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Created June 7, 2020 06:32
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An old directory lookup thingy.
import ldap, subprocess, sys, re
import textwrap
CONFIG1 = { 'server' : 'ldap://',
'base_dn' : 'DC=Office1,DC=com',
'bind_dn' : '',
'pw_prog' : ["Passwordprogram", 'optionforpasswordforoption1'],
'pw_verify': 15 } # length of password for sanity check.
CONFIG2 = { 'server' : 'ldap://', # Set the correct AD host
'base_dn' : 'DC=Office2,DC=com',
'bind_dn' : '', # A valid username
'pw_prog' : ["Passwordprogram", 'optionforpasswordforoffice2'], # Program and arguments that emits password for the username above, on stdout.
'pw_verify': 16 } # length of password for sanity check.
class PLook:
def __init__(self, server, base_dn, bind_dn, pw_prog, pw_verify):
self.server = server
pw = subprocess.Popen(pw_prog, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0][:-1]
if not len(pw) == pw_verify:
raise Exception('Password Fail')
self.conn.simple_bind_s(bind_dn, pw)
self.base_dn = base_dn
self.grp_filter_dist = re.compile(r'CN=(.*),OU=Distribution Groups,OU=(.*),DC=(.*),' + base_dn)
def search(self, fn, sn=None):
if sn:
filt_str = '(&(sn='+sn+'*)(givenName='+fn+'*))'
filt_str = '(|(sn='+fn+'*)(givenName='+fn+'*))'
# filt_str = '(&' + filt_str + '(!(extensionAttribute1=??)))'
self.attrs = ['givenName', 'sn', 'telephoneNumber', 'mail', 'employeeID',
'mobile', 'title', 'company', 'description', 'memberOf']
s_res = self.conn.search_s(self.base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filt_str, self.attrs)
self.res = list(filter(lambda foo: 'mail' in foo[1], s_res))
return self.res
def get_grp(self, grp):
res_grp = self.conn.search_s(grp, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectClass=group)', ['mail'])
'mail' in res_grp[0][1]
return res_grp[0][1]['mail'][0]
except Exception as e:
return None
def details(self, index=0):
(dn, alist) = self.res[index]
p_list = ['title', 'telephoneNumber', 'mail',
'mobile', 'description', 'company']
name = ''
if 'givenName' in alist:
name = alist['givenName'][0].decode('utf-8')
if 'sn' in alist:
name = name + ' ' + alist['sn'][0].decode('utf-8')
res_l = [name]
for m in p_list:
if m in alist:
if (m == 'title'):
title = alist[m][0].decode('utf-8')
title = title.replace('Manager', 'Damager')
title = title.replace('Leader', 'Ringleader')
title = title.replace('Senior', 'Senile')
title = title.replace('Engineer', 'Endangerer')
title = title.replace('Software', 'Soft-toys')
title = title.replace('Technical', 'Temperamental')
title = title.replace('Integration', 'Disintegration')
title = title.replace('Consultant', 'Wisecracker')
title = title.replace('President', 'Top-brass')
title = title.replace('CEO', '-*:$ Awesomeness $:*-')
title = title.replace('Principal', 'Predominant')
title = title.replace('Architect', 'Arranger')
title = title.replace('Vice', 'Wise')
title = title.replace('Development', 'Derailment')
title = title.replace('Director', 'Desperado')
title = title.replace('VP', 'WT')
title = title.replace('Asst.', '2nd')
title = title.replace('Mgr.', 'Dmgr.')
title = title.replace('Mkt.', 'Bskt.')
title = title.replace('Product', 'By-product.')
title = title.replace('Mktg', 'Bsktg')
title = title.replace('*', '- ? -')
title = title.replace('Team', 'Troupe')
alist[m] = [title]
alist[m] = [alist[m][0].decode('utf-8')]
res_l = res_l + alist[m]
res_l = res_l + [' ']
res_g = None
if 'memberOf' in alist:
res_g = []
for m in alist['memberOf']:
if self.grp_filter_dist.match(m.decode('utf-8')):
g = self.get_grp(m)
if g:
res_g = res_g + [g]
res_repr = """Name : %s
Title : %s
Phone : %s
Mail : %s
Mobile Phone : %s
Emp : %s @ %s""" % tuple(res_l)
if res_g:
res_repr = res_repr + '\nGroups : ' + \
textwrap.fill(' '.join(res_g), width = 80, subsequent_indent=' '*16, break_long_words = False)
return res_repr
def display(self, p_list = ['telephoneNumber', 'mail', 'mobile', 'title']):
Create list of repr strings with selected fields
s_res = []
p_list = ['telephoneNumber', 'mobile', 'mail' ]
for entry in self.res:
(dn, alist) = entry
name = 'Noname'
if 'givenName' in alist:
name = alist['givenName'][0].decode('utf-8')
if 'sn' in alist:
name = name + ' ' + alist['sn'][0].decode('utf-8')
res_l = [name]
for m in p_list:
if m in alist:
res_l = res_l + [alist[m][0].decode('utf-8')]
res_l = res_l + [' ']
s_res = s_res + [ "%-28s %s %s %s" % tuple(res_l) ]
return s_res
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = PLook(**CONFIG2)*sys.argv[1:3])
if len(p.res) > 1:
for n in p.display():
if len(p.res):
except Exception as e:
print('BORKED: ', str(e))
raise e
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