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Last active November 14, 2019 08:44
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  • Save anil826/8ca4b7db45ac5c3642327c3711d3daf0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anil826/8ca4b7db45ac5c3642327c3711d3daf0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// for browsers := get local db data and write on a file as a backup and download that on the devise
var db = Lawnchair( { name:'QFlocalStorage', adapter: localStorage.getItem("f_db_adapter") }, function( store ) {});
//Event listener
window.addEventListener('online', function(event){
var draft_entry = [];
var collection_keys = [];
var updated_data = [];
//Get all the entries id from local db
db.keys(function(keys) {
//Collect ids
collection_keys = _.filter(keys, function(key) {
return (new RegExp('forms-')).test(key);
//Get records from local db
db.get(collection_keys, function(records) {
//process data
send_entry_DFG(0, records);
// Send entry to DFG
function send_entry_DFG(counter, records){
//Get the template name
var template_name = ( records[counter] && records[counter].value ) ? JSON.parse(records[counter].value).name : ''
//Loop for all entry
if ( counter < records.length ) {
//loop on draft only
if (records[counter] && records[counter].value && JSON.parse(records[counter].value).draft && template_name == "DFG Integration [Russia]" ) {
//Draft entry
var entry_key = records[counter].key;
var current_entry = JSON.parse(records[counter].value);
var page_components = current_entry.pages[0].components;
//Get first and last name
var first_name = _.where(page_components , {component_id: "ccee-a073-3d63"})[0].value
var last_name = _.where(page_components , {component_id: "2e65-9fb3-0133"})[0].value
//Get contact ID for update the record.
var contact_id = _.where(page_components , {component_id: "d255-2bb2-06a1"})[0].value
//Sample user data
var user_data = [
"typeId":"319013", // This is required fiedl in DFG Need to check maybe it will be a AccountID
"externalId": contact_id, // This one is option I guess we are able to make request without this one.
"value": first_name,
"value": last_name,
//Make request on DFG server
url: '',
cors: true,
headers: {
'x-auth-token': user_token,
'x-organization': 'Syngenta',
'content-type': 'application/json'
data: JSON.stringify(user_data),
success: function(response){
//Checks for temp_id or DFG id.
var temp_id = response[0] && response[0].id ? response[0].id : null;
//Error message if record id not available.
if ( temp_id == null ) return alert('Error in saving data');
//Set the temp id on form field.
current_entry.dirty = true;
current_entry.draft = false;
//Update the tempID
_.where(page_components , {component_id: "c127-209a-45c4"})[0].value = temp_id;
//Save the record on Salesforce{key: entry_key , value :JSON.stringify(current_entry)},function(result){
// process next draft
send_entry_DFG(counter +1, records );
} else {
//Next data
send_entry_DFG(counter +1, records );
} else {
//On done reload location.
// Generic function to make an AJAX call
var DFGLogin = function(username , password) {
// Return the $.ajax promise
return $.ajax({
url: '',
cors: true,
headers: {
'X-Auth-Username': username,
'X-Auth-Password': password
success: function(data){
//Store token
user_token = data.token;
//Init token to null on first page load.
if (!user_token) var user_token = null;
//Get token from login API
if (user_token == null) DFGLogin('API.USER', 'qwer1234');
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