4::start(IOUSBHostInterface-0x100006f93) ok
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789d01f00d21 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789d0c552481
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
PMRD: power event 7 args 0xb32d789cfd2178a1 0x0
PMRD: destroyed capability client set 0xb32d789cf55f3451
PMRD: trace point 0x00 msg 0xe0000340 to
identified disk2 as removablePMRD: assertionsUser 0x50
deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22deconstruct_extension_data: failed to resolve vnode: 22015332.323818 Google Chrome@: AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: could not open provider Linux for Tegra. provider already opened for exclusive access by a kernel client
Boot args: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
Found class: <private>
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
DK: AppleUserECMData-0x100006fe7::start(RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006f8d) fail
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006fc0:force close (CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006f92)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006fc0:force close (RNDIS Ethernet Data-0x100006f8d)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006fc0:force close (Linux for Tegra-0x100006f7f)
DK: AppleUserECM-0x100006fc0::start(CDC Ethernet Control Model (ECM)-0x100006f92) fail
no services left, exiting
DK: IOUserServer( server exit before start()
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