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Last active December 26, 2023 05:31
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Render GLTF skeleton at time "t" in matplotlib
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
from typing import Callable, Concatenate, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pytransform3d.rotations as pr
import pytransform3d.transformations as pt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from pygltflib import Accessor, Node, GLTF2
# Workaround for issue with pytransform3d's use of, np.float, etc.
# See:
np.float = float # noqa: F401 = int # noqa: F401
np.object = object # noqa: F401
np.bool = bool # noqa: F401
import struct
class SamplerInterpolationType(Enum):
An enumeration representing the interpolation types in a GLTF sampler.
This enumeration provides a value for each possible interpolation type in a GLTF sampler.
Currently, only the LINEAR interpolation type is defined.
Represents linear interpolation, which creates a straight line between two keyframes.
LINEAR = auto()
class ChannelTargetPath(Enum):
An enumeration representing the target paths in a GLTF channel.
This enumeration provides a value for each possible target path in a GLTF channel.
Currently, only the 'translation' and 'rotation' target paths are defined.
translation : Enum
Represents the translation target path, which corresponds to the movement of an object in 3D space.
rotation : Enum
Represents the rotation target path, which corresponds to the rotation of an object in 3D space.
translation = auto()
rotation = auto()
'''Animation channel data structure to combine times, values, interpolation type and path'''
class AnimationChannelData:
def __init__(self, times: List[np.ndarray], values: List[np.ndarray],
interpolation: SamplerInterpolationType,
path: ChannelTargetPath):
self.times = times
self.values = values
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.path = path
def get_accessor_data(gltf: GLTF2, accessor: Accessor) -> List[Tuple[Union[np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16,np.uint32, np.float32]]]:
Retrieves data from a given accessor in a GLTF2 object.
This function accesses the buffer view and buffer associated with the given accessor,
retrieves the data from the buffer via the URI, and unpacks the data from the buffer,
element by element. The data is returned as a list of tuples, where each tuple represents
an element in the buffer.
gltf : GLTF2
The GLTF2 object that contains the accessor.
accessor : Accessor
The accessor from which to retrieve the data.
List[Tuple[Union[np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16,np.uint32, np.float32]]]
A list of tuples, where each tuple represents an element in the buffer.
The type of the elements in the tuple can be np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16,
np.uint32, or np.float32, depending on the component type of data in the buffer.
Note: If the component count is 1, the list will contain direct data elements instead of tuples.
class GLTFComponentType(IntEnum):
BYTE = 5120
SHORT = 5122
FLOAT = 5126
GLTFComponentType.BYTE: 1,
GLTFComponentType.SHORT: 2,
GLTFComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT: 4,
GLTFComponentType.FLOAT: 4
"SCALAR": 1,
"VEC2": 2,
"VEC3": 3,
"VEC4": 4,
"MAT2": 4,
"MAT3": 9,
"MAT4": 16
GLTFComponentType.BYTE: "b",
GLTFComponentType.SHORT: "h",
GLTFComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT: "I",
GLTFComponentType.FLOAT: "f"
# Access the buffer view and buffer
bufferView = gltf.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView]
buffer = gltf.buffers[bufferView.buffer]
# Get the data from the buffer via the URI
buffer_data = gltf.get_data_from_buffer_uri(buffer.uri)
result = []
# Calculate the element stride in bytes
elem_stride = GLTF_ACCESSORTYPE_COUNTS[accessor.type] * GLTF_COMPONENTTYPE_SIZES[int(accessor.componentType)]
# Unpack the data from the buffer, element by element
for i in range(accessor.count):
index = bufferView.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset + i * elem_stride
base64_elem_data = buffer_data[index:index + elem_stride]
elem_data = struct.unpack(f"<{GLTF_COMPONENT_UNPACK_FORMATS[accessor.componentType] * GLTF_ACCESSORTYPE_COUNTS[accessor.type]}", base64_elem_data)
# If there's it's a single-element type, don't append a tuple but the element itself
if len(elem_data) == 1:
return result
def get_animation_data(gltf_data: GLTF2, animation_idx: int = 0) -> AnimationChannelData:
Retrieves animation data from a given GLTF2 object.
This function accesses the animation data associated with the given index in the GLTF2 object.
If no index is provided, it defaults to the first animation (index 0).
gltf_data : GLTF2
The GLTF2 object that contains the animation data.
animation_idx : int, optional
The index of the animation from which to retrieve the data. Defaults to 0.
