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Last active February 26, 2017 19:07
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A REPL which tells if a given propositional formula is satisfiable or not.
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
-- Data types
data Formula = Proposition Char
| Negation Formula
| Binary Connective Formula Formula
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Connective = Connective Char deriving (Show, Eq)
data Tableau = Node Formula Tableau Tableau | Empty
-- Parsing Functions
isProposition :: Parser Formula
isProposition = do
x <- letter
return $ Proposition x
checkProposition :: Parser Formula
checkProposition = do
x <- letter
return $ Proposition x
parseExpr2 :: Parser Formula
parseExpr2 = checkNegation <|> isBinary <|> checkProposition
isNegation :: Parser Formula
isNegation = do
char '-'
x <- parseExpr
return $ Negation x
checkNegation :: Parser Formula
checkNegation = do
char '-'
x <- parseExpr2
return $ Negation x
isBinary :: Parser Formula
isBinary = do
char '('
f1 <- parseExpr2
conn <- oneOf "^>v"
f2 <- parseExpr2
char ')'
return $ Binary (Connective conn) (f1) (f2)
parseExpr :: Parser Formula
parseExpr = isNegation
<|> isBinary
<|> isProposition
readExpr :: String -> Maybe Formula
readExpr input = case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> Nothing
Right val -> Just val
-- Tableau solving functions
addAlpha :: Formula -> Tableau -> Tableau
addAlpha x Empty = (Node x Empty Empty)
addAlpha x (Node rt Empty Empty) = Node rt (Node x Empty Empty) Empty
addAlpha x (Node rt l Empty) = Node rt (addAlpha x l) Empty
addAlpha x (Node rt l r) = Node rt (addAlpha x l) (addAlpha x r)
addBeta :: Formula -> Formula -> Tableau -> Tableau
addBeta x y (Node rt Empty Empty) = Node rt (Node x Empty Empty) (Node y Empty Empty)
addBeta x y (Node rt l Empty) = Node rt (addBeta x y l) Empty
addBeta x y (Node rt l r) = Node rt (addBeta x y l) (addBeta x y r)
complete :: Tableau -> Tableau
complete Empty = Empty
complete val@(Node (Proposition x) p q) =
Node (Proposition x) (complete p) (complete q)
complete val@(Node (Negation (Proposition x)) p q) =
Node (Negation (Proposition x)) (complete p) (complete q)
complete val@(Node (Binary (Connective '^') p q) _ _) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addAlpha q (addAlpha p val)
complete val@(Node (Binary (Connective 'v') p q) _ _) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addBeta p q val
complete val@(Node (Binary (Connective '>') p q) _ _) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addBeta (Negation p) q val
complete val@(Node (Negation (Negation (Proposition c))) _ _) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addAlpha (Proposition c) val
complete val@(Node (Negation (Negation f)) a b) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addAlpha f val
complete val@(Node (Negation (Binary (Connective 'v') p q)) a b) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addAlpha (Negation q) $ addAlpha (Negation p) val
complete val@(Node (Negation (Binary (Connective '^') p q)) a b) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addBeta (Negation p) (Negation q) val
complete val@(Node (Negation (Binary (Connective '>') p q)) a b) = Node rt (complete l) (complete r)
(Node rt l r) = addAlpha (Negation q) $ addAlpha p val
isBranchClosed :: [Formula] -> Bool
isBranchClosed [] = False
isBranchClosed (x:xs) = case x of
(Proposition a) -> if elem (Negation (Proposition a)) xs then True else isBranchClosed xs
(Negation (Proposition a)) -> if elem (Proposition a) xs then True else isBranchClosed xs
_ -> isBranchClosed xs
isClosed :: [Formula] -> Tableau -> Bool
isClosed xs Empty = isBranchClosed xs
isClosed xs (Node x Empty Empty) = isBranchClosed (x:xs)
isClosed xs (Node x left Empty) = isClosed (x:xs) left
isClosed xs (Node x left right) = (isClosed (x:xs) left) && (isClosed (x:xs) right)
isSatisfiable :: Formula -> Bool
isSatisfiable x =
not . isClosed [] . complete $ (Node x Empty Empty)
-- Creating the REPL
flushStr :: String -> IO ()
flushStr str = putStr str >> hFlush stdout
readPrompt :: String -> IO String
readPrompt prompt = flushStr prompt >> getLine
evalString :: String -> IO String
evalString x = case readExpr x of
Nothing -> return "Invalid Formula"
(Just val) -> if isSatisfiable val
then return "Satisfiable"
else return "Not Satisfiable"
evalAndPrint :: String -> IO ()
evalAndPrint expr = evalString expr >>= putStrLn
until_ :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
until_ pred prompt action = do
result <- prompt
if pred result
then return ()
else action result >> until_ pred prompt action
runRepl :: IO ()
runRepl = until_ (=="quit") (readPrompt "Formula>>> ") evalAndPrint
-- | Main
main :: IO ()
main = runRepl
-- main = do
-- args <- getArgs
-- putStrLn $ readExpr $ args !! 0
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