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Last active February 20, 2018 14:37
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# Conditional logit model where the covariates only vary across choice, NOT across respondent
ww2 <- matrix(c(18, 40.9, 33.5, 0.256, 0.065, 0.123), nrow = 3) # Covariates, taken from real data
true_alpha <- c(0.07, 1) # Assuming we know the true preference parameter
num_obs <- 5000 # Number of observations
num_choices <- 3 # Number of choices
S <- 1000 # Number of simulations
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = length(true_alpha)) # Storage for simulation result
for (s in 1:S) {
# Calculate the utility of respondent i for choice j
Uij <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_obs, ncol = num_choices)
for (j in 1:num_choices) {
Uij[, j] <- sum(true_alpha * ww2[j, ]) + evd::rgumbel(num_obs)
# Respondents choosing what gives the highest utility
y <- max.col(Uij)
# Negative log likelihood to be minimized
cl_nllik <- function(alpha) {
wa <- c(ww2 %*% alpha)
lse_wa <- log(sum(exp(wa)))
- sum( wa[y] - lse_wa )
res[s, ] <- optim(c(0, 0), cl_nllik)$par
apply(res, 2, sd) # Really poor precision!
# Conditional logit where the covariates vary across both choices AND respondents
ww2 <- matrix(c(18, 40.9, 33.5, 0.256, 0.065, 0.123), nrow = 3) # Covariates, taken from real data
true_alpha <- c(0.07, 1) # Assuming we know the true preference parameter
num_obs <- 1000 # Number of observations
num_choices <- 3 # Number of choices
S <- 1000 # Number of simulations
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = length(true_alpha)) # Storage for simulation result
for (s in 1:S) {
Uij <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_obs, ncol = num_choices)
# Add some noise so that the covariates vary by respondent as well
ww2_list <- vector("list", length = num_obs)
for (i in 1:num_obs) {
ww2_list[[i]] <- ww2 + mvtnorm::rmvnorm(3, sigma = diag(c(10, 0.05)))
# Calculate the utility of respondent i for choice j
for (i in 1:num_obs) {
for (j in 1:num_choices) {
Uij[i, j] <- sum(true_alpha * ww2_list[[i]][j, ]) + evd::rgumbel(1)
# Respondents choosing what gives the highest utility
y <- max.col(Uij)
# Negative log likelihood to be minimized
cl_nllik <- function(alpha) {
ll <- 0
for (i in 1:num_obs) {
wa <- c(ww2_list[[i]] %*% alpha)
lse_wa <- log(sum(exp(wa)))
ll <- ll + wa[y[i]] - lse_wa
res[s, ] <- optim(c(0, 0), cl_nllik)$par
apply(res, 2, sd) # Better precision!
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