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Created May 22, 2016 11:22
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Post installation of Arch Linux

Now when you boot the system you’ll simply boot into a command line. Login as root and password you created during the installation process. First we create a user account

useradd -m -g wheel -s /bin/bash hiten
passwd hiten

This will add a new user hiten to group wheel. Next we give this new user sudo privileges

nano /etc/sudoers

After this we logout from root and again login back as hiten. First we add AUR (arch user repository)

nano /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Syy

This will add source for the AUR in pacman config files and update the repository.

sudo pacman -S yaourt
sudo pacman -S pulseaudio
sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa
sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit xorg-twm xterm

Now these are some basic software. Yaourt is a fantastic package manager to download packages from the famous AUR. Pulse audio is the sound server. Xorg is the open source implementation of X Window system, help application with GUIs.

Now there are many things one customizes according to need. Octopi : GUI package manager Kali : Notification manager

Installing desktop environment

I choose xfce

sudo pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies
cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
nano ~/.xinitrc

Last line will edit the file to execute when arch loads every time. We uncomment the xfce session line.

Gnome is another option

sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra
nano ~/.xinitrc

Again to edit and uncomment the gnome session line in init file. And then there are other option too like KDE, LXDE.


sudo pacman -S opendestop-fonts
yaourt -S fontcofig-ttf-ms-fonts
yaourt -S ttf-google-fonts-git

login manager

Slim and lightdm were the login manager or window manger I found

sudo pacman -S slim-themes
sudo systemctl enable slim.service
sudo nano /etc/slim.conf

We edit the config file for the type of theme we want to use there are variety of themes in the config file to choose from.

Yaourt is very helpful in finding right packages too. For example you wanna use lightdm.

yaourt lighdm

This command will show every thing related to lighted. Then you can choose what to install and what not to.


Now here are some themes and customization that i already tried

  • Numix themes
  • Thunar-archive-plugin
  • Leafpad
  • numix-circle-icon-theme-git
  • whisker-menu: application menu customization
  • gvfs: Handle trash
  • engrampa
  • cocky: widget manager
  • karam
  • wicd wicd-gtk : network manager
  • modemmanager
  • btsync
  • deluge : bit torrent client
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