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The Ultimate Discord Self-Botting Guide

The Ultimate Discord Self-Botting Guide

assuming a frictionless kernel (Ubuntu Linux)


  • Setup a Docker container running Ubuntu and install Discord on it
  • Setup X permissions, so the container can connect to the running X server.
  • Use xdotool with a shell script to automate input events to Discord.

Let's get started.

Setting up a Docker container and installing Discord on it

First, since we use Ubuntu, we'll have to setup Docker. Following (and slightly modifying) the official installation instructions:

host$ sudo apt update
host$ sudo apt -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
host$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
host$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
host$ sudo apt update
host$ sudo apt -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
host$ sudo systemctl enable --now docker
host$ sudo groupadd docker
host$ sudo usermod -aG docker <your username here>

Log out and log back in. Now, we are going to create our container:

host$ docker create --name discord-self-bot ubuntu
host$ docker exec -it discord-self-bot /bin/bash

Install Discord:

con# curl -L -o discord.deb ""
con# dpkg -i discord.deb
con# apt -f install

Setting up X permissions

Now, setup X permissions:

host$ xhost +localhost

Using xdotool with a shell script to automate input events to Discord

First, install xdotool:

host$ sudo apt -y install xdotool

We are going to be running xdotool from outside the container, so that Discord doesn't know it's running. First, open up Discord, and navigate to the desired channel to self-bot (in this example, counting up in #count):

<run _only this command_ in another terminal>
con$ discord
<navigate to the channel in discord, and focus the text field>

Then, copy and paste this into, adjusting it to fit your needs:


NUM=1000 # or whatever

while true; do
  xdotool search --name "Discord" --sync type "$NUM\n"
  ((NUM += 1))
  sleep 400 # or whatever

Make it executable:

host$ chmod u+x


host$ ./

And there you go, you've self-botted Discord!

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