The animation data associated with the given index. The returned object is of
type AnimationChannelData.
# Initialize an empty dictionary to store the animation data
animation_data = {}
# Get the animation object from the GLTF2 data using the provided index
animation = gltf_data.animations[animation_idx]
# Iterate over each channel in the animation
for channel in animation.channels:
# Get the sampler associated with the current channel
sampler = animation.samplers[channel.sampler]
# Retrieve the time and value data from the sampler's input accessor
times = get_accessor_data(gltf_data, gltf_data.accessors[sampler.input])
values = get_accessor_data(gltf_data, gltf_data.accessors[sampler.output])
# Get the interpolation type from the sampler
interpolationType = SamplerInterpolationType[sampler.interpolation]
# Get the target path from the channel
path = ChannelTargetPath[]
# Package this info in an AnimationChannelData object
animation_channel_data = AnimationChannelData(times, values, interpolationType, path)
# Add the animation channel data to the animation data dictionary,
# with node index as the key
animation_data[] = animation_channel_data
return animation_data
def get_keyframe_at(time: float, channel: AnimationChannelData) -> np.ndarray:
def calculate_interpolation_fraction(t0: float, t1: float, t: float) -> float:
Calculates the interpolation fraction for a given time.
This function calculates the fraction of the way that a given time 't' is between two other times 't0' and 't1'.
If 't0' and 't1' are equal, the function returns 0.0 if 't' is less than or equal to 't0', and 1.0 otherwise.
If 't' is outside the range 't0' to 't1', it is clamped to the nearest boundary.
t0 : float
The start time of the interpolation range.
t1 : float
The end time of the interpolation range.
t : float
The time at which to calculate the interpolation fraction.
The interpolation fraction, which is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how far 't' is between 't0' and 't1'.
# Avoid division by zero if t0 and t1 are equal
if t0 == t1:
return 0.0 if t <= t0 else 1.0
# Ensure t0 <= t <= t1
t = max(t0, min(t, t1))
# Calculate the interpolation fraction
fraction = (t - t0) / (t1 - t0)
return fraction
def linear_sample_rotation(v0: np.ndarray, v1: np.ndarray, frac: float) -> np.ndarray:
Performs linear interpolation (SLERP) of rotations between two quaternions according to a given interpolation fraction.
v0 : np.ndarray
The rotation value of the first keyframe, represented as a quaternion in a numpy array of the form [(x, y, z, w)].
v1 : np.ndarray
The rotation value of the second keyframe, represented as a quaternion in a numpy array of the form [(x, y, z, w)].
frac : float
The fraction of the way between the first and second keyframes that the result should be at.
The rotation value at the interpolation fraction, represented as a quaternion in a numpy array of the form [(w, x, y, z)].
return pr.quaternion_slerp(np.array([v0[3], v0[0], v0[1], v0[2]]), np.array([v1[3], v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]]), frac)
def linear_sample_translation(v0: np.ndarray, v1: np.ndarray, frac: float) -> np.ndarray:
Performs linear interpolation of translations between two vectors according to a given interpolation fraction.
v0 : np.ndarray
The translation value of the first keyframe, represented as a 3D vector in a numpy array.
v1 : np.ndarray
The translation value of the second keyframe, represented as a 3D vector in a numpy array.
frac : float
The fraction of the way between the first and second keyframes that the result should be at.
The translation value of the third point, represented as a 3D vector in a numpy array.
return v0 + frac * (v1 - v0)
idx = next(i for i, t in enumerate(channel.times) if t >= time)
t1, t0 = channel.times[idx], channel.times[idx - 1]
v1, v0 = channel.values[idx], channel.values[idx - 1]
frac = calculate_interpolation_fraction(t0, t1, time)
translation = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.])
if channel.path == ChannelTargetPath.translation and channel.interpolation == SamplerInterpolationType.LINEAR:
translation = linear_sample_translation(v0, v1, frac)
# Express this as a rotation quaternion of the form (x, y, z, w)
rotation = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.])
if channel.path == ChannelTargetPath.rotation and channel.interpolation == SamplerInterpolationType.LINEAR:
rotation = linear_sample_rotation(v0, v1, frac)
# Return the composed transformation sampled at the given time
return pt.transform_from_pq(np.array([translation[0], translation[1], translation[2],
rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], rotation[3]]))
def skeleton_visitor_DFS(gltf: GLTF2, visitor: Callable[Concatenate[GLTF2, int, int, ...], None], root_node: Node = None, **kwargs) -> None:
Traverses the skeleton of a GLTF2 object in a depth-first manner and applies a visitor function to each node.
