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Last active July 5, 2022 08:27
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Sass Mixins for cross-browser CSS3
* Author: Aniket A. Suryavanshi | @44Sur
* Gist URL:
* Some mixins for quickly writing less bloated cross-browser CSS.
* Setup instructions:
* Save this file with a .scss extension. Import this file in the .scss file
* in which you wish to use these mixins by adding this directive at the top:
* @import 'css3-scss-mixins';
* Example usage:
* @include rotate( 30deg );
* @include perspective( 600px );
* @include transform( scale( 1.5, 1.5 ));
* @include transform( translateX( 50px ));
* @include transition( all 0.3s ease );
* @include transition( width 1s linear );
* @include bgimg
* @include bgimg( 'images/foo.jpg' )
* @include bgimg( 'images/foo.jpg', contain, 'top left', 'repeat' )*/
@mixin rotate( $degree )
-webkit-transform: rotate( $degree )
-moz-transform: rotate( $degree )
-ms-transform: rotate( $degree )
-o-transform: rotate( $degree )
transform: rotate( $degree )
@mixin perspective( $viewerDistance )
-webkit-perspective: $viewerDistance
perspective: $viewerDistance
@mixin transform( $transformParams )
-webkit-transform: $transformParams
-moz-transform: $transformParams
-ms-transform: $transformParams
-o-transform: $transformParams
transform: $transformParams
@mixin transformOrigin( $transformOrigin )
-webkit-transform-origin: $transformOrigin
transform-origin: $transformOrigin
@mixin transition( $params... )
-webkit-transition: $params
-moz-transition: $params
-o-transition: $params
transition: $params
@mixin box-sizing( $param )
-webkit-box-sizing: $param
-moz-box-sizing: $param
box-sizing: $param
@mixin border-radius( $radius )
-webkit-border-radius: $radius
border-radius: $radius
background-clip: padding-box
@mixin box-shadow( $shadow )
-moz-box-shadow: $shadow
-webkit-box-shadow: $shadow
box-shadow: $shadow
// Background image mixin with optional arguments.
@mixin bgimg( $imgurl: '', $bgsize: cover, $bgpos: 'center center', $bgrepeat: 'no-repeat' )
background-image: url( $imgurl )
// Using Rails image URL helper: background-image: image-url( $imgurl )
background-size: $bgsize
background-repeat: unquote( $bgrepeat )
background-position: unquote( $bgpos )
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