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Created December 25, 2017 03:34
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lodash.without in purescript using RowToList
This is just adventuring with RowToList.
Naive approach, not stack safe, probably too slow.
module DiffRecords
import Data.Record (get, insert)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Type.Row (class RowLacks, class RowToList, Cons, Nil, RLProxy(RLProxy), kind RowList)
-- Example:
-- :t diffRecords {a: 1, c: 2} {a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}
-- { b :: Int }
diffRecords :: forall xs ys zs lxs lys lzs
. RowToList xs lxs
=> RowToList ys lys
=> RowToList zs lzs
=> DiffRecords lxs lys xs ys zs
=> {|xs}
-> {|ys}
-> {|zs}
diffRecords = diffRecordsImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy lxs) (RLProxy :: RLProxy lys)
class DiffRecords
(la :: RowList)
(lb :: RowList)
(ra :: # Type)
(rb :: # Type)
(rc :: # Type)
| la -> ra
, lb -> rb
, la lb -> rc
diffRecordsImpl :: RLProxy la -> RLProxy lb -> {|ra} -> {|rb} -> {|rc}
instance diffRecordsNilNil :: DiffRecords Nil Nil ra rb () where
diffRecordsImpl _ _ _ _ = {}
instance diffRecordsNilCons ::
( IsSymbol k
, RowCons k a rbt rb
, RowCons k a rct rc
, RowLacks k rct
, DiffRecords Nil tb ra rb rct
) => DiffRecords Nil (Cons k a tb) ra rb rc where
diffRecordsImpl _ _ xs ys = insert name head tail
name = SProxy :: SProxy k
head = get name ys
tail = diffRecordsImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy Nil) (RLProxy :: RLProxy tb) xs ys
instance diffRecordsConsCons ::
( IsSymbol k
, RowCons k a rat ra
, RowLacks k rat
, DiffRecords ta tb ra rb rc
) => DiffRecords (Cons k a ta) (Cons k a tb) ra rb rc where
diffRecordsImpl :: RLProxy (Cons k a ta)
-> RLProxy (Cons k a tb)
-> {|ra}
-> {|rb}
-> {|rc}
diffRecordsImpl _ _ xs ys = tail
name = SProxy :: SProxy k
tail = diffRecordsImpl (RLProxy :: RLProxy ta) (RLProxy :: RLProxy tb) xs ys
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