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Created December 4, 2016 07:59
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* Program : Ordered Link List *
* Author : Anindya Sundar Paul *
* Date : 04-06-2013 *
* Started : 03.58 PM *
* Ended : 07.15 PM *
// All '\n's throughout the program are mainly for nice well-spaced output
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Define the structure of each node of the list
struct aNode {
int nodeValue; // nodeValue contains the value of the node
struct aNode *nextNode; // nextNode ontains the address of the next node
// Define 'Node' as a synonym of 'struct aNode'
// So wherever there is 'Node' means 'struct aNode'
typedef struct aNode Node;
Node *head; // Declare head that points to the first node of the list
void insertNode( int insertValue ); // Inserts a value in the node in sorted way
void deleteNode( int deleteValue ); // Deletes a value from the list
void printList(); // Prints the whole list
int instructions(); // Show a set of instructions, what you want to do
int main()
head = NULL; // The head points to nothing, indicating the list has not been created yet
int input, choice;
do {
choice = instructions(); // Take choice from the user
if( choice == 1 ) { // If user wants to insert a node
printf( "Enter the value: " );
scanf( "%d", &input ); // Take the value to be inserted
insertNode( input ); // Send the value to the insertNode function
else if( choice == 2 ) { // If user wants to delete a node
printf( "Enter the value: " );
scanf( "%d", &input ); // Take the value to be deleted
deleteNode( input ); // Send the value to the deleteNode function
else if( choice != 3 ) { // If choice is invalid
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Invalid choice. Choose again.\n\n" );
} while( choice != 3 ); // Run until choice is Quit (3)
return 0;
int instructions()
int option;
printf( "1. Insert a value in the list\n" ); // Brackets are aligned for
printf( "2. Delete a value from the list\n" ); // beautification purpose
printf( "3. Quit program\n" ); // only :P :P :P
printf( "Enter your option: " );
scanf ( "%d", &option );
return option; // Return the value of the option that user wants to do
void insertNode( int insertValue )
Node *temp; // Pointer to the newly created node
Node *current; // Pointer required to run the loop
temp = ( Node * ) malloc( sizeof( Node ) ); // Allocate memory for a new node
temp->nodeValue = insertValue; // Give nodeValue the value from the user
temp->nextNode = NULL; // The nextNode pointer points to nothing yet
if( !head ) { // If the list is empty, i.e. no entry yet
head = temp; // Give head the address of the newly created node
else if( insertValue <= head->nodeValue ) {
// If the value to be inserted is less than or equal to the value which is at the start
// of the list then, the new node will be the head and the nextNode of the new head
// will point to the previous head, which is now the second node.
temp->nextNode = head;
head = temp; // The newly created node is head now
else {
// The loop will go through the whole list and will stop only if the two nodes are found
// for which the insertValue is greater than previous one, and less than or equal to
// the next one. So the value will be inserted between them.
// If the value is greater than all the existing nodes i.e. no two nodes are found
// as mentioned above, then the new node will be inserted at the end of the list.
for( current = head; current->nextNode; current = current->nextNode ) {
if( insertValue > current->nodeValue && insertValue <= current->nextNode->nodeValue )
break; // Break the loop if the position for insertion is found
if( !( current->nextNode ) ) // If current-nextNode is NULL i.e. no position found for
current->nextNode = temp; // insertion then, insert the new node at the end.
else { // The new node will be inserted between current and current->nextNode
temp->nextNode = current->nextNode;
current->nextNode = temp;
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Value has been inserted successfully!\n" );
printList(); // Print the updated list
void deleteNode( int deleteValue )
if( !head ) { // If no list available
printf( "\n" );
printf( "No node available yet.\n\n" ); // Show error message
Node *current, *temp;
// If the deleteValue is at the head node
if( deleteValue == head->nodeValue ) {
temp = head; // Store the address to free the memory later
head = head->nextNode;
free( temp );
else {
// The loop will go through the whole list and will stop only if the node
// with the provided value to be deleted is found.
for( current = head; current->nextNode; current = current->nextNode ) {
if( current->nextNode->nodeValue == deleteValue )
break; // Break the loop if the value to be deleted is found
if( !current->nextNode ) { // If the value was not found
printf( "\n" );
printf( "The value was not found in the list.\n\n" ); // then, print not found report.
// Otherwise, i.e. the value is found at current->nextNode
temp = current->nextNode; // Store the address to free the memory later
current->nextNode = current->nextNode->nextNode;
free( temp );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "The node has been deleted!\n" );
printList(); // Print the updated list
void printList()
Node *current;
if( !head ) { // If no node available
printf( "No node available.\n\n" ); // show error message
return; // and return.
// otherwise
printf( "Here is the updated list:\n" );
// Loop through the list and print the values
for( current = head; current; current = current->nextNode )
printf( "%d --> ", current->nodeValue );
printf( "NULL\n\n" );
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