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Last active February 27, 2018 23:33
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If you have full lane control: (can't do this anymore with patch 7.09)

  • Pull side camp into your creep
  • Walk ahead and pull enemy creep into the camp too
  • Stand outside to block the offlaner from contesting the camp

Always start attacking and denying as much as possible so that the two creep waves reset every time.

Deny your ranged creep sooner let the enemy creeps stay alive longer. This gives you more time to harass the offlaner without losing CS. (BSJ's concept of obligations)

The impact of tower on farming pattern In 15-20 minutes (when you've lost your tier 1), the most dangerous part of the map to farm is your own jungle. You should farm the enemy's jungle instead

  • Because when they want to take your tier 1, they'll bring multiple towers, ward behind the towers. You don't want these things near you
  • That's why you need to defend your tower

On Sven, only fight to get farm. If you're getting farm, don't fight. The only thing they can do is to take down towers. So only be there when they are taking towers.

Mid game

Hierarchy of priorities: towers / roshan > lane creeps > jungle Getting towers give you map control, allow you to farm safer. (More map control because they can't TP there to gank you, your lane creeps go farther, so if they gank you it's suspicious if they don't appear to kill those creeps) Getting lane creeps give you vision, force enemies to de-push so they can't gank on you

Always keep TP to rotate between the two side-lanes to keep getting towers (It's usually between the two side lanes because it's the longest distance, forcing enemies to react more) From mid / jungle, you can walk to a lane, save the TP to the opposite side when they respond to you


Rosh is just another objective, and as a split pusher, the way to take objective is to force the enemies to go elsewhere, then you take the objective. Ideally we spot that they used TP, then go rosh immediately And to force people to go elsewhere, you have to push bottom so they have to go bottom to defend


What stops Luna from farming is dying cuz she's squishy. So identify who and when they can kill you. In the laning stage, try to force objectives before that, otherwise you'll never be able to. Luna game is two types:

  1. If you're stronger than them early, must take objective
  2. If they can kill you early (e.g. kotl), must play passive and take it late

Choosing carry

  • Juggernaut:
    • Good: pushing with healing ward, lane kill (with supp slow/stun), spin to purge / TP
    • Bad: stick to people in fight, reach people in fight (need blink), can't carry super late
    • Good against:
    • Bad against: Ursa, Legion
    • Decision: Can you farm (then fury manta) or they will fight soon (diffusal, SNY)?
  • Sven:
    • Halberg for survivability, SNY for fighting / farming, echo saber for farming
    • Can build halberg to counter other carry (troll, PA), not bkb dispellable
    • Blink, MOM, then no more small items. Big items to consider: bkb, silver edge, AC, linken, satanic, bloodthorn (good mana), dadelus, abyssal, mkb
    • Mid game: get rosh then high ground Keep pushing since you do it so fast. Team fight: avoid heroes that can kite you or can be saved. Go for the saver
  • Terrorblade:
    • Good: teamfight (with reflection and meta ranged)
    • Bad: no escape
    • Good against: strong agi carry, blink carrier, aura carrier
    • Bad against: burst magic, hard disable
  • OD:
    • Good: strong laner (astral to deny / last hit), defensive save, kill illusion
    • Bad: no escape, weak against BKB
    • Good against: Ursa, Legion, CK, AM
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