This function performs a depth-first traversal of the skeleton, starting from the root node.
For each node in the skeleton, it calls the provided visitor function, passing the GLTF2 object,
the node, and any additional keyword arguments to the visitor function.
gltf : GLTF2
The GLTF2 object that contains the skeleton.
visitor : Callable
The visitor function to apply to each node. This function should take a GLTF2 object,
a node, and any number of additional keyword arguments, and return None.
root_node : Node, optional
The node from which to start the traversal. If not provided, the traversal starts from
the root of the skeleton.
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the visitor function.
Look up the specific visitor you want to use to see which arguments it accepts.
By convention, visitor arguments that start with an _ are considered private to the visitor itself and
should not be used or specified by the caller.
# Recursive function to visit current and all child nodes
def visit_nodes(gltf: GLTF2, curr_node_idx: int, parent_node_idx: int, **kwargs):
# Visit the current node
visitor(gltf, curr_node_idx, parent_node_idx, **kwargs)
curr_node = gltf.nodes[curr_node_idx]
# Visit all children of the current node recursively
for child_joint_idx in curr_node.children:
visit_nodes(gltf, child_joint_idx, curr_node_idx, **kwargs)
# Start the recursive visitor with the root node
visit_nodes(gltf, gltf.skins[0].skeleton if root_node is None else root_node, -1, **kwargs)
def skeleton_visitor_BFS(gltf: GLTF2, visitor: Callable[Concatenate[GLTF2, int, int, ...], None], root_node: Node = None, **kwargs) -> None:
Traverses the skeleton of a GLTF2 object in a breadth-first manner and applies a visitor function to each node.
This function performs a breadth-first traversal of the skeleton, starting from the root node.
For each node in the skeleton, it calls the provided visitor function, passing the GLTF2 object,
the node, and any additional keyword arguments to the visitor function.
gltf : GLTF2
The GLTF2 object that contains the skeleton.
visitor : Callable
The visitor function to apply to each node. This function should take a GLTF2 object,
a node, and any number of additional keyword arguments, and return None.
root_node : Node, optional
The node from which to start the traversal. If not provided, the traversal starts from
the root of the skeleton.
Additional keyword arguments to pass to the visitor function.
Look up the specific visitor you want to use to see which arguments it accepts.
By convention, visitor arguments that start with an _ are considered private to the visitor itself and
should not be used or specified by the caller.
# Initialize a queue with the root node
queue = deque([(gltf.skins[0].skeleton if root_node is None else root_node, -1)])
while queue:
# Dequeue a node and its parent
curr_node_idx, parent_node_idx = queue.popleft()
# Visit the current node
visitor(gltf, curr_node_idx, parent_node_idx, **kwargs)
# Enqueue all children of the current node
curr_node = gltf.nodes[curr_node_idx]
for child_joint_idx in curr_node.children:
queue.append((child_joint_idx, curr_node_idx))
class Visitors:
Container for visitor functions that can be applied to a skeleton in a GLTF2 object
def plot_bindpose(gltf: GLTF2, curr_node_idx: int, parent_node_idx: int, axes: Axes,
joint_color: Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]] = 'blue',
bone_color: Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]] = 'red',
_joint_transforms: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}):
Plots the bind pose of a GLTF model.
Note that any arguments starting with an _ are considered private and should not be
used or specified by the caller
- gltf (GLTF2): The GLTF model data.
- curr_node_idx (int): The index of the current node.
- parent_node_idx (int): The index of the parent node.
- ax (Axes): The matplotlib Axes object to plot on.
- joint_color (Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]], optional): The color of the joint markers. Defaults to 'blue'.
- bone_color (Union[str, Tuple[float, float, float]], optional): The color of the bone lines. Defaults to 'red'.
- _joint_transforms (Dict[str, np.ndarray], optional): Dictionary to store joint transforms. Defaults to {}.
# Get the current node and parent node information
curr_node = gltf.nodes[curr_node_idx]
parent_node_name = gltf.nodes[parent_node_idx].name if parent_node_idx != -1 else None
# Get the parent transform if it exists, otherwise use identity
parent_transform = _joint_transforms[parent_node_name] if parent_node_name in _joint_transforms else np.identity(4)
# Find the parent's global position
parent_global_pos = pt.transform(parent_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
# Calculate the current joint's local transform
curr_joint_local_transform = pt.transform_from_pq(
# Calculate the current joint's global transform by composing the local transform and parent transform
curr_joint_global_transform = pt.concat(curr_joint_local_transform, parent_transform)
# Store the current joint's global transform for later use
_joint_transforms[] = curr_joint_global_transform
# Calculate the current joint's global position and plot the joint marker
curr_joint_global_pos = pt.transform(curr_joint_global_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
axes.scatter(curr_joint_global_pos[0], curr_joint_global_pos[1], curr_joint_global_pos[2], c = joint_color, marker='o')
# If the parent node exists, plot the bone line connecting the parent and current joint
if parent_node_name is not None:
axes.plot([parent_global_pos[0], curr_joint_global_pos[0]],
[parent_global_pos[1], curr_joint_global_pos[1]],
[parent_global_pos[2], curr_joint_global_pos[2]], c = bone_color)
def plot_pose_at(gltf: GLTF2, curr_node_idx: int, parent_node_idx: int,
time: float, animation: Dict[int, AnimationChannelData], axes: Axes,
_joint_transforms: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}):
Visitor that plots the pose of a skeleton in a GLTF model at a specific time.
gltf (GLTF2): The GLTF model data.
curr_node_idx (int): The index of the current node.
parent_node_idx (int): The index of the parent node.
time (float): The time at which to plot the pose.
animation (Dict[int, AnimationChannelData]): The animation data for the model.
ax (Axes): The matplotlib Axes object to plot on.
_joint_transforms (Dict[str, np.ndarray], optional): Dictionary to store joint transforms. Defaults to {}.
# Get the current joint and parent node information
curr_joint = gltf.nodes[curr_node_idx]
parent_node_name = gltf.nodes[parent_node_idx].name if parent_node_idx != -1 else None
# Get the parent transform
parent_transform = _joint_transforms[parent_node_name] if parent_node_name in _joint_transforms else np.identity(4)
# Calculate the parent global position
parent_global_pos = pt.transform(parent_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
# Calculate the local bindpose transform of the current joint
joint_local_transform = pt.transform_from_pq(
# Get the animation transform for the current joint. If there is no animation channel for this node,
# use identity as the animation transform
joint_anim_local_transform = get_keyframe_at(time, animation[curr_node_idx]) if curr_node_idx in animation else np.identity(4)
# Calculate the global transform of the current joint by composing the local bindpose transform, animation transform
# and parent transform together
curr_joint_global_transform = pt.concat(pt.concat(joint_anim_local_transform, joint_local_transform), parent_transform)
# Store the current joint's global transform for later use
_joint_transforms[] = curr_joint_global_transform
# Calculate the global position of the current joint
curr_joint_global_pos = pt.transform(curr_joint_global_transform, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
# Plot the current joint's global position
axes.scatter(curr_joint_global_pos[0], curr_joint_global_pos[1], curr_joint_global_pos[2], c='blue', marker='o')
# If there is a parent joint, plot a line connecting the parent and current joint
if parent_node_name is not None:
axes.plot([parent_global_pos[0], curr_joint_global_pos[0]],
[parent_global_pos[1], curr_joint_global_pos[1]],
[parent_global_pos[2], curr_joint_global_pos[2]], c='r')
from pygltflib import GLTF2
from gltf_utils import get_animation_data, skeleton_visitor_BFS, Visitors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define the file paths for the gltf file
TPOSE_FILENAME = "data/tpose.glb"
# Load and extract animation data from the tpose gltf object
tpose_gltf = GLTF2.load(TPOSE_FILENAME)
tpose_data = get_animation_data(tpose_gltf)
# Create a matplotlib figure and axes for plotting
fig = plt.figure(dpi=300)
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
# Plot the bind pose skeleton using BFS and our visitor
skeleton_visitor_BFS(tpose_gltf, Visitors.plot_bindpose,
axes = ax)
plt.savefig("bindpose.png") # save
# Clear the axes
# Plot the pose at time 0
skeleton_visitor_BFS(tpose_gltf, Visitors.plot_pose_at,
time = 0, animation = tpose_data, axes = ax)
plt.savefig("pose_at_t0.png") # save
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