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Last active April 10, 2019 04:50
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GH branch protector
import os
import json
from graphqlclient import GraphQLClient
# Set GH_TOKEN environment variable to secret token.
# input on command line.
# Queries and mutations
q_repo = """
query {{
repository(owner: "{owner}", name: "{name}") {{
# dirty hack
def q_bpr_pager(owner, name, after=None):
snip = ""
if after is not None:
snip = f", after: \"{after}\""
return """
query {{
repository(owner: "{owner}", name: "{name}"{snip}) {{
branchProtectionRules(first:100) {{
nodes {{
pageInfo {{
""".format(owner=owner, name=name, snip=snip)
m_create_bpr = """
mutation {{
repositoryId: "{repoId}",
pattern: "{pattern}",
isAdminEnforced: true,
requiresApprovingReviews: true,
requiredApprovingReviewCount: 1
}}) {{
branchProtectionRule {{
m_delete_bpr = """
mutation {{
branchProtectionRuleId: "{bprId}"
}}) {{
def add_bpr(owner, name, pattern):
repo_res = json.loads(client.execute(q_repo.format(owner=owner, name=name)))
if "errors" not in repo_res:
repoId = repo_res["data"]["repository"]["id"]
res = json.loads(client.execute(m_create_bpr.format(repoId=repoId,
return res
return repo_res
def get_bpr(owner, name, pattern):
page_left = True
cursor = None
while page_left:
res = json.loads(client.execute(q_bpr_pager(owner, name, cursor)))
if "errors" in res:
return res
for node in res["data"]["repository"]["branchProtectionRules"]["nodes"]:
if node["pattern"] == pattern:
return json.dumps({"id": node["id"]})
cursor = res["data"]["repository"]["branchProtectionRules"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"]
page_left = res["data"]["repository"]["branchProtectionRules"]["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"]
return json.dumps({"errors": ""})
print("Creating client")
client = GraphQLClient("")
# Token will be passed as an environment variable
print("Injecting token from GH_TOKEN environment variable")
client.inject_token("Bearer " + os.environ["GH_TOKEN"])
repos = [repo.strip() for repo in input("Repositories to operate on (owner/name), comma separated: ")
patterns = [pattern.strip() for pattern in input("Patterns to operate on, comma separated: ")
protect = input("Operation (protect/unprotect): ") == "protect"
for repo in repos:
owner, name = repo.split("/")
for pattern in patterns:
if protect:
print(f"Adding branch protection rule with pattern {pattern} to repository {repo}")
res = add_bpr(owner, name, pattern)
if "errors" in res:
for err in res["errors"]:
print(f"Errors occured: {err['message']}")
print(f"Removing branch protection rule with pattern {pattern} from repository {repo}")
bpr_id = json.loads(get_bpr(owner, name, pattern))
if "errors" in bpr_id:
print(f"Branch protection rule does not exist, skipping")
res = json.loads(client.execute(m_delete_bpr.format(bprId=bpr_id["id"])))
if "errors" in res:
for err in res["errors"]:
print(f"Errors occured: {err['message']}")
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