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Last active August 2, 2016 11:20
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Save anik/eece3a8e52a74eec25aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Visual Composer Shortcode
Visual Composer Shortcode
// Checkbox
// Color Picker
// Number
// Dropdown
// Textfield
// Attach Image
// Textarea HTML
// Add Link
// Date Time Picker
// Dependency Switch
// Group Creator group
// Checkbox
"type" => "checkbox",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Select Time Units To Display In Countdown Timer", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "countdown_opts",
"value" => array(
__("Years","themeum") => "syear",
__("Months","themeum") => "smonth",
__("Weeks","themeum") => "sweek",
__("Days","themeum") => "sday",
__("Hours","themeum") => "shr",
__("Minutes","themeum") => "smin",
__("Seconds","themeum") => "ssec",
//"description" => __("Select options for the video.", "smile"),
"group" => "General Settings",
// Color Picker
"type" => "colorpicker",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Connector Line Color:", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "connector_color",
"value" => "#333333",
"description" => __("Select the color for connector line.", "themeum"),
"group" => "Connector"
// Number
"type" => "number",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Border Width", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "icon_border_size",
"value" => 1,
"min" => 0,
"max" => 10,
"suffix" => "px",
"description" => __("Thickness of the border.", "themeum"),
"dependency" => Array("element" => "icon_border_style", "not_empty" => true),
// Dropdown
"type" => "dropdown",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Item Animation","themeum"),
"param_name" => "item_animation",
"value" => array(
__("No Animation","themeum") => "",
__("Swing","themeum") => "swing",
__("Pulse","themeum") => "pulse",
__("Fade In","themeum") => "fadeIn",
__("Fade In Up","themeum") => "fadeInUp",
__("Fade In Down","themeum") => "fadeInDown",
__("Fade In Left","themeum") => "fadeInLeft",
__("Fade In Right","themeum") => "fadeInRight",
__("Fade In Up Long","themeum") => "fadeInUpBig",
__("Fade In Down Long","themeum") => "fadeInDownBig",
__("Fade In Left Long","themeum") => "fadeInLeftBig",
__("Fade In Right Long","themeum") => "fadeInRightBig",
__("Slide In Down","themeum") => "slideInDown",
__("Slide In Left","themeum") => "slideInLeft",
__("Slide In Left","themeum") => "slideInLeft",
__("Bounce In","themeum") => "bounceIn",
__("Bounce In Up","themeum") => "bounceInUp",
__("Bounce In Down","themeum") => "bounceInDown",
__("Bounce In Left","themeum") => "bounceInLeft",
__("Bounce In Right","themeum") => "bounceInRight",
__("Rotate In","themeum") => "rotateIn",
__("Light Speed In","themeum") => "lightSpeedIn",
__("Roll In","themeum") => "rollIn",
//"description" => __("", "smile"),
"group"=> "Animation",
// Textfield
"type" => "textfield",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Extra Class", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "el_class",
"value" => "",
"description" => __("Add extra class name that will be applied to the info list.", "themeum"),
// Attach Image
"type" => "attach_image",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Upload Image Icon:", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "icon_img",
"value" => "",
"description" => __("Upload the custom image icon.", "themeum"),
"dependency" => Array("element" => "icon_type","value" => array("custom")),
// Textarea HTML
"type" => "textarea_html",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Description","themeum"),
"param_name" => "content",
"value" => "",
"description" => __("Description about this list item","themeum")
// Add Link
"type" => "vc_link",
"heading" => __("Link","themeum"),
"param_name" => "info_list_link",
"dependency" => array("element" => "info_list_link_apply", "value" => array("container","title","icon"))
// Date Time Picker
"type" => "datetimepicker",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Target Time For Countdown", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "datetime",
"value" => "",
"description" => __("Date and time format (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss).", "themeum"),
"group" => "General Settings",
// Dependency Switch
"type" => "dropdown",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Icon or Image Style", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "icon_style",
"value" => array(
"Simple" => "none",
"Circle Background" => "circle",
"Square Background" => "square",
"Design your own" => "advanced",
"description" => __("We have given three quick preset if you are in a hurry.", "themeum"),
"group" => "Button1",
"type" => "colorpicker",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Icon or Image Background Color ", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "icon_color_bg",
"value" => "#ffffff",
"description" => __("Select background color for icon.", "themeum"),
"dependency" => Array("element" => "icon_style", "value" => array("circle","square","advanced")),
"group" => "Button1",
// Group Creator group
"type" => "colorpicker",
"class" => "",
"heading" => __("Icon or Image Background Color ", "themeum"),
"param_name" => "icon_color_bg",
"value" => "#ffffff",
"description" => __("Select background color for icon.", "themeum"),
"group" => "Button1",
Copy link

murshed commented Apr 22, 2016

Thanks for this.

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