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Created February 6, 2020 14:16
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from random import shuffle
from math import floor
def setup():
global array, loop_counter
array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
loop_counter = 0
size(1280, 720, P3D)
def draw():
global array, loop_counter
denom1 = array[1] * 10 + array[2]
denom2 = array[4] * 10 + array[5]
denom3 = array[7] * 10 + array[8]
numera1 = array[0] * denom2 * denom3
numera2 = array[3] * denom1 * denom3
numera3 = array[6] * denom1 * denom2
denominator = denom1 * denom2 * denom3
print('%d / %d + %d / %d + %d / %d == 1??' % (array[0], denom1, array[3], denom2, array[6], denom3))
print('answer[%d] %d : %d' % (loop_counter, numera1 + numera2 + numera3, denominator))
if not (numera1 + numera2 + numera3 == denominator):
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100)
fill((millis() / 100 + 240) % 360, 70, 50)
arc(800, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[6]) / denom3)) - PI / 2, PIE)
arc(1100, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[6]) / denom3)) - PI / 2
+ 2 * (PI * (float(array[0]) / denom1))
+ 2 * (PI * (float(array[3]) / denom2))
, PIE)
fill((millis() / 100 + 120) % 360, 70, 50)
arc(500, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[3]) / denom2)) - PI / 2, PIE)
arc(1100, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[3]) / denom2)) - PI / 2
+ 2 * (PI * (float(array[0]) / denom1)), PIE)
fill(millis() / 100 % 360, 70, 50)
arc(200, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[0]) / denom1)) - PI / 2, PIE)
arc(1100, 250, 300, 300, -PI / 2, 2 * (PI * (float(array[0]) / denom1)) - PI / 2, PIE)
text(1, 1050, 300)
for i in range(3):
offset = 300 * i
text(array[0 + i * 3], 170 + offset, 200)
line(100 + offset, 250, 300 + offset, 250)
text(array[1 + i * 3], 125 + offset, 355)
text(array[2 + i * 3], 225 + offset, 355)
if (i < 2):
line(325 + offset, 250, 375 + offset, 250)
line(350 + offset, 225, 350 + offset, 275)
line(350 + offset, 225, 400 + offset, 225)
line(350 + offset, 275, 400 + offset, 275)
loop_counter += 1
colorMode(RGB, 255)
map(float(array[0]) / denom1, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 255),
map(float(array[3]) / denom2, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 255),
map(float(array[6]) / denom3, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 255)
rect(140, 500, map(numera1 + numera2 + numera3, 0, 610000, 0, 1000),50)
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100)
map(float(array[0]) / denom1, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 360),
map(float(array[3]) / denom2, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 100),
map(float(array[6]) / denom3, 1.0/98, 9.0/12, 1, 100)
rect(140, 550, map(denominator, 0, 610000, 0, 1000),50)
colorMode(RGB, 255)
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