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Created July 25, 2018 14:01
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Save animeshtrivedi/d90a21a9c1173aed0424c7e9d832091b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TeraSort in Scala so that this could be used on the serverless SQL shell.
// Author: Animesh Trivedi
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SparkSession}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Random
private def generateTSRecord(key: Array[Byte], recBuf:Array[Byte], rand: Random): Unit = {
val fixed = 10
// Generate the 10-byte key using the high 10 bytes of the 128-bit random number
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
key(i) = rand.nextInt().toByte
i += 1
// Add 2 bytes of "break"
recBuf(10 - fixed) = 0x00.toByte
recBuf(11 - fixed) = 0x11.toByte
// Convert the 128-bit record number to 32 bits of ascii hexadecimal
// as the next 32 bytes of the record.
i = 0
while (i < 32) {
recBuf(12 + i - fixed) = rand.nextInt().toByte
i += 1
// Add 4 bytes of "break" data
recBuf(44 - fixed) = 0x88.toByte
recBuf(45 - fixed) = 0x99.toByte
recBuf(46 - fixed) = 0xAA.toByte
recBuf(47 - fixed) = 0xBB.toByte
// Add 48 bytes of filler based on low 48 bits of random number
i = 0
while (i < 12) {
val v = rand.nextInt().toByte
recBuf((48 + i * 4) - fixed) = v
recBuf((49 + i * 4) - fixed) = v
recBuf((50 + i * 4) - fixed) = v
recBuf((51 + i * 4) - fixed) = v
i += 1
// Add 4 bytes of "break" data
recBuf(96 - fixed) = 0xCC.toByte
recBuf(97 - fixed) = 0xDD.toByte
recBuf(98 - fixed) = 0xEE.toByte
recBuf(99 - fixed) = 0xFF.toByte
def generateTerasortData(cores:Int = 8, totalRecs:Long = 10 * 1000, parts:Int = 8, location:String = "/tmp/input"):Unit = {
val LIMIT:Long = (1L << 31) / 100
val keySize = 10
val valSize = 90
val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val perTask:Long = totalRecs / cores
require((totalRecs % cores == 0) && (perTask < LIMIT), " ent: " + totalRecs + " cores " + cores + " ent % cores " + (totalRecs % cores) + " perTask " + perTask + " LIMIT " + LIMIT)
import spark.implicits._
val inputJobRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(0 until cores, cores)
val recordInputDS = inputJobRDD.flatMap { p =>
val base = new ListBuffer[Tuple2[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]()
val rand = new Random(System.nanoTime())
/* now we want to generate a loop and save the avro file */
var i = 0L
while (i < perTask) {
val key = new Array[Byte](10)
val value = new Array[Byte](90)
generateTSRecord(key, value, rand)
i += 1
base += Tuple2(key, value)
import com.databricks.spark.avro._
val totalSize = totalRecs * (100)
println("Wrote terasort file: " + location + " total count: " + totalRecs + " totalSize: " + totalSize)
private def generatePayloadRecord(payload: Array[Byte], rand: Random): Unit = {
// we pick 4 random points instead of generating a whole new array which might be super slow
val pivot = if(payload.length < 4) 1 else payload.length / 4
payload(pivot) = rand.nextInt().toByte
payload(pivot * 2) = rand.nextInt().toByte
payload(pivot * 3) = rand.nextInt().toByte
if(payload.length % 4 == 0)
payload(pivot * 4 - 1) = rand.nextInt().toByte
payload(pivot * 4) = rand.nextInt().toByte
def generatePayloadDataSZ(cores:Int = 8, totalRecordSize:Long = 10 * 1000, parts:Int = 8, payloadSize:Int = 100, location:String = "/tmp/input") = {
val recCount:Long = totalRecordSize / (payloadSize + 4)
generatePayloadData(cores, recCount, parts, payloadSize, location)
def generatePayloadData(cores:Int = 8, totalRecs:Long = 10 * 1000, parts:Int = 8, payloadSize:Int = 100, location:String = "/tmp/input"):Unit = {
val LIMIT:Long = 1L << 31 // 2GB max for DBFS
val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val perTask:Long = totalRecs / cores
val singleFileSize = perTask * (payloadSize + 4)
require((totalRecs % cores == 0) && (singleFileSize < LIMIT), " ent: " + totalRecs + " cores " + cores + " ent % cores " + (totalRecs % cores) + " singleFileSize " + singleFileSize + " LIMIT " + LIMIT)
import spark.implicits._
val inputJobRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(0 until cores, cores)
val recordInputDS = inputJobRDD.flatMap { p =>
val base = new ListBuffer[Tuple2[Int, Array[Byte]]]()
val rand = new Random(System.nanoTime())
/* now we want to generate a loop and save the avro file */
var i = 0L
while (i < perTask) {
val payload = new Array[Byte](payloadSize)
generatePayloadRecord(payload, rand)
i += 1
base += Tuple2(rand.nextInt(), payload)
import com.databricks.spark.avro._
val totalSize = totalRecs * (payloadSize + 4)
println("Wrote file: " + location + " total count: " + totalRecs + " payload: " + payloadSize + " totalSize: " + totalSize)
// There are two modes that you can use:
// generatePayloadData : that generates (int, payload) schema
// generateTerasortData : that generates (10 + 90) bytes values
// they take following parameters:
// cores:Int = 8 (default): Number of cores to generate data
// totalRecord:Int = 10 * 1000 : Total number of records
// parts:Int = 8 : In how many parts should the data be saved
// payloadSize:Int = 100 : payload size for payload data schema
// location:String = "/tmp/input" - the location of the output
// How to run SQL query
// CREATE TABLE output LIKE input;
// How to delete data from DBFS
// %fs rm -r /tmp/fooAvro (run this on any shell)
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