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Created February 6, 2024 19:35
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import torch
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint
class MyModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)
def _forward_helper(self, x):
a = torch.sin(x)
b = self.linear(a)
c = torch.cos(b)
return c
def forward(self, x):
return checkpoint(self._forward_helper, x, use_reentrant=False)
x = torch.randn(10, 10)
mod = MyModule()
ref = mod(x)
opt_mod = torch.compile(mod, backend="eager")
res = opt_mod(x)
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(pytorch)  anijain@devgpu002 ~/local/pytorch (main) $ TORCH_LOGS="dynamo,graph_breaks" python examples/
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,278] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert: [INFO] Step 1: torchdynamo start tracing forward /data/users/anijain/pytorch/examples/
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,278] [0/0] torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes: [INFO] create_env
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,603] [0/0] torch._dynamo.variables.higher_order_ops: [INFO] speculate_subgraph: while introspecting torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint, we were unable to trace function `_forward_helper` into a single graph. This means that Dynamo was unable to prove safety for this API and will fall back to eager-mode PyTorch, which could lead to a slowdown.
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.variables.higher_order_ops: [INFO] 'skip function graph_break in file /data/users/anijain/pytorch/torch/_dynamo/'
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG] Graph break: 'skip function graph_break in file /data/users/anijain/pytorch/torch/_dynamo/' from user code at:
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG]   File "/data/users/anijain/pytorch/examples/", line 18, in forward
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG]     return checkpoint(self._forward_helper, x, use_reentrant=False)
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG]   File "/data/users/anijain/pytorch/examples/", line 13, in _forward_helper
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG]     torch._dynamo.graph_break()
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert.__graph_breaks: [DEBUG]
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,604] [0/0] torch._dynamo.convert_frame: [INFO] Restarting analysis due to _dynamo/ in fail_and_restart_analysis
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,605] [0/0_1] torch._dynamo.symbolic_convert: [INFO] Step 1: torchdynamo start tracing forward /data/users/anijain/pytorch/examples/
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,605] [0/0_1] torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes: [INFO] create_env
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,609] [0/0_1] torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes: [INFO] produce_guards
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,617] torch._dynamo.utils: [INFO] TorchDynamo compilation metrics:
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,617] torch._dynamo.utils: [INFO] Function, Runtimes (s)
[2024-02-06 11:36:07,617] torch._dynamo.utils: [INFO] _compile.<locals>.compile_inner, 1.8634
(pytorch)  anijain@devgpu002 ~/local/pytorch (main) $